
  • 网络Educational interests;education gain
  1. 论文的第三部分对C中学规模过度扩张的原因进行了分析,认为在C中学过度扩张过程中存在规模与质量的博弈、教育利益相关者的博弈。

    In the third part the reasons that C Middle School ' scale expanded excessively are analyzed . Author believes that in the process of school ' scale expanding exist gambling between schools ' scale and schools ' quality and between groups benefiting from school .

  2. 其一,流动儿童的教育利益受到损害;

    Firstly , it violates the education interests of mobile children ;

  3. 试析美国教育利益集团对国会立法的影响

    The Impact of American Educational Interest Group for Congress Legislation

  4. 高职院校诚信教育利益驱动机制刍议

    On Interest-Driven Mechanism of Honesty Education in Higher Vocational Colleges

  5. 从高等教育利益相关体看高校考试制度改革

    On Examination System Reform of Higher Education from the Perspective of Interest-Concerned Groups

  6. 其次,论文分析了高等教育利益集团参与政策制定过程的优势与必然性。

    Secondly , advantages and inevitability of the participation of interest groups are analyzed .

  7. 农村义务教育利益集团在不同层级分利竞争的弱势地位势必导致农村义务教育投资的短缺。

    The inferior position of rural compulsory education interest group at different levels will surely lead to the investment shortage in rural compulsory education .

  8. 主要对论文的核心概念进行阐述,对国内外校本课程及教育利益相关者的研究做一梳理。

    Mainly including the paper core concepts , It has summarized the correlated research about school-based curriculum and the education stakeholders in the domestic and foreign countries .

  9. 它对战略利益、经济利益、科技利益、教育利益等都有重要作用。

    It plays an important role in strategic interests , economic interests , the interests of science and technology , as well as education and other interests .

  10. 在政治上,高级应用专业人才阶层的教育利益追求为发展专业型硕士研究生教育提供了必备的政治条件;

    In politics , the educational interest pursue of the advanced applied professional provides the necessary political environment for develop the education for the specialized postgraduate who holds master degree ;

  11. 文章通过对利益集团概念的介绍及其种类的梳理,在总结利益集团影响策略的基础上,重点分析了教育利益集团的影响策略对国会立法的影响。

    On the basis of summarizing the influential tactics of interest groups , the article analyses chiefly organizational maintenance and influential tactics of educational interest groups and influences to the Congress legislation .

  12. 本章首先分析了高等教育利益集团的利益聚合过程、组织结构与运行机制,然后呈现了高等教育利益集团对内部成员利益的调节机制,最后分析了不同高等教育利益集团之间的利益调节机制。

    This chapter analyzes the interest-concentration process , organizational structure and the operating mechanism of interest groups in the field of higher education at first . Secondly , the mechanisms for regulating the interest of its members are explored .

  13. 本文首先分析了当代中国农民利益保障机制缺失带来的主要问题,包括农民经济利益流失、农民政治利益流失和农民教育利益流失。

    First , this thesis analyzes the problems brought by the lack of this mechanism . To be specific , the problems are as follow , the lack of farmers ' economic interest , politic interest and educational interest .

  14. 高等教育利益集团参与联邦高等教育政策制定过程是美国高等教育的一个鲜明特色,有利于优化联邦政府的决策过程,有利于维护高等教育自治,有利于相关利益群体表达利益诉求。

    The participation of interest groups is a distinctive feature of American higher education and of great help to optimize the Federal police-making process , to maintain the autonomy of higher education and to express the interest demands of the stakeholders .

  15. 因此,教育利益主体的多元化就要求研究型大学的现代管理体制必须符合多元化利益的要求,所制定的制度必须表达各主体的利益并能够和谐满足。

    Therefore , the diversity interests of the subjects of education demand that the modern research university management system must meet their requirements of diverse interests . And then , the setting system must be the principal expression of interest and be able to meet " harmoniously " .

  16. 教师不仅要在专业生活中提升内在的价值与尊严,更要有效地协调与教育利益相关者的关系与矛盾,而长期以来,我们在教师专业伦理的建设中恰好忽略了对利益的把握。

    Teachers must not only enhance their inherent value and dignity in professional life , but also effectively coordinate the relationship and contradiction with education interest parties ; however , for a long time , we ignore to grasp the interest in the construction of teachers ' professional ethics .

  17. 如果你已经决定创造一个迭代化软件开发环境,那教育相关利益方就非常重要,你必须让他们懂得RUP项目的合作特性。

    If you do decide to create an iterative software development environment , then it is important to educate stakeholders about the collaborative nature of RUP projects .

  18. 第二,关于思想教育与利益需求的协调机制。

    Second , the coordination mechanism about the ideological education and interests .

  19. 和谐社会视阈中思想政治教育的利益原则

    The Interest Principle in the Ideological Education from the Perspective of Harmonious Society

  20. 第二部分,思想政治教育的利益导向功能的表现。

    That is " why to orientate " . Chapter ⅱ discusses the performance of the interest orientation function of ideological and political education .

  21. 当大学生的受教育的利益受损后,可依法向有关部门申诉和提起诉讼,以维护自身的合法权益。

    College students can appeal to agency concerned and suit the law when their benefits of education are damaged so they can protect their legal right .

  22. 这是文章的重点之一,思想政治教育的利益导向功能的表现按照不同的角度可以划分为不同的类型。

    It is one important of the paper . According to different angles , the interest orientation function of ideological and political education can be divided into different types .

  23. 本文分为4个部分,对思想政治教育的利益导向功能进行深入探究:第一部分,思想政治教育的利益导向功能的内涵及其生成依据。

    The paper is composed by the four chapters : Chapter ⅰ discusses the connotation of the interest orientation function of ideological and political education and its function generation .

  24. 如何更大程度地发挥思想政治教育的利益导向功能,需要提高队伍素质、把握导向时机、讲究方式方法和语言艺术、与其他利益导向手段相配合,即思想政治教育的利益导向功能的增强问题。

    In order to play its function in a more great extent , we must raise team quality , grasp the guidance time , pay attention to the ways and methods , and match the other interest orientation means . That is the " how to strengthen " .

  25. 在受教育者利益被忽略的教育背景下,张扬个人利益具有实践价值;在习惯于从社会需要、集体利益视角发展教育理论的研究取向下,个人主义的视角是一种有益补充。

    Emphasizing on the benefits of individual is of practical value when the benefits of the educated people are neglected . When people get accustomed to engaging in the development of educational theory from the perspective of society and collectivity , the point of individualism is an useful complement .

  26. 清除教育制度的利益背景在实践中是可行的吗?

    Is it feasible to eliminate the background of the educational interest ?

  27. 对教育决策者利益选择问题的经济学思考

    The Thoughts of Economics on Option Benefits of Educational Decision-maker

  28. 高等教育供求主体利益冲突与整合

    On the Conflict and Integrity of Interests of Demand-Supply Entities in Higher Education

  29. 产学研合作教育中的利益冲突及对策研究

    Profit Conflict and Strategy Research in Cooperative Education

  30. 我国的语言教育与国家利益

    Language Teaching in Our Country and National Interest