
  1. 浅析贵州石门学校农科教相结合的课程实践及其现代意义

    On Stone Gateway School " Agricultural Science and Education " Courses Combining Practice and Moder Significance

  2. 第四,为了提高农业科技成果转化率,必须解决农业、科研和教育体制脱节的问题实现农科教相结合。

    The problems of divorces among agriculture , scientific research and education must be solved to enhance the transferring rates of agricultural scientific and technology achievements .

  3. “养、治、教”相结合的方针。

    The principle of combining upbringing , treatment and education .

  4. 中国的儿童福利院实行“养、治、教”相结合的办院方针,重养、重治、重教。

    The welfare homes for children in China practice the principle of combining upbringing , treatment and education .

  5. 在观法实践上,李通玄相对来说,比较重视宗教修行实践,主张教观相分,强调止为观之先。

    With regards to Dharma and practice , the former attached more importance to the religious practice , emphasized the difference between doctrines and wisdom while the latter gave more priority to the theory .

  6. 政治理论课教与学相结合初探

    Research on combination of teaching and learning of political theory courses

  7. 英语周记就是促进大学教与学相结合的一种好形式。

    English journal is such a good way for promoting the combination of college English teaching and learning .

  8. 不过这启发了我以后如何讲课,如何把它跟我教的课程相结合。

    But it 's giving me ideas of what to do in the class when tied into what I 'm teaching as well .

  9. 在其他的地方佛明确用实相这个词来代替涅盘:'我会教你实相,通向实相的道路。'。

    Elsewhere the Buddha unequivocally uses the word Truth in place of Nibbana : 'I will teach you the Truth and the Path leading to the Truth .

  10. 努力探索和总结教与学相结合的新途径和新方法,以提高政治理论课教学的亲合力、吸引力和渗透力。

    In a word , the teachers must make great efforts in exploring and summarizing new teaching ways and methods to improve the teaching of the political theory courses .

  11. 团队精神培育与教风学风建设相结合;

    To link the cultivation of team spirit with the construction of the style of teaching and style of study ;

  12. 著名越剧表演艺术家徐玉兰的得意门生许秀珍老师,形成教唱与表演相结合的教学特点。

    Xu Xiu Zhen , disciple of famous Shao Xin opera actress Xu Yu Lan . Her teaching character is to combine the art of singing with performance .

  13. 为提高人才培养质量,加强学员英语运用能力,应利用英语沙龙、电子邮箱、课前十分钟、小组学习等建立一套和远程开放教育英语专业教与学特点相适应的口语能力培养模式。

    In order to improve the training quality and strengthen the English using ability , we should make use of English salon , E - mail , ten minutes before class and group study to set up an oral trainning model of modern open distance education .

  14. 教育法律和教育道德辨证统一的关系是依法治教与以德治教相结合的基础。

    The dialectical unity relationship between educational laws and education moralities is the basis of the combination of " managing education with moralities " with " managing education with moralities " .

  15. 文章就高教园区特点对大学生心理健康的影响,加强高教园区心理健康教育的干预对策,即建构与高教园区特点相适应的心理健康教育模式,开展各种形式心理健康教育活动提出了构想。

    Set up appropriate model for mental health education in order to reinforce the interfere countermeasures on students ' mental health and discuss the effect that the environment of higher educational zone has on students ' mental health and how to carry out various activities in mental health education .