
zhāo gōng
  • recruit;recruit workers;hire workers;employ workers
招工 [zhāo gōng]
  • [recruit workers] 招收从事服务或劳动的新成员

招工[zhāo gōng]
  1. 今天,在互联网覆盖的任何地方,任何公司都可以开点、招工、以及销售他们的产品。

    Today , just about any company can set up shop , hire workers , and sell their products wherever there 's an internet connection .

  2. 对142位首席执行官的调查显示,92%的受访者预计未来6个月销售额将增加,52%预计将在美国招工。

    A survey of 142 chief executives showed 92 % expect sales to rise in the next six months , and 52 % expect to hire workers in the United States .

  3. 应用ART算法对2006年至2009年某市行业招工的时间序列数据进行分析,预测某些行业的劳动力需求趋势。

    Through the application of ART algorithm into the analysis of the time sequence data of recruitment in XX City from 2006 to 2009 , the trends of labor demand in certain industries can be predicted .

  4. 20世纪70年代,《圣何塞水星报》(SanJoseMercury)的分类广告版面上,科技类的招工广告最多时曾达到60页。

    At peak times during the 1970s , the classified section of the San Jose Mercury carried up to sixty pages of technology help-wanted ads.

  5. 工人陈庆海(音)边看公司招工通知边皱眉头。公司产品从复印机、DVD驱动器到移动电话和汽车零件。

    Factory worker Chen Qinghai frowned as he looked at a tall bulletin board full of help-wanted notices from companies making everything from mobile phones to car parts .

  6. 首先,中国制造业的重要指标——采购经理指数(PMI)显示,上月招工数量出现小幅收缩。

    First , China 's purchasing managers ' index , an important gauge of the manufacturing sector , pointed to a mild contraction in the number of jobs on offer last month .

  7. Intel表示,在该公司招工的美国大学,逾半数拥有工程、科学与数学高级学位的毕业生来自外国,他们却很难得到工作签证或居留许可。

    Intel says that at US universities where it recruits , more than half of graduates with advanced degrees in engineering , science and maths are foreign-born but struggle to get work visas or residency permits .

  8. 中国社会科学院(ChineseAcademyofSocialSciences)研究员蔡昉的一篇论文称,“自2004年以来,沿海地区的民工荒逐渐演变为普遍的招工难和涨薪潮”。

    A paper by Cai Fang of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences states that " labour shortage has become rampant throughout the country since it broke out in coastal areas in 2004 . In 2011 , manufacturing enterprises came across unprecedented and universal difficulties in recruiting labour . "

  9. 本周富士康和同样为苹果装配产品的台资竞争对手和硕(Pegatron)均称,他们正在招工。据信此举与生产苹果下一代产品有关。

    This week Foxconn and Pegatron , a rival Taiwanese assembler of Apple products , both said they were recruiting workers - a move thought to be related to production of the next round of Apple products .

  10. 他仔细查阅报纸,寻找招工广告。

    He canvassed the papers , hunting for notices of jobs .

  11. 糟糕的经济正在影响招工的数量。

    The bad economy is affecting the numbers of available jobs .

  12. 他决定去看招工广告。

    He decided to go and look at some advertisement of jobs .

  13. 某化工厂招工查体神经肌电图检查结果分析

    Analysis on electromyograms of the job-applicants in a chemical factory

  14. 就连一些最简单、最不需要知识含量的行业,在招工时也把文凭放在首位。

    Even some labor-intensive industries would require a diploma from job applicants .

  15. 很少旅馆在淡季对外招工。

    Very few hotels offered work for the slack season .

  16. 招聘制度、招工广告、招工过程描述。

    Recruitment material such as recruitment policy , advertisements , hiring practice description .

  17. 今天,他们正在帮助一家比利时公司在俄克拉荷马州建厂招工。

    Today , they 're helping a Belgian company create jobs in Oklahoma .

  18. 在招工面试的时候更为重要。

    It is especially very important in job interviews .

  19. 从《泰晤士报》上剪下来的几份招工广告。

    A few job adverts cut from the times .

  20. 她没考上,参加招工到乡镇工作了。

    She participated in recruitment and was hired by a banking department in town .

  21. 如果有人在招工她一定知道的。

    She 'll know if someone 's looking .

  22. 他一封接一封地发求职信去应聘各种招工广告,直到他再买不起邮票为止。

    He answered advertisements until he could not afford to buy any more stamps .

  23. 这家工厂正在招工。

    The factory was taking workmen on .

  24. A:是的,我们正在招工。

    A : Yes , we are .

  25. 这是一次失败的招工之行。

    It was a very unsatisfactory trip .

  26. 经常到职业介绍所看看招工陈列牌,并且每天查看报纸招工消息。

    Check the job boards at the job center regularly and check the newspapers daily .

  27. 今天早报刊登你们的招工启事,我想找一分兼职工作。

    I 'm phoning about a part-time job you advertised in this morning 's paper .

  28. 让我们面对它,约会就象要持续一晚的招工面试。

    Let 's face it , a date is a job interview that iasts all night .

  29. 实际上,许多人都是通过查看招工陈列牌上的职位空缺找到工作的。

    Actually , many jobs are filled by people who select vacancies from the display boards there .

  30. 另外招工难、高待遇要求又与生产效率低形成严重的反差。

    In addition , recruitment difficulties and high treatment demands form a serious contrast with low productivity .