
  • 网络China Merchants Property Development;China Merchants Property;cmpd
  1. 招商地产厦门依山海项目建成,是设计向工程咨询服务的成功案例。

    CMPD Xiamen Anear Mountain completion of the project is a success story of design and engineering consulting services combination .

  2. 第三,我要感谢招商地产,我现在工作的地方。

    Thirdly , I need to thank my employer , China Merchants development .

  3. 日前,招商地产与通力电梯在深圳美仑会所举行深圳招商局广场项目签约仪式。

    The contract signing ceremony of Shenzhen Merchants Real Estate Holdings Co. , Ltd and KONE was held in Shenzhen .