
  • 网络teaching system
  1. 教学制度功能开发与高等教育教学改革

    Development of Functions of Teaching System Teaching Reform in Higher Education

  2. 论教学制度创新与学校文化重建

    On the Innovation of Teaching System and the Reconstruction of School Culture

  3. 学分制教学制度下校园精神文化建设与课程体系

    Campus Spiritual Culture Construction and Curriculum System under Credit System

  4. 我们的教学制度建设应该从实际出发,走自己的路。

    Our construction of teaching institution should make our own way from reality .

  5. 教学制度创新与改善教师教学行为

    Studying on Innovation of Teaching System and Improvement of Teachers ' Teaching Behaviour

  6. 从建立物理科学方法教育的教学制度上作尝试。

    The author tries to build a teaching mode of education with scientificmethod .

  7. 学分制:成人高等教育教学制度改革思考

    Credit System : Reflection on the Teaching System Reform of Adult High Education

  8. 教学制度建设的理性与伦理规约

    On Rationality and Ethical Regulation of Teaching Institution Construction

  9. 新制度经济学视域下高校体育教学制度创新阻抑因素透视

    Physical Education System Innovation Perspective Inhibitory Factors in View of New Institutional Economics

  10. 教学制度公平具体体现在对教学中的学生权利规定的公平性。

    The situation of students ' rights decides the institutional equity of teaching concretely .

  11. 现代大学教学制度改革的趋势预测

    Forecasting of the Tendency on the Reform of the Teaching System of Modern Universities

  12. 工业化以来的教学制度使教师的创造性和真情实感被遏制。

    The teaching system since the industrialization suppressed the teachers ' creativity and feelings .

  13. 论参与教学制度的成长

    On the Growth of Participation Teaching System

  14. 试论教学制度的改革

    On the Reform of Educational System

  15. 应通过教学制度设计,激发教师尽可能的实施优良的反馈式教学。

    Teaching system design , inspire teachers as much as possible the implementation of good feedback teaching .

  16. 要想恢复和发展我国的诗歌事业,必须先从恢复我国的诗歌写作教学制度开始。

    To resume and develop China 's poetry we should begin with resuming the system of teaching of poetry writing .

  17. 第三部分教学制度公平&学生权利分析。

    The third part of this thesis is about the institutional equity of teaching , analyzing students ' rights in teaching .

  18. 基于对全球化的文化价值拷问,将从注重大学教学制度的模式移植到注重大学教学制度的自主创新。

    And finally , it 's very necessary to focus on the innovating of the teaching-system of universities instead of imitating .

  19. 学分制是最适合学生全面发展和个性培养的教学制度。

    Credit System is one kind of teaching system which is most suitable for students ' integrated development and their individuality development .

  20. 在教学制度发生深刻变革的过程中,必须倡导与新的制度相适应的教育观念。

    We must advocate the educational opinion which suits to the new system in the process of profound transform in teaching system .

  21. 该校采取小班教学制度,使每个学生都能够得到老师的关注,而来自老师的鼓励可以使学生在学习英语方面取得更大更快的进步。

    Our friendly and experienced teachers and administrative staff ensure that each and every student receives the very best in English language tuition .

  22. 逐步完善学分制是高等院校主动适应市场经济对教学制度改革的重要举措。

    Perfecting credit system step by step is an important measure to reform teaching system so as to meet the need of market economy .

  23. 其具体内容包括高等教育制度的类型、层次、入学制度、教学制度、教师制度、学位制度等。

    The concrete content includes type & level of education system , college entering system , teaching system , teacher system , degree system , etc.

  24. 而那些在现有教学制度下由于遵守学校守则而取得好成绩的学生,实际上得不偿失,他们离不开外部环境的引导,而且害怕创新。

    Individuals who have thrived in the school system by complying with its rules are hampered by their dependence on external direction and fear in innovation .

  25. 根据上述论点,清崎(1993)提出一种可资替代现有教学制度的教育内容,认为这些内容能够更好地满足当今社会的需求

    Based on the above arguments , Kiyosaki ( 1993 ) presents an alternative education system that will increase its relevance to the needs of our society today

  26. 现有教学制度不仅没有培养学生为现实生活做好全面准备的能力,反而扼杀了学生在千变万化的世界里充分发挥自己作用的天然能力。

    Instead of preparing students for the realities of life , the education system has essentially sabotaged their natural ability to function in a world of change .

  27. 根据那里的教学制度,学生们有一些额外的时间,在老师的帮助下学习课外资料。

    It is a school system where students are given extra hours for studying homework material in the presence of teachers , and it worked well for me .

  28. 本文的主要结论是:(1)20世纪50年代初期在中国大学形成的社会至上主义的教学制度是一种现代大学教学制度;

    Now the conclusion of this paper is :( 1 ) The communism curriculum operating mechanism of China 's university formed in early 1950 's was modern instructional institution .

  29. 当老师走在学校的最前列,忘记前行时,好的管理教学制度能激发其百尺竿头,更进一步。

    When the teacher came in the forefront of the school , forget the previous row , good management education system can stimulate the continuing success in the future .

  30. 学分制是19世纪末产生于美国的一种教学制度,在大学实施已有100多年历史。

    Credit System is a teaching system which occurred in the USA in the 1980s . It has been mainly carried out in universities for more than 100 years .