
  • 网络Market price;Market Price of Stock
  1. 研究结果表明,在不同阶段,股票市场价格指数与GDP间的关系是不一样的,其经济晴雨表的作用依赖于宏观经济运行状况。

    The results show that the relationship between stock market price index and macroeconomy is different at various stages . Whether it can acts as a barometer depends on the macroeconomic condition .

  2. 其中重点分析了股票市场价格变动对投资需求产生影响的托宾q效应和对消费需求发生作用的财富效应。

    As important part , the text has analyzed Tobin 's Q effect , manifesting how stock market price change have an effect to investment demand , and the wealth effect , showing how stock market price change have an effect to consumption demand .

  3. 今天股票市场价格继续下跌。

    Prices continued to fall on the stock market today .

  4. 第三部分在对现代信用风险模型进行概述的基础上,提出了以对企业股票市场价格变化的有关数据为分析基础的KMV模型是我国商业银行相对较为现实的一种借鉴选择;

    The third part is about the modern credit risk model .

  5. 最后利用马尔可夫机制转换算法(MRS算法)来辨识上海股票市场价格的异常波动。

    In addition , we apply the markov regime switching algorithm to detect the abnormal fluctuations of stock prices in Shanghai stock market .

  6. 第三章借鉴LSV模型对中国证券投资基金羊群行为的存在性进行了实证研究并分析了其对股票市场价格波动的影响。

    The third chapter discuss securities investment funds ' existence and the fluctuation of the stock price in China stock market .

  7. 本文内容主要包括以下几个方面:(1)运用VAR模型、Granger因果关系检验、脉冲响应分析与方差分解技术,研究宏观经济变量对我国股票市场价格行为的长期影响。

    The main contents of this study are as follows : ( 1 ) Using Vector Autoregression , Granger casualty test , Impulse Responses Analysis and Variance Decomposition technology , we study the long term effects of macroeconomic variables on Chinese stock market price behavior .

  8. 自1965年芝加哥大学尤金·法玛教授发表了《股票市场价格的行为》的论文以来,有效市场假说(EMH)理论受到广泛的检验并引起激烈的争论。

    Since the publication of The Behavior of Stock Market Price by Professor Fama Eugene of Chicago University in 1965 , the theory of Efficient Market Hypothesis ( EMH ) has been broadly tested and aroused heated arguments .

  9. 改进CNM算法,引入点权和边权使其适用于大规模加权网络的社团结构划分,并将此算法引入到股票市场价格波动分析中。

    Improved CNM algorithm , introduce nod weight and link weight to make the algorithm applicable to detect community structure of large-scale weighted network , then use it to analysis stock market price volatility .

  10. 因此,REITs在证券市场上自由交易时,REITs价格不但与房地产市场价格成正相关,也受股票市场价格波动影响,表明REITs的价格行为兼具房地产与股票的双重特质。

    Therefore , when REITs are freely traded in a stock market , the prices of REITs are positively related to not only real estate prices , but also stock market prices , indicating that the pricing behavior of REITs has dual characteristics of both real estate and stock .

  11. 沪市股票市场价格影响因素的实证分析

    Empirical analysis on factors influencing the price of Shanghai stock market

  12. 中国股票市场价格波动的理论与实证研究

    Theoretical Study of China 's Stock Market Price Volatility with Applications

  13. 年报披露、反应时间与投资决策&股票市场价格反应的持续模型研究

    Annual Financial Information Disclosure , Response Duration , and Investment Decision

  14. 中国股票市场价格噪声的非线性统计检验

    Nonlinear Statistical Test of Price Noise in Chinese Stock Market

  15. 中国股票市场价格波动数量分析

    Quantitative Analysis on Fluctuations of The Stock Market in China

  16. 基于高频数据的股票市场价格集聚效应特征研究

    High-frequency Data Based Empirical Study on Price Clustering in China Stock Market

  17. 股票市场价格涨了两点。

    Prices on the stock exchange advanced two points .

  18. 谣传利率上升之后,股票市场价格猛跌。

    Stock market prices tumbled after rumors of a rise in interest rates .

  19. 股票市场价格行为的理论模型分析

    Theoretic Model Analysis of Price Behavior in Stock Market

  20. 中国股票市场价格操纵研究

    Studies on Price Manipulation in China 's Stock Market

  21. 我国股票市场价格操纵交易特征实证研究

    Empirical Analysis of Trading Character of Stock Price Manipulation of China Securities Market

  22. 基于国际视角的股票市场价格行为比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Price Behavior of Stock Market from the International Perspective

  23. 股票市场价格涨了两点。按选择次序淘汰点票制

    Prices on the stock exchange advanced two points . preferential elimination system of counting

  24. 股票市场价格行为的复杂性

    Complexity of the Price Behavior in Stock Market

  25. 对股票市场价格行为进行研究,在宏观和微观方面都有重要的现实意义。

    The research on stock market price behaviors is important in macro-scope and microcosmic aspect .

  26. 股票市场价格继续上涨。

    Stock market prices continue to advance .

  27. 股票市场价格的一种平均模型

    A Modeling of Share Market Price Average

  28. 实例中包括股票市场价格,短期国债利率和信贷市场状况。

    Examples include stock market prices , Treasury Bill rates , and credit market conditions .

  29. 因此,必须建立和完善股票市场价格稳定机制。

    So a stable mechanism of our market price of stocks should be emerged and perfected .

  30. 权证的出现使得股票市场价格波动性变小,但创设制度却使得股票市场的波动性增大。

    And warrants reduce overall price volatility in stock market , while creation institution increases volatility .