
  1. 金融领域比较多的是股吧中的评论和研究者的个股点评,股评观点通常有很强的倾向性。

    The financial sector is relatively more in the comments of stocks and researchers Stock Review . Stock analysts view is usually with a strong bias .

  2. 老游戏,就越有可能的是,零售商将要股吧,正如出来的新版本,每月和货架空间是有限的。

    The older a game is , the less likely it is that retailers will want to stock it ; as new releases are coming out every month , and shelf space is limited .

  3. 互联网上海量的金融文本数据(财经新闻,研究报告,股吧论坛等)蕴含着丰富的信息,而这些信息与很多财经事件或证券走势存在着密切的关系。

    A large number of financial text data on the Internet , i.e. , financial news , research report and stock BBS , contain rich information which having close relationship with many financial events or stock price trends .

  4. 看看20世纪90年代的科技股泡沫吧。没有明显的后果。

    Look at the technology bubble in the 1990s . There were no obvious consequences .