
  • 网络austerity;Fiscal austerity;fiscal retrenchment;austerity measures;stringency
  1. 财政紧缩政策不会对普通的摩洛哥人产生直接的负面影响。

    The austerity measures will have little immediate adverse effect on the average Moroccan .

  2. 由于过度的财政紧缩导致大规模经济衰退,这项策略现在反而弄巧成拙。

    The recessions spawned by excessive austerity are rendering it self-defeating .

  3. 财政紧缩时期,无疑要对公共支出进行严格审查。

    In times of financial stringency it is clear that public expenditure has to be closely scrutinized .

  4. 情况最糟糕的是日本和英国(财政紧缩幅度为GDP的13%)。

    Worst were Japan and the UK ( a fiscal tightening of 13 per cent of GDP ) .

  5. 严苛的财政紧缩令局面雪上加霜,其公共债务与GDP比例正逼近200%。

    Exacerbated by a draconian fiscal austerity , its public debt is heading towards 200 per cent of gross domestic product .

  6. 在欧元区,答案显而易见:过早的财政紧缩致使债务与国内生产总值(gdp)之比进一步恶化。

    In the eurozone , the answer would be obvious : premature fiscal tightening has made debt-to-gross domestic product ratios worse .

  7. 美国国会预算办公室(congressionalbudgetoffice)和美联储(fed)警告称,此类财政紧缩措施可能在明年导致经济陷入衰退。

    Such fiscal austerity could push the economy into recession next year , the Congressional Budget Office and the Federal Reserve have warned .

  8. 由于联邦预算赤字预计将低于国内生产总值(GDP)的3%,美国没有必要实行进一步的财政紧缩。

    With the federal budget deficit expected to be below 3 per cent of gross domestic product , further fiscal tightening is unneeded .

  9. 在欧元区,财政紧缩幅度预计将从2013年GDP的1%下降到明年的0.5%。

    In the eurozone , fiscal tightening is expected to fall from about 1 per cent of GDP in 2013 to less than 0.5 per cent next year .

  10. 作为纾困计划的一个条件,希腊同意采取财政紧缩措施,这意味着进行严苛的财政调整,规模达对国内生产总值(gdp)的10%。

    The austerity measures to which Greece signed up as a condition of its bail-out require a draconian fiscal adjustment of 10 per cent of gross domestic product .

  11. 该机构总结道,美国财政紧缩的幅度应为GDP的8.8%,而英国为可观的12.8%。

    It concludes that needed US fiscal tightening would be 8.8 per cent of GDP , while that of the UK would be a massive 12.8 per cent .

  12. 原因之一是1997年亚洲金融危机的惨痛回忆,当时国际货币基金组织(imf)迫使多个亚洲国家实施了财政紧缩。

    One reason is the bitter memory of the 1997 Asian financial crisis when the International Monetary Fund imposed fiscal austerity on several Asian countries .

  13. 在2010年6月举行的20国集团(g20)多伦多峰会上,高收入国家纷纷转向财政紧缩。

    At the Toronto summit of the group of 20 leading economies in June 2010 , high-income countries turned to fiscal austerity .

  14. 康登在此处以及6月号《standpoint》杂志上,都用了历史来证明财政紧缩与经济扩张是可能同时发生的。

    Mr Congdon appealed to history , both there and in the June issue of standpoint magazine , to demonstrate the coincidence of fiscal contractions with economic expansions .

  15. Osborne看起来非常自信,他相信通过财政紧缩政策,私人的开支会弥补剩余的市场需求。

    Mr Osborne has often seemed too confident that private-sector spending will fill the gap in demand left by fiscal austerity .

  16. 欧元区需要财政紧缩,但也需要一定水平的增长要实现这种增长,欧洲央行(ecb)放宽货币政策是最佳方法。

    The eurozone needs fiscal austerity , but it also needs a level of growth best provided by an easing of monetary policy from the European Central Bank .

  17. 希腊正在尝试力度几乎空前的紧缩措施&几年内的财政紧缩规模相当于国内生产总值(GDP)的16%;而且该国至少已经朝着正确的方向进发。

    Greece is attempting a pretty much unprecedented tightening equivalent to around 16 percentage points of gross domestic product in a few years , and it has at least gone off in the right direction .

  18. 奥巴马的就业议程须设法克服明年计划的财政紧缩的影响(其规模达至GDP的2%),这还是在处理就业问题上他面临的考验中最小的一个。

    A minimal test of Mr Obama 's jobs agenda will be whether it is big enough to counter the fiscal tightening , equivalent to2 % of GDP , that is slated for next year .

  19. 希腊总理帕潘德里欧无视抗议者的要求,成功地使最新一轮的财政紧缩方案在议会通过,这对希腊获得欧盟和国际货币基金组织(IMF)提供的下一笔援助金至关重要。

    Defying the protesters , Prime Minister Papandreou succeeded in getting the latest round of austerity measures passed in Parliament , vital to secure the next slice of European and IMF bailout money .

  20. 美国和日本财政紧缩规模必须达到GDP的8%以上,而英国、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、波兰和爱尔兰都需要紧缩5%至7%。

    Tightening by more than 8 per cent of GDP is called for in the US and Japan , with the UK , Portugal , Slovak Republic , Poland and Ireland all requiring consolidation of 5 to 7 percentage points of GDP .

  21. 德国方面提出上述想法之际,正值希腊总理乔治帕潘德里欧(GeorgePapandreou)飞抵巴黎,寻求法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)对希腊政府大幅度财政紧缩计划的支持。

    The German thinking emerged as George Papandreou , the Greek prime minister , flew to Paris to seek the support of Nicolas Sarkozy , French president , for his government 's drastic austerity programme .

  22. 主持多伦多峰会的加拿大总理史蒂芬哈珀(stephenharper)就不慎露了馅他警告,那些选择经济增长而非财政紧缩的政府,很快会被迫调整政策。

    Stephen Harper , the Canadian Prime Minister and host at Toronto , gave the game away when he warned that governments that chose economic growth over fiscal austerity would soon be brought into line .

  23. 尽管IMF赞同日本再度聚焦于增长,但也警告安倍(Abe)新政府,如果不执行中期财政紧缩措施,刺激带来的复苏可能不会持久,而债务前景将显著恶化。

    Although the fund welcomed the renewed focus on growth in Japan , it warned the new Abe government that if it slipped up on medium-term fiscal tightening the stimulus-induced recovery could prove shortlived and the debt outlook significantly worse .

  24. 与此相反,OECD认为,经济增速逊于预期的主要原因并不是财政紧缩(处于主权债务危机早期阶段的欧元区或许是个例外)。

    Conversely , the OECD believes that – with the exception perhaps of the eurozone in the early stages of its sovereign debt crisis – austerity was not the main reason why countries did not grow as fast as expected .

  25. 2014年,美国财政紧缩幅度将仅相当于GDP的0.4%,而人们普遍预计GDP增长将超过3%,远超国会预算办公室(CBO)目前估计的潜在产出增幅&约2%。

    The US fiscal stance will tighten by only 0.4 per cent of GDP this year , and GDP growth is widely expected to exceed 3 percent , well above the current CBO estimate of about 2 per cent for the growth in potential output .

  26. imf总裁多米尼克斯特劳斯-卡恩(dominiquestrauss-kahn)将在多伦多展示各种模拟前景,这些模拟前景将显示,如果目前讨论的唯一举措是财政紧缩,那么全球经济增速将低于可能水平2.5个百分点。

    Dominique Strauss-Kahn , IMF Managing Director , will present simulations in Toronto showing that if the only action on the table is fiscal retrenchment , the world economy would grow at a rate 2.5 percentage points below what is possible .

  27. 作为欧洲最大经济体全面财政紧缩计划的一部分,德国总理安格拉默克尔(AngelaMerkel)昨日公布了总额逾800亿欧元的大规模支出削减计划,此外还将裁减至多1.5万个公共部门的工作岗位。

    Drastic spending cuts totalling more than € 80bn ( $ 96bn ) were unveiled yesterday by Angela Merkel , German chancellor , on top of up to 15,000 job losses in the public sector as part of a sweeping austerity package for Europe 's largest economy .

  28. 类似的,财政紧缩未能让私人支出变得更强劲。

    Similarly , fiscal tightening did not unleash stronger private spending .

  29. 在危机时期,实施财政紧缩政策是不可避免的。

    During the emergency period fiscal retrenchment and austerity are unavoidable .

  30. 过快的财政紧缩可能会造成巨大的破坏。

    Overly rapid fiscal tightening is likely to be hugely damaging .