
jīnɡ jì xínɡ shì
  • economic situation
  1. 政治家们对经济形势各执一词。

    Politicians put their own spin on the economic situation .

  2. 整个国际经济形势对南方国家非常不利。

    The whole international economic situation is very unfavourable for the countries in the south .

  3. 在目前的经济形势下,降低利率大有可能。

    A fall in interest rates is a strong probability in the present economic climate .

  4. 不利的经济形势阻碍着美国保险市场的复苏。

    Unfavourable economic conditions were blocking a recovery of the American insurance market

  5. 这些选择实际上只会造成经济形势更加恶化,赤字愈见增加。

    These options would actually worsen the economy and add to the deficit

  6. 经济形势依然不确定。

    The economic climate remains uncertain .

  7. 经济形势急转直下,失业与破产现象预计将会增多。

    The economy has entered a sharp downturn , and unemployment and insolvencies can be expected to increase .

  8. 即使在情况最好的时候贸易战都是有害无利的,而在当前这种经济形势下只会是一场灾难。

    A trade war would be bad at the best of times , but in the current economic climate , it would be a disaster .

  9. 事实证明这一政策能适应经济形势的变化。

    This policy has proved adaptable in changing economic conditions .

  10. 那里的经济形势令人郁闷。

    The economic situation there is depressing .

  11. 经济形势已发生了相当大的变化。

    The economic situation has changed considerably .

  12. 苏塞克斯大学的亚历山大·莫拉迪说:“身高下降的原因之一是20世纪80年代的经济形势。”

    " One reason for these decreases in height is the economic situation in the 1980s , " said Alexander Moradi of the Universith of Sussex .

  13. 裙子越短,经济形势越好。

    The higher the hemline , the better the economy looks .

  14. “狂看片”行为正在改变人们看电视的方式,也在改变电视行业的经济形势。

    Binge viewing is transforming the way people watch television and changing the economics of the industry .

  15. 因为通常都认为长相出众的人在经济形势良好的时候,想找份高薪的工作并不困难。

    It is assumed that attractive individuals do not tend to have trouble finding high-paying jobs during good economic times .

  16. 该指数显示,从事服务员职业的漂亮人士越多,当前的经济形势越差。

    According to the hot waitress index , the higher the number of good looking servers , the weaker the current state of the economy .

  17. 在经济形势不太好的时候,高薪工作难找,那些相貌出众的人也不得不从事服务员这样的低薪职业。

    During poor economic times , these jobs will be more difficult to find and therefore more attractive people will be forced to work in lower paying jobs such as being waiters / waitresses .

  18. 不过,过去几年经济形势的变迁让很多初次购房者面对房产市场望而却步。由此诞生了所谓的“租房一代”,他们可能永远都无法拥有一套自己的房子。

    Changes in the economic situation during the past few years however have made it increasingly difficult for first-time buyers to get started in the property market , so that there is an emerging2 generation , the so-called generation rent , who may never own their own homes .

  19. 随着国际经济形势的变化,以及国际投资法的不断完善,BIT的内容也在不断发展。

    With the changes in international economic situation and the improvement of international investment law , the contents of bilateral investment treaties are innovative .

  20. ADAS模型、ISLM模型与宏观经济形势分析

    Analysis of the Model of AD-AS , the Model of IS-LM and Macroscopic Economic Situation

  21. 在金融市场动荡以及经济形势疲弱的背景下,全球私人股本业(pe)管理的资产价值去年继续增长,达到创纪录的3万亿美元。

    The value of assets managed by the private equity industry globally continued to rise last year , hitting a record $ 3tn despite financial market turmoil and sluggish economic conditions .

  22. 为了与TRIPS协定的规定衔接并适应我国经济形势的发展,我国在新商标法中明确了对地理标志的保护。

    The new rules concerning the protection of geographical indications were written in the newest amendment to our Trade Mark Law in order to accord with TRIPS and to adapt to the economic development of China .

  23. 美联储主席耶伦(JanetYellen)曾说,如果经济形势持续低迷,美联储可能考虑暂停缩减购债规模。受耶伦此话的推动,金价周四上涨。

    Gold rose Thursday after Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen said the central bank might consider a pause in its reduction of bond buying if weakness in the economy persists .

  24. 从(PMI数据中的)新订单分类指数看,没有很多迹象显示经济形势出现起色,彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstituteforInternationalEconomics)经济学家、中国经济专家尼古拉斯•拉迪(NicholasLardy)表示。

    There are not many signs from future orders [ in the PMI index ] that things are picking up , said Nicholas Lardy , an economist at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and expert in the Chinese economy .

  25. 把握渔业经济形势加强渔业战略研究

    Grasp the fishery economic situation & strengthen the fisheries strategic research

  26. 俄罗斯远东经济形势与展望

    The Economic Situation and Prospects in the Far East of Russia

  27. 2002年我国涂料工业经济形势分析

    Anaiysis on the economical situation of the coatings industry in 2002

  28. 目前,有色金属产业面临严峻的经济形势。

    Currently , nonferrous metals Industry face serious economic situations .

  29. 英国和美国的经济形势并未出现明显恶化。

    The British and US economies have not significantly deteriorated .

  30. 1991年下半年经济形势预测与分析及1992年展望

    Foresee the economic situation in the late half of 1991 and 1992