
  • 网络national culture
  1. 国民文化心理及其对政治文明建设的影响研究

    Build Research of Influence to Political Civilization in National Culture Psychology

  2. 日本素有动漫帝国的美称,动漫文化俨然已经成为了日本的一种国民文化。

    Japan has the reputation of Anime Empire , and the anime culture is becoming the national culture .

  3. 东亚国民文化特质与经济发展

    The national cultural qualities in East Asia and economic development

  4. 知识经济挑战与国民文化科技素质提高

    Challenge from Knowledge Economy and Improvement of Citizens'Cultural , Scientific and Technological Qualities

  5. 提升国民文化素质的最佳突破口在于全民阅读。

    The best breakthrough point to enhance the quality of the nation is universal reading .

  6. 我们在政治上经济上有社会主义的因素,反映到我们的国民文化也有社会主义的因素;

    There are socialist elements in our politics and our economy , and hence these socialist elements are reflected in our national culture ;

  7. 整个印度的识字率为74%,提高国民文化水平是该国的重要课题之一。

    India 's literacy rate is 74 % . To increase the national education level becomes one of the important subjects for the country .

  8. 人口分布和语言因素成为普及教育、提高国民文化素质的极大障碍。

    The wide distribution of population and different languages are the great obstacles for the dissemination of education and improvement of the national cultural quality .

  9. 但就整个社会来说,我们现在还没有形成这种整个的社会主义的政治和经济,所以还不能有这种整个的社会主义的国民文化。

    But taking our society as a whole , we do not have a socialist politics and a socialist economy yet , so that there cannot be a wholly socialist national culture .

  10. 它使音乐教育不局限于专业化技能训练,而成为培养国民文化精神的基本手段,为后来的学校音乐教学内容和形式的发展奠定了基础。

    Musical education has no longer been a professional skill training , but become a basic means to develop average people 's cultural quality , and laid a foundation of the contents and forms for the later school musical education .

  11. 其历史演进的轨迹,可概括为以科学观念更新国民文化心理结构的诉求、科学社会化与社会科学化的探索和革命化、大众化的科学启蒙三个阶段。

    The historical course of socialization of science can be divided into three stages as follows : renewal of the cultural and psychological structure of the populace with scientific concepts , exploration of socialization of science and spread of science in the society , and the popular and revolutionary enlightenment .

  12. 山东国民政府文化政策研究(1928-1937)

    Studies on Culture Policy of Shandong KMT Government ( 1928-1937 );

  13. 不喜欢老年人已经成了国民的文化!

    As a culture & nation we have come to detest the elderly .

  14. 国家大安全观与小康安全建设&兼论国民安全文化素质教育

    On the Concept of State Safety and the Safety-Construction of a Well-off Society

  15. 南京国民政府文化建设研究(1927-1949)

    The Study on the Culture Construction of Nanjing Kuomintang Government ( 1927 ~ 1949 );

  16. 国民舞蹈文化水平的高低,不是取决于专业舞蹈教育,而是取决于基础舞蹈教育水平的高低。

    The level of dance culture for citizens rests in the level of elementary dance education rather than professional one .

  17. 这种抑或大气磅礴,抑或阴柔晦涩的文化知觉正好阐释了现代文化和现代国民的文化心理。

    This or spacious , or unsuitable obscure culture consciousness just explains the modern culture and modern national cultural psychology .

  18. 国民素质文化是人们对自身素质认识和实践活动的反映与表现,是作用和影响国民素质发展的“校正器”。

    The cultural connotation of national quality is enriched with the cultural development and adjusts with the changes of cultural sense .

  19. 在这场竞争中,一个国家综合国力的高低取决于国民科学文化素质和教育质量。

    In the competition , the average national power of high or low is decided by scientific literacy level and native education quality of it 's own citizens .

  20. 中国的进步及其中产阶级的增长将促使差旅的需求量大幅增加,这将不断地激励和界定酒店的品牌以反映国民和文化。

    As China evolves and its middle class grows and desires travel , it will continue to define and embrace brands that are reflective of its culture and people .

  21. 关切并转译现代科学文化,培育国民科学文化素养,构成梁启超科学文化事业历史意义与现代启示的价值所在。

    Concerned with modern scientific culture and transplanted it to traditional China strategically , which composed of the historical and modern significance of Liang 's enterprise in academy and culture .

  22. 科普以传播和普及科学知识为目的,是提高国民科学文化素质的重要手段。

    On the purpose of dissemination and popularization of scientific knowledge , science and technology popularization is an important means to improve the scientific and cultural qualities of the National .

  23. 中国当代大学生是国民高文化素质的特殊群体,他们肩负着建设祖国现代化未来的重任,是社会的栋梁。

    The present Chinese college students are the special groups of national high cultural quality . They bear a heavy burden of constructing the motherland 's modernization and they are the pillars of the state .

  24. 随着教育部基础教育阶段艺术课程标准实验教材的推行,我国的舞蹈教育普及、整个国民舞蹈文化水平将有一个难得的发展际遇。

    Along with the extending application of the criteria of art courses in elementary education stipulated by the education ministry , the expansion of dance education and national dance culture will meet an important opportunity of development .

  25. 我国高等教育改革中应当借鉴日本发展专修学校的成功经验,大力发展我国的高等职业技术教育,不断提高我国国民的文化素养和职业技能。

    Our higher educational reform should use the successful experience of the Japanese Specialized Training School for reference , develop major efforts to our higher technical and vocational education and raise continuously our people 's cultural quality and vocational skill .

  26. 电视作为传播最为广泛的媒体,在传播科学文化、提高国民科学文化素养方面具有重要作用,世界各国都较为重视发展科教电视。

    TV , as the most widely spread of the media , has an important role in the dissemination of science and culture and improving the national science and culture . Many countries are attaching great importance to developing scientific and educational TV .

  27. 与此同时,经济社会发展、实现全社会充分就业、提升国民科学文化水平等,又对发展中等职业教育提出了更高的要求,也使中等职业教育发展面临良好机遇和广阔空间。

    Meanwhile , the development of economy and society , the goal of full employment , and elevation of national scientific and cultural level have raised higher requirement for secondary vocational education and opened good opportunities and broader spaces to secondary vocational education .

  28. 所谓国民素质文化,是指一个国家或地区的国民在长期的素质发展过程中凝结而成的价值观念、道德标准、健康理念、素质教育内容与方法等素质发展方式与精神价值体系。

    The so-called national quality indicates to the value conception , moral standards , health concepts , the content and methods of quality education and other quality development modes and spiritual value system formed in the long-term quality development process by the people of a country or regions .

  29. 最后是注重对国民的科学文化和道德教育。

    And Lastly , the citizens ' science culture and morality must be valued .

  30. 清末国民意识与文化启蒙

    National Consciousness and Cultural Enlightenment at the End-of-Qing