
fǎ lǜ zī xún
  • legal advice
  1. 我们提供各种信息服务,尤其是法律咨询。

    We provide all types of information , with an emphasis on legal advice .

  2. 法律咨询的费用与其效益需要权衡一下。

    The cost of obtaining legal advice needs to be balanced against its benefits .

  3. 我就此进行了法律咨询。

    I sought legal advice on this .

  4. 聘请受过调解人培训的事务律师就免去了单独寻求法律咨询的必要。

    The use of a solicitor trained as a mediator would obviate the need for independent legal advice

  5. 英国就业法律咨询服务处(EmploymentLawAdvisoryServices)的研究表明,由于员工周五下午开小差,英国企业每年损失5000万英镑。

    Research by UK-based Employment Law Advisory Services suggests that British businesses are losing £ 50m a year from employees skipping off on Friday afternoons .

  6. 据知情人士说,克莱斯勒已聘请JonesDay就可能提出破产保护申请向其提供法律咨询。

    Chrysler has hired Jones Day to provide legal counsel for a possible bankruptcy-court filing , according to people familiar with the matter .

  7. 这是因为欧洲的银行害怕美国的愤怒,W法律咨询首席执行官奈杰尔·库什纳在为与伊朗进行贸易的公司提建议时这样说道。

    That 's because European banks fear the wrath of the U.S. , says Nigel Kushner , chief executive of W Legal which advises firms on trading with Iran .

  8. 之后作者又从开发周期、开发地区、财务分析、特许合同、工程总承包、运营总承包、法律咨询以及商业保险方面提出了见解,供其它城市污水BOT项目在运作过程中参考借鉴。

    Some opinions are provided by author on developing cycle , developing district , finance analyses , concession contact , EPC , O & M , law consultation and business insurance , as references to other sewage BOT project .

  9. 威尔逊表示,他和沃尔什获得了包括37Angels创始人安吉拉o李在内的哥伦比亚大学导师的帮助,并得到了哥伦比亚创业实验室暑期项目的支持,后者向他们提供了办公场地、法律咨询以及市场营销专业知识。

    Columbia mentors , including 37 Angels founder Angela Lee , helped the two students , and they received assistance from the Columbia Startup Lab 's summer program , where they took advantage of office space , legal advice , and marketing expertise , Wilson says .

  10. 这个月前来做法律咨询的客户全都付清账单了。

    This month all of my law clients paid their bills .

  11. 没有评估,税款或者法律咨询服务此中被提供。

    No valuation , tax or legal advice is provided herein .

  12. 他以前曾经对她进行过经济和法律咨询的帮助。

    He had previously aided her with money and legal advice .

  13. 人们可以打电话到司法部进行免费的法律咨询。

    People can call the ministry of justice for free legal advice .

  14. 法律咨询成本的上升让许多人震惊。

    Many people are alarmed by the rising cost of legal advice .

  15. 基于网络的综合集成法律咨询体系

    Design of the Net-based Meta & synthetic Legal Consultative System

  16. 他们日夜提供免费的法律咨询服务。

    They are offering free round the dock legal advice .

  17. 我们约了法律咨询或是什么吗

    Do we have a legal meeting or something ?

  18. 与地主有争端的佃农应寻求法律咨询。

    Tenants involved in a dispute with their landlord should seek legal advice .

  19. 她要来找你做法律咨询

    She 's coming to you for legal advice .

  20. 好了我帮你联系个好的法律咨询机构

    Okay , okay , I-I 'll find you some good legal advice .

  21. 和法律咨询团队往来于澳大利亚和美国之间。

    Machael Gardiner and the legal and advisory team across Australiaand the United states .

  22. 鲍伯:你是说免费法律咨询。

    Bob : You mean free legal advice .

  23. 好的法律咨询意见取决于律师是否能从当事人处获得充分信息。

    Sound legal advice depends upon the lawyer being fully informed by the client .

  24. 为外商投资企业的日常经营、管理提供法律咨询和常年顾问服务;

    Provide day to day operation and management legal counsel for foreign invested companies .

  25. 她可能需要一些法律咨询。

    She probably wanted some legal advice .

  26. 国际人口和法律咨询委员会

    International Advisory Committee on Population and Law

  27. 为外商投资企业购买、租赁、抵押不动产等提供法律咨询;

    Provide legal service for foreign company on purchasing , leasing and real estate mortgage .

  28. 前项第一款及第二款之规定,于法律咨询不适用之。

    The first and second subsections of the preceding paragraph are not applicable to legal consultations .

  29. 据该部门说,组织内部早已提供法律咨询,但从未实施过。

    Legal advice , which the Department says was given internally long ago but never enforced .

  30. 卓越国际事务所不对顾客提供任何法律咨询服务。

    NOTE : Superior International Consulting Group DO NOT provide any legal advice to any customers .