
  • 网络Financial Information Service
  1. 在给美国财经资讯网站SeekingAlpha撰写的一篇挑衅性文章中,IDGCapitalGroup的玛万o喀拉密写下了上面这段话。喀拉密在文中用了11个电子表格、7个图表和两个统计试验法模拟来佐证自己的观点。

    So writes Marwaan Karame of IDG Capital Group in a provocative Seeking Alpha article backed with eleven spreadsheets , seven graphs and two Monte Carlo simulations .

  2. 主力品牌“CBN财经资讯”&中国首选决策参考信息系统,第一时间,权威渠道,精确分析。

    " CBN financial information " is the main CBN brand for accurate analyses in decision-making references .

  3. 纽约市长麦克尔・彭博(MichaelBloomberg)之女&乔治娜・彭博(GeorginaBloomberg)位列第四。其父是财经资讯公司彭博通讯社的大股东,身价高达115亿美元。

    Georgina Bloomberg , daughter of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg majority owner of Bloomberg LP financial news and data company and estimated to be worth $ 11.5 billion comes in at No.4 .

  4. 公司依托网络终端和移动终端,致力打造亚洲最大实时在线财经资讯和服务平台。

    Asian finance is now dedicated to building Asia 's best and largest platform for real-time financial information and services by the support of network terminals and mobile terminals .

  5. 中国和中国媒体在接受国际主流财经媒体资讯的过程中,必须以积极的心态全面、审慎地分析和认知。

    Therefore , China and the Chinese medias must have a positive attitude to analysis and cognitive in the information with the international mainstream financial media .

  6. 第一财经的衍生产品包括财经资讯产品和财经公关产品。

    First Financial 's derivative products include financial information products and financial communications products .

  7. 网络财经媒体是以发布和传播财经新闻、资讯为主要内容的互联网媒体。

    Financial Network is based media publishing and dissemination of financial news , information for the main contents of the Internet media .

  8. 新浪财经作为国内首屈一指的国内综合门户网站的财经媒体,以专业的财经资讯和深度的预测分析,独家率高达90%,受到广大用户的青睐。

    Comprehensive portal website SINA finance and economics as a domestic leading domestic financial media , with professional financial information and prediction analysis of depth , exclusive rate is as high as90 % , by the broad masses of users .

  9. 网络财经媒体作为财经媒体的一类近年来发展也很迅速,财经信息与网络的结合满足了读者对财经资讯及时、全面、海量的需求。

    Financial Media Financial Network as one type of media is also very rapid in recent years , financial information and network to meet the readers a combination of financial information on a timely , comprehensive and massive demand .