
  • 网络Basic Principles of Economic Law
  1. 经济法的基本原则是经济法规所体现的具有普遍意义的指导原理,是经济规律与法律科学结合的具体体现。

    In economic law , the basic principles of economic law are the guidance theory reflection the combination of economic disciplinarian and legal science .

  2. 笔者认为,从经济法自身的价值出发,经济法的基本原则应该是社会本位原则、保护弱者原则以及可持续发展原则。

    Viewing from the value of economic law , the author thinks that the basic principles of economic law are still a social standard principle , a principle to protect the weak , and a principle of sustainability .

  3. 广告的真实性是广告法的基本原则。

    Truthfulness of ads is the basic principle of advertisement law .

  4. 论军校教育法的基本原则

    On the Basic Principle of Educational Rules of Military Academies

  5. 中国环境法的基本原则和制度研究

    The Basic Principles and System Research of Chinese Environmental Law

  6. 公众参与:环境法的基本原则

    Public Participation : the Fundamental Principle of the Environmental Law

  7. 考试法的基本原则。

    Fourth , the basic principles of the examination law .

  8. 试论我国基因技术法的基本原则

    On the Cardinal Principles of China 's Genetic Technology Law

  9. 我将介绍一下行政法的基本原则。

    I would like to introduce the basic principles of administrative law .

  10. 略论物权法的基本原则论我国民法典应规定的基本原则体系

    Discussion of the Fundamental Principles of the Property Law

  11. 论行政法的基本原则&法治行政

    Basic Principle of the Administrative Law & the Administration of Law and Order

  12. 行政法的基本原则有三:一是行政法定原则;

    Its basic principles are : administrative law principle ;

  13. 诚实信用原则是民法和合同法的基本原则。

    Good faith is a basic principle of Civil Law and contract law .

  14. 关于经济法的基本原则,众说纷云。

    Opinions vary about the principles of economic constitution .

  15. 经济法的基本原则应该包括经济合法原则、经济平衡原则、经济发展原则。

    The basic principles are economic legality , economic equilibrium and economic development .

  16. 物权法定主义是物权法的基本原则,是物权立法的基石。

    Grundsatz der Sachenrecht is basic principle of property law and legislative basis .

  17. 窄点设计法的基本原则

    The Basic Principles of Design Method by Pinch Point

  18. 体育院校术科教学实施非语言教学法的基本原则

    Basic principles of nonlinguistic teaching in speciality in PEC

  19. 论公司法的基本原则

    On the basic principle of the Company Law

  20. 行政程序法的基本原则之构思

    On the Basic Principle of Administrative Procedure Law

  21. 最大诚信原则是海上保险法的基本原则。

    The doctrine of Umberrimae Fidei is a basic principle of marine insurance law .

  22. 物权法的基本原则和精神是合法财产的一体保护;

    The basic principles and spirit of this law are integrative protection for lawful property .

  23. 试论反垄断法的基本原则

    On the Basic Principles of Antitrust Law

  24. 物权法定原则是大陆法系国家物权法的基本原则之一,在物权法领域居于重要的地位。

    Numerus clauses is a fundamental principle of property right laws of mainland law system .

  25. 探讨我国能源法的基本原则

    Study the Principle of the Energy Law

  26. 论物权法的基本原则

    Analyzing the basic principles of Privilege Law

  27. 论欧盟金融服务法的基本原则

    General Principles of EU Financial Services Law

  28. 科学建构非物质文化遗产保护法的基本原则,是有效保护的关键。

    Setting the principles of intangible cultural heritage protection law is the key to efficient protection .

  29. 在我国,辩诉交易不适用,它违反了我国刑法和刑事诉讼法的基本原则,它与依法治国的基本精神背道而驰;

    It 's against the basic principle of China 's criminal law and crime litigation law .

  30. 已经发展成为仲裁法的基本原则的仲裁条款自治理论一直存有逻辑缺陷,没有令人信服的法律依据。

    The basic principles of sanction law are deficient in logic and have no convincing evidences .