
  • 网络International Operation
  1. 企业国际运营的动态OEM战略研究

    The Dynamic OEM Strategy Research of the Enterprise International Operation

  2. 澳航以增加澳大利亚境外营运作为未来发展方向的想法是对的;该航空公司需要削减国际运营的成本,同时专注于其盈利的廉价航空公司捷星(jetstar)也是明智的。

    Qantas is right to think that its future lies with increased operations outside Australia ; it needs to cut costs in its international operations and focusing on Jetstar , its profitable budget line , is smart .

  3. 利用国际运营商WCDMA发展成功经验推进产品创新,加快发展增值数据业务。

    Adopt successful experience of international operator WCDMA to promote product innovation , accelerate the development of value-added data services .

  4. Yota计划明年2月份在巴塞罗那的全球移动通讯大会(MobileWorldCongress)上展示这款手机,明年第三季度开始在俄罗斯销售这款手机,并于接下来的季度与国际运营商合作,把手机推向国际市常

    Yota plans to show the new phone at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in February . It is then scheduled to go on sale in Russia by the third quarter of next year before appearing in international markets the following quarter in cooperation with global carriers .

  5. 手机出口国际运营商定制项目管理研究

    Research on the Project Management of Handset Customization for International Operator

  6. 零售企业的国际运营部门难以管理是个众所周知的事实。

    International operations in retail businesses are notoriously difficult to manage .

  7. 像艾哈迈迪-内贾德一样,伊朗国家石油公司自始至终都很自傲,宣称没有一家国际运营商能够承受忽视伊朗的代价。

    Throughout , the NIOC , like Mr Ahmadi-Nejad , has been defiant , saying no international operator could afford to ignore Iran .

  8. 通用汽车也只有40名经理和主管从上海搬到新加坡,它的整个国际运营总部在市中心占据了一座写字楼的一层楼。

    Similarly , only 40 G.M. managers and executives have moved from Shanghai to Singapore , and the entire international operations headquarters occupies a single floor of a downtown office building .

  9. 皇后镇正吸引着越来越多的国际运营商和投资者,而我们的卡瓦劳河瀑布站开发项目也正顺应了这一趋势。

    Queenstown has a widespread appeal that is evidenced by its proportion of international operators and investors , and our intention for the Kawarau Falls Station site is to appeal to that trend .

  10. 随着各个国际运营商的市场竞争更加激烈,以及国内三大电信运营商全业务竞争日趋白热化,国际业务已经成为电信企业的核心竞争力之一。

    With all international operators in the market more competitive , and three major domestic telecom operators increasingly intense business competition , the international telecommunications business has become one of the core competitiveness of enterprises .

  11. 这足以使Skype盈利。该公司去年成为了最大的国际电话运营商。

    This is enough to keep Skype , which last year became the largest carrier of international calls , profitable .

  12. 同时本文通过介绍国际电信运营商Equant公司在国际电信市场上的成功运营经验,对比了中国电信市场的状况,指出了中国电信发展的不足,同时提出了改进意见。

    Compared with China telecom market status , showed the weakness of China telecom development and provide opinions .

  13. 随着新一代移动通信技术的飞速发展,全球主要电信运营商逐步将3G业务向用户推出,3G已成为全球移动业务的发展趋势和国际电信运营商投资、发展的重点。

    With the rapid development of the 3rd Generation technology , now the main telecom firms are developing the 3rd Generation service to consumers step by step in the world . 3rd Generation become the development trend of global mobile communication marketing and direction of investment .

  14. 国际酒店运营商的预期市盈率差不多也是这个水平,而且似乎还拥有更好的前景;

    Shares in international hoteliers trade at similar levels and appear to have a better outlook ;

  15. 利比亚南部由国际集团运营的油田有自己的简易机场。

    The oilfields in the south of the country run by international groups have their own airstrips .

  16. 同时,纺织行业所拥有的有利条件,使其开展国际资本运营具备了更大的可能性与现实性。

    At the same time , the advantages this industry holds provide more possibilities and realistics for the international capital operation .

  17. 运营模式创新是经过众多国际电信运营商实践证明,行之有效的实现组织运行高效、业务盈利能力增长、客户满意度提高的重要手段。

    Operation modeling innovation is an important and effective means which have been proven by many international telecom operators on highly efficient operation of the organization , business growth in profitability and customer satisfaction improvement .

  18. 国际酒店运营商的预期市盈率差不多也是这个水平,而且似乎还拥有更好的前景;市场对全球酒店业的看涨情绪在很大程度上源自于中国出境游人数激增、而非国内游。

    Shares in international hoteliers trade at similar levels and appear to have a better outlook ; bullishness towards the global sector comes in large part from the surge in Chinese travelling abroad rather than at home .

  19. 我们欢迎亚太地区促进中小企业合作的努力,帮助其融入亚太经合组织生产链和供应链,推广商业道德实践,提升国际市场运营能力。

    We welcome efforts to strengthen SMEs ' cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region , involve SMEs in APEC production and supply chains , promote ethical business practices , as well as to empower their capacity to operate in an international market .

  20. 中国电信运营商的网络覆盖和技术水平已居世界前列,但网络的管理水平、运营水平和效益水平与国际大型运营公司相比还有差距。

    The network coverage and technical level of Chinese telecom op-erators have been ranked in the global leading position . But there is still differ-ence in the network management level , operation level and efficiency level comparing to large operators in the world .

  21. 同时,据NPR新闻的山姆·桑德斯报道,洛杉矶国际机场的运营目前已恢复正常。

    Meanwhile , NPR 's Sam Sanders , reports operations at LAX are getting back to normal .

  22. 牛奶国际已在运营一些颇受欢迎的亚洲连锁超市比如顶好超市(Wellcome)以及健康与美容产品超市万宁(Mannings)。

    Dairy Farm already operates popular Asian supermarket chains such as Wellcome and the health and beauty chain Mannings .

  23. 目前3G技术在不断发展,国际和国内运营商纷纷进行3G业务的开发、实现与推广,手机视频因其内容的多样性而成为运营商青睐的重点发展业务之一。

    With the continuous development of 3G technologies , international and domestic 3G service operators have carried out the development , implementation and promotion of the diversity of mobile video content . They hope mobile video will become its operators favor one of the key development business .

  24. 国际上电信运营支撑系统(OSS)的建设正处于飞速发展时期,电信管理论坛(TMF)2000年提出了电信运营(TOM),为实现新一代运营支撑系统提供了业务框架规范。

    The construction of the Telecom Operation Support Systems ( OSS ) at an international level is in rapid development . In 2000 , the TMF put forward the term Tele Operation Management ( TOM ), which has set a professional frame standard for the OSS of a new generation .

  25. UME华星国际影城的运营总监张小缤说,“4月和5月的票房收入总额为9千万人民币,但是,只有2千万人民币是国产影片产生的票房收入。这一数字是让人失望的。”

    Zhang Xiaobing , operation director of UME 's Huaxing Int'l Cineplex , said , " The total box office gross in April and May was more than 90 million yuan , but only 20 million was generated from domestic movies . It 's quite disappointing . "

  26. 美国动物协会、国际停车场运营协会或者是美国原子核学会

    The American Association of Zoo Keepers , the National Association of Truck Stop Operators , the American Nuclear Society

  27. 目前,收入保障系统的建设已经成为了当前国际电信业运营管理的一个重要目标和方向。

    Currently , the construction of revenue assurance system has become an important goal and orientation of operations management for international telecoms .

  28. 提高本国公众的艺术素质,达到地区和国际美术馆运营标准。

    To improve the quality and standard of art in the country as a preparation for participation in the regional and international level ;

  29. 此外,还对国际上实际运营的电力市场中的无功获取方法进行了简要介绍。

    Besides , a brief introduction is made to the reactive power procurement methods in several practically operating electricity markets around the globe .

  30. 北京大兴国际机场投入运营近一年以来,已接待超过1000万人次的旅客。

    Beijing 's Daxing International Airport has handled more than 10 million passengers since it was put into operation less than a year ago .