
tè shū lì yì jí tuán
  • special interest group
  1. 我们必须关心一个被忽视了大久的特殊利益集团。

    Our concern must be for a special interest group that has been too long neglected .

  2. 然而,美国政治家和特殊利益集团指责为在中国的就业损失。

    Yet , US politician and special interest group blame Made in China for the employment lose .

  3. 他已经改动了经济计划中的几项提议以迁就特殊利益集团的要求。

    He 's already altered several of the proposals in his economic plan to accommodate demands of special interests .

  4. 这些争议的焦点问题主要集中在参与WTO争端解决机制的主体资格、非政府组织的代表性、特殊利益集团控制和贸易保护倾向等四个问题上。

    Their arguments concentrate on the following four issues : the subject qualification of WID dispute settlement mechanism , the representative of NGOs , the control of SIG ( Special Interest Group ), the trade protection tendency .

  5. 郎咸平:警惕特殊利益集团

    Supervisor Lang : beware of the emergence of cliques with special interests

  6. 这两个照会体现了特殊利益集团的利益和要求。

    The fourth section is about the Special Interest Groups ?

  7. 太长时间以来,特殊利益集团通过把就业放到海外来赚钱。

    For too long , special interests have made money shipping jobs overseas .

  8. 我们听到许多关于特殊利益集团的谈论,然而。

    We hear much of special interest groups .

  9. 他不愿意让特殊利益集团出钱主办就职活动。

    He does not want to use special interest money to pay for inaugural events .

  10. 我们听到许多关于特殊利益集团的问题。

    We hear much of special-interest groups .

  11. 很多华尔街的特殊利益集团对此非常不爽。

    And a lot of Wall Street special interests aren 't very happy about it .

  12. 特殊利益集团扭曲中国房地产公共政策的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis on the Special Interest Blocs ' Distorting China 's Real Estate Public Policy

  13. 为了避免来自特殊利益集团的压力,他们举行小型和秘密的会谈

    To ward off pressure from special interests , he kept their meetings small and secret ,

  14. 随着特殊利益集团将他们的注意力从布鲁塞尔转回到威斯敏斯特,一些眼前的利益会烟消云散。

    And some immediate gains would evaporate as special-interest groups redirected their attention from Brussels to Westminster .

  15. 我们必须关心一个长期不受重视的特殊利益集团。

    Well , our concern must be for a special-interest group that has been too long neglected .

  16. 特殊利益集团利用政治行动委员会参与到选举进程中。

    Special interest groups can form Political Action Committees ( PAC ) to support a specific candidate .

  17. 我们现行的移民系统帮助了特殊利益集团,但却伤害了美国工人、纳税者和国家安全。

    Our current immigration system helps special interests , but hurts American workers , taxpayers and national security .

  18. 我们毋庸否认,关税确实对特殊利益集团有利,至少有可能有利于特殊利益集团。

    It is useless to deny that a tariff does benefit or at least can benefit special interests .

  19. 我们顶住了来自特殊利益集团及其在国会的代理人的强力干扰。

    We 've had to overcome fierce lobbying campaigns from the special interests and their allies in Congress .

  20. 然而,中国有势力庞大的特殊利益集团。因此,如果经济增长放缓太厉害,肯定会出现妥协。

    Nevertheless , China has powerful special interests , so if growth slows too much , we will see compromises .

  21. 在党派斗争和特殊利益集团中饱私囊的旋风中,美国的政治体制似乎失去了方向。

    In the parties'conflicts and interest groups feathering their own nests , the US political system seems losing its way .

  22. 我不仅为私营机构和公司工作,我还为特殊利益集团工作。

    I work for clients in the private sector and in corporations , as well as for special interest groups .

  23. 中国特殊利益集团的存在严重危害了社会公平正义,阻碍了改革的深入进行。

    The existence of Chinese special interest groups seriously endangers social fairness and justice , hinders the deepening of the reform .

  24. 一方面,之所以存在荒谬的漏洞,是因为特殊利益集团要求这些漏洞,比如对有母牛的土地给予补贴。

    Partly , absurd loopholes exist because special interest groups demand them ; hence the subsidies for land with cows on it .

  25. 特殊利益集团主要的表现形式包括部分国有垄断企业、官僚型特殊利益集团、行业性谋利集团。

    The manifestations of special interest groups include some state-owned monopoly enterprise , bureaucratic special interest groups and industrial special interest groups .

  26. 特殊利益集团的形成是基于收入来源,收入的规模,行业,地区,还有个人的特征。

    Special interests can form on the basis of income source , income size , industry , region , or personal characteristics .

  27. 现在,国会的特殊利益集团和他们的盟友们宣布,这些指导意见将减少就业并冲击经济发展。

    Now , special interests and their allies in Congress will claim that these guidelines will kill jobs and crush the economy .

  28. 一些特殊利益集团使用老套手段,企图维持现状,我不会坐视不理。

    I won 't stand by while the special interests use the same old tactics to keep things exactly the way they are .

  29. 外国以美国的代价而变得富有--许多特殊利益集团从这一对美国财富的全球大偷窃中获得了丰厚利润。

    Foreign nations got rich at America 's expense - and many special interests profited from this great global theft of American wealth .

  30. 这可能就是特殊利益集团花费大量时间和金钱游说议员来否决和削弱改革法案的原因。

    This is probably why the special interests have spent a lot of time and money lobbying to kill or weaken the bill .