
  • 网络Trader
  1. 1969年,凯恩到贝尔斯登接受求职面试,与明星股票交易员艾伦•艾斯•格林伯格(AlanAceGreenberg)见面。贝尔斯登1985年上市时,这位交易员已成为董事长兼首席执行官。

    He was interviewed for a job at Bear in 1969 , meeting Alan Ace Greenberg , a star stock trader who would become chairman and chief executive when Bear went public in 1985 .

  2. 上海一家大型经纪商的股票交易员表示。

    Said an equity trader at a large brokerage in Shanghai .

  3. 今年金融机构中的赢家可能是股票交易员和投资银行家。前者从股市飙涨中获得了收益,首次公开募股(IPO)和其他交易回暖则令后者受益。

    The winners in financial firms this year are likely to be equity traders , who have reaped gains from soaring stock markets , and investment bankers , who have benefited from a pickup in initial public offerings and other deals .

  4. 不一个又老又胖的股票交易员给我。

    An old , fat stockbroker gave this to me .

  5. 一个又老又胖的股票交易员给我的。

    An old , fat stockbrokergave this to me .

  6. 每一位股票交易员都得面对“魔鬼交易”的巨大诱惑。

    For a trader playing the market , the temptation to " go rogue " is huge .

  7. 影片中一段由华尔街股票交易员杰克·摩尔(影片主角)所写的声明首句即为:“你首先要知道是:丘吉尔。施瓦茨无处不在。”

    An expos é of the firm , written by Jake Moore , a disillusioned prop trader and the film 's central character , begins : " The first thing you need to know about Churchill Schwartz is that it 's everywhere . "

  8. 股票市场交易员差点不得不在桑迪飓风肆虐的时候继续工作。

    Stock market traders nearly had to work through hurricane Sandy .

  9. 不过,对面包和奶油的担心要跟布达佩斯股票交易所的交易员们每天所面对的现实相比就差得太远了。股票交易所被人们视为匈牙利整体经济状况的晴雨表。

    But bread-and-butter concerns seem far removed from the daily reality of traders at the Budapest Stock Exchange , seen as a key indicator of Hungary 's overall economic situation .

  10. 提供了一个虚拟的股票交易所和一个股票经纪公司以及多名股票交易员,每个人都会执行一些交易。

    There is a fictional stock exchange and a stock broker with multiple stock traders who each make a number of trades .

  11. 专长于买卖工业和基础材料企业股票的唐纳德,被普遍视为英国顶尖的股票交易员之一。

    Mr Donald , who specialises in trading industrial companies and basic materials , is widely regarded as one of the leading equity traders in the UK .