
zhāo shēng
  • recruit students;enroll new students
招生 [zhāo shēng]
  • [enrol new students] 征招新生

招生[zhāo shēng]
  1. 我园招生范围:2―岁在深之中外籍适龄幼儿。

    Enroll new students range : 2-6 years old in dark Chinese and foreign nationality infant of the right age .

  2. 但仍然存在许多问题,招生信息管理系统有待于进一步完善。

    But a lot of questions still exist , the information management system awaits to perfect further to enroll new students .

  3. 家长请愿恳求学校修订招生政策。

    Parents petitioned the school to review its admission policy .

  4. 中心将很快为新课程的招生做好准备。

    The centre will soon be ready to enrol candidates for the new programme .

  5. 当下时局艰难,一些社区学院被迫停止招生。

    Hard times are forcing community colleges to turn away students .

  6. 有些大学将被迫超计划招生。

    Some universities would be forced to take more students than they wanted

  7. 某些学校的入学申请人数超过了招生。

    The demand for places at some schools exceeds the supply

  8. 该学院一年中随时招生。

    The college admits students anytime during the year

  9. 较有名气的学校将会收到如潮水涌至般的申请,而差一些的学校则会陷入招生困境。

    Schools with better reputations will be flooded with applications while poorer schools will be left high and dry .

  10. 文法学校招生时偏向于录取来自好地段的中产阶级小家庭的孩子。

    The selection of pupils for grammar schools was biased in favour of the middle-class child of a small family from a good area

  11. 补习班招生已满额。

    The continuation class has already fulfilled its enrolment quota .

  12. 这个系正在为扩大招生做好准备。

    The Department is gearing up for increased intake of students .

  13. 我校今年招生已经满额。

    Our school has already fulfilled its enrolment quota for the year .

  14. 因为提前录取是有约束力的,所以学校可以招收合格的学生,招生委员会也可以选择对学校有特殊需求的学生,并能确保这些学生会到校。

    Early decision , since it 's binding , allows schools to fill their classes with qualified students ; it allows admissions committees to select the students that are in particular demand for their college and know those students will come .

  15. 在常规招生制度下,高年级学生必须在5月1日之前选择就读哪所学校。提前录取实际上让他们少了6个月的时间来参观更多的学校、做更多的研究、与现在的学生和校友交谈,这可能会帮他们做出更明智的决定。

    Under regular admissions , seniors have until May 1 to choose which school to attend ; early decision effectively steals six months from them , months that could be used to visit more schools , do more research , speak to current students and alumni and arguably make a more informed decision .

  16. 当学生在招生过程的早期过于专注于某一所学校时,如果他们没有被录取,他们可能非常失望,或者如果他们被录取了,他们就必须要去这个学校,但若给他们时间进一步考虑的话,这个学校可能并不适合他们。

    When students become too fixated on a particular school early in the admissions process , that fixation can lead to severe disappointment if they don ’ t get in or , if they do , the possibility that they are now bound to go to a school that , given time for further reflection , may not actually be right for them .

  17. 据美国大学和大学招生服务中心(UCAS)提供的高考统计数据显示,今年有25310名高校录取生推迟到明年入学。

    This year , 25,310 students who have accepted places in higher education institutions have put off their entry until next year , according to statistics on university entrance provided by University and College Admissions Service ( UCAS ) .

  18. 在特定的语境中,litmustest也可以翻译成“试金石”。例句今年期末考试的结果将是检验该校招生新政策是否奏效的试金石。

    The results of this year 's final exams will provide a litmus test for the school 's new admission1 policy2 .

  19. 高校招生处主任和潜在的雇主会浏览到发酒疯的画面。

    College-admissions deans and potential employers browse bacchanalian footage .

  20. 不得组织或参与任何有可能损害考试招生公平公正的活动;

    should not organize or participate in any activity that may compromise the fairness and impartiality of examination and admissions

  21. 好教育集团的数据显示,科学和文化类专业在澳大利亚的招生人数最多(6万6884名)。

    Good Education Group ’ s statistics show that majors in Society and Culture boast the highest enrollments in Australia ( 66884 ) .

  22. 他们还说,要扩大招生范围,一种切实可行的措施就是让牛津和剑桥这两所备负盛名的大学加设更多入学名额。

    And they say one practical measure to widen access would be for two of the most prestigious1 universities , Oxford2 and Cambridge , to create more places .

  23. 此外,针对民办学校和教育培训机构责任人,还可采取依法罚没违法所得、责令停止招生,以及吊销从业许可证等问责方式。

    In addition to those punishments , private schools and tutoring institutions can be fined , ordered to stop student enrollment8 , and have their operating permits and business licenses9 revoked10 .

  24. 近年来,尽管其它一些顶尖英国大学的招生人数增加了30%、40%甚至是50%,但牛津与剑桥的本科生人数基本保持不变。

    Whilst some other leading universities have expanded their intakes3 by 30 , 40 or even 50 per cent in recent years , Oxford and Cambridge have kept their undergraduate numbers broadly the same .

  25. 但负责大学招生工作的英国大学和学院招生服务中心希望保留现行的招生时间表,因为如果等学年结束之后再开始申请大学,那么家境较贫困的学生从老师那里得到的报考建议将会减少。

    But the university admissions service , UCAS , wants to keep the current timetable saying that if applications began after the academic year had finished , poorer students would have less access to advice from their teachers .

  26. 中南林业科技大学地理信息系统本科专业于2003年开始招生,地理信息系统(GIS)是这一专业的核心课程。

    Geographic Information System specialty of Central South Forestry University was established in 2003 , and GIS is the core curriculum .

  27. MBA招生的目的是选拔优秀的、具有管理潜质的管理人才。

    MBA recruitment purpose is to select outstanding , with management potential management personnel .

  28. 本文用微软VISUALFOXPRO5.0中文版设计和实现了支持监控的研究生招生管理系统。

    In this paper , the design of microsoft visual foxpro 5.0 is also used and postgraduates ' enroll-management system for Monitoring and Control is realized .

  29. 自从1992年开始招生,我校的MBA教育已逐渐走向成熟。

    Since 1992 we had the first batch of MBA , our MBA education has become mature gradually .

  30. CUBA应脚踏实地地抓球队的管理,加紧制定运动员招生、学习、训练、比赛等方面统一、具体的规章制度。

    To improve the team administration , CUBA ought to make unitive and specific rules immediately on players ' recruiting , learning , training and tournament .