
jiào huánɡ tōnɡ yù
  • papal encyclical
  1. 八国集团(G8)峰会前夕,本笃十六世(PopeBenedictXVI)发布了教皇通谕,告诫:现代人有时错误地深信,他是自己、自己的人生以及社会的唯一创作者。

    Buried deep in the Encyclical Letter issued on the eve of the G8 Summit , Pope Benedict XVI warns : Sometimes modern man is wrongly convinced that he is the sole author of himself , his life and society .

  2. 教皇通谕对他们的努力没有帮助。

    The encyclical undermines their efforts .

  3. 教皇通谕是教皇写给天主教教职人员和俗世信徒的信,在人们眼中具有权威性。

    Encyclicals are letters to the clergy and laity of the church that are considered authoritative .

  4. 教皇通谕暗示,气候变化是发达国家消费过多的问题。

    The encyclical implies that climate change is a problem of the rich world consuming too much .

  5. 但如果你通读这则教皇通谕,就会发现其论据有一个瑕疵损害了整个文本的可信度。

    But if you read the encyclical there is a flaw in the argument that undermines the credibility of the whole text .