
jīnɡ jì qǐ fēi
  • economic takeoff
  1. 当代中国经济起飞:实质、机制、过程

    Current Chinese Economic Takeoff : Essence , Mechanism and Process

  2. 人口文化素质是西部经济起飞和追赶东部的决定性因素;

    Population cultural quality is the determinate of western economic takeoff and catching up wit h the eastern China .

  3. 近年来由于中国印度等发展中国家进入了经济起飞的关键阶段,使世界单位GDP的相对原材料消耗增大。

    Recently as for the developing countries like China and India entering the critical stage of development , the consumption of raw materials for unit world GDP is increasing .

  4. 发展中国家经济起飞时最容易出现的一个偏向就是片面追求GDP增长,而忽视了这种GDP的高增长往往是以牺牲整个社会基础能力的提高为代价的。

    One of the deviations made by developing countries at the initial period of economic development is to seek unduly for the growth of GDP and ignore the fact that such a growth of GDP is usually obtained at the cost of the raise of the whole social fundamental ability .

  5. 发达国家在经济起飞的时候通过建筑大坝来利用水电。

    The developed world has prospered through hydro electricity from dams .

  6. 主导工业部门与瑞典现代经济起飞

    The leading industrial sectors and the takeoff of modern economy in Sweden

  7. 美国的开发援助政策与韩国经济起飞

    The U.S.Economic Development Assistance Policy and Taking-off of ROK Economy

  8. 贵州经济起飞的条件与路径研究

    A study of the Conditions and Ways For Economic Boom of Guizhou

  9. 财政投融资&助推东北经济起飞

    Fiscal Investment and Loan Program & Helping the Economy of Northeast Fly

  10. 中国经济起飞阶段的工资水平研究

    On the Wage Level at the Stage of China 's Economic Take - off

  11. 这是实现西部地区经济起飞的一个重要因素。

    It will play a crucial role in the economic take-off in western China .

  12. 经济起飞。

    The economy is at a take-off stage .

  13. 荆江三角带经济起飞的系统观

    Analysing the Economic Improvement of Jing Jiang Triangular Zone with the Viewpoints of Systems Science

  14. 数十年前,当北京方面寻找推动经济起飞的途径时,它做出了这一选择。

    The choice was made decades ago when Beijing sought resources to jumpstart the economy .

  15. 现在,中国经济起飞其本身就有资格被看做一个力量。

    Now , china 's economic boom will make it a power in its own right .

  16. 本文通过对三峡地区生态环境灾害的系统分析,提出了灾害减免之对策,为三峡地区经济起飞创造一个安全有利的环境。

    Through systematic analysis on the ecological environment some measurements of disaster reduction are pointed out .

  17. 后来本书果然伴随着韩国的经济起飞了。

    Later , this book did take off , together with the economy of South Korea .

  18. 看着因经济起飞而滋生蔓延一大群贪污者-痛!

    I am also sad to see the rampant corruption that sprawls in the booming economy .

  19. 政府通过开创近乎充分就业的局面从而为经济起飞打下了基础。

    The government had already provided the groundwork for economic take-off by creating almost full employment .

  20. 能矿资源开发是非洲国家经济起飞和发展的重要动力。

    Energy and mineral resource exploitation is the major impetus for the economic booms of many African countries .

  21. 中小民企群落整理&民营经济起飞之路寻探集群中企业的纵向分解

    To Manage Small or Middle Personal Enterprises in Clusters & research of way of private business ' promising

  22. 本文首先回顾了两百年来不断发展和演变的工资理论,这些理论对于研究和解决正处于经济起飞阶段的我国工资水平问题,有着重要的启示与理论指导意义。

    This paper has a retrospect of the development and evolution of wage theories in two hundred years firstly .

  23. 目前,旅游业已成为促进新疆经济起飞的先导产业和优势产业。

    At present , travel industry has become a first and advantage property of promoting the development of Xinjiang economy .

  24. 1990年代以来,“世界500强”对长江三角洲地区的经济起飞极具影响。

    Since 1990s , significant influences of " Fortune 500 " are continuously exerted on the economic startup of the Yangtze Delta Region .

  25. 西部欠发达地区如何实现经济起飞是我国经济发展的一大战略难题。

    How to realize the economic boom of the western undeveloped region is a big problem in the economic development of our country .

  26. 它是台州经济起飞的内在动力源泉,也是台州人民对中国改革发展事业的重大贡献!

    It is the inherent source and motive force for the Taizhou economic takeoff and also a great creation of the Taizhou people .

  27. 经济学家马斯格雷夫和罗斯托认为,财政投资对于处在经济起飞阶段的欠发达区域的经济发展具有不可替代的作用。

    The economist Robstown and Musgrave think that financial investment is irreplaceable for the economic development of undeveloped area which is at economic take-off .

  28. 鄂尔多斯模式,就是组建企业集团,发展优势产业,带动区域经济起飞的模式。

    Ordos Mode ' is to organize business group , to develop advantageous industry , to spur on district economic to make rapid progress .

  29. 越南经济起飞?&越南2006~2007年回顾与前瞻

    Is It the Prediction of Vietnam 's Rapid Development in Economy ? & the Retrospect of Vietnam in 2006 and Its Prospect in 2007

  30. 转变发展方式已成为青海省突破发展瓶颈,实现经济起飞的关键。

    Transiting development mode has become a pivot for Qinghai province to break out the bottle neck of growth and realize economy in prosperity .