
  • 网络Evaluation object;appraise object
  1. 评价客体并不是自在的事物,而是人化的实在;

    Appraise object is not unrestrained things , but it is " personification " tangible ;

  2. 评价客体受规限较多,形成失败型体验。

    Evaluation objects are limited so much that they experience failure .

  3. 数字图书馆评价客体分为不同层面。

    The digital library evaluation can be divided into different facets .

  4. 数字图书馆评价客体解析

    The Analysis of Digital Library Evaluation Objects

  5. 本文研究结果表明:(1)作为评价客体的热区人工林发展迅速,同时也存在不少问题,通过推进森林可持续经营,可以引导热区人工林的可持续发展。

    Results presented in this thesis can be summarized as follows : - As appraisal object , tropical plantation expands very quickly and loads much new problem .

  6. 评价客体,即评价对象,一是对思想政治教育课堂生态系统要素的评价,一是对思想者教育过程和教育效果的评价。

    Evaluation of object , namely , evaluation objects , one of the ideological and political education classroom evaluation of elements of the ecosystem , one of the thinkers of the educational process and the evaluation of educational results .

  7. 自我价值感是指个人在社会生活中,认知和评价作为客体的自我对社会主体(包括群体和他人)以及对作为主体的自我的正向的自我情感体验。

    Self-worth sense is to be a guest individual in social life accepts a kind of positive feelings to know and apprise the main body of society and himself as a host .

  8. 本文论述教师的科研成果是教师队伍综合素质评价的重要客体。

    The scientific researching fruits are the objects of evaluating the teachers ' multiple qualities .

  9. 着重讨论了现行的评价方式&客体决定论所存在的问题,初步提出了主体决定论评价基础研究成果的构想。

    Then the article discusses with emphasis the problems in the present evaluation method of the results of basic research & the method of " determinism by the object , " and suggests the method of " determinism by the subject ".

  10. 评价主体、价客体及评价中介构成评价的有机整体。

    Appraise subjective , appraise object and appraise intermediary to form organic whole appraised .

  11. 从而本章设计了评价主体与评价客体分组的四种链式模型来解决子群的异质性。

    This chapter is designed to evaluate the main object grouping and evaluation of the four subgroups chain model to solve the heterogeneity .

  12. 代理理论为我们界定企业业绩评价的主体、客体以及确定评价目标提供了理论基础。

    The principal-agent theory provided theoretical basis for us to fix corpus , nonego and evaluation target of performance evaluation of the firm .

  13. 明确评价的主体和客体是构建评价制度的前提,主要是解决谁来评价与评价谁的问题。

    The clear evaluation of subject and object is the presupposition , which concerns about who do the evaluation and whom to be evaluated .

  14. 然后分析了该地区公立中学绩效评价的主体、客体及绩效评价的内容。

    And then , author pointed out the body , object and content of performance appraisal in the middle school of that area established by the government .

  15. 因此,分析与探讨善恶评价的主体与客体及其二者的关系,对于我们深入地把握善恶评价的活动机制和结构有着重要的意义。

    Therefore , probing the subject and the object of evaluation and the connection between them is very important to us to grasp theory and design of the subject and the object of evaluation .

  16. 典型案例分析法明确评价主体、评价客体、评价依据、评价方式和评价方法,对一家三级甲等医院实施的室间隔缺损临床路径的医疗服务管理绩效进行测评。

    Typical case analysis . Gained the subject , object , form , basis , method for evaluation and made test on the medical care management in an general hospital for performance evaluation . 6 . Statistical analysis method .

  17. 它表征教育价值主体对于教育价值客体的认识、体验和评价,教育价值客体对于教育价值主体的意义及其满足主体需要的程度。

    It means the educational value subjects ' understanding , experience and evaluation about the educational value objects , and the meaning of the objects to the subjects , the degree that they can satisfy the needs of the subjects .

  18. 从价值论角度看,艺术追求的主要是审美客体的象征性,因此,艺术真实是审美主体的评价态度和审美客体象征性的统一,主体的评价在这一统一中起着关键的作用。

    The pursuit of art is the main symbol of aesthetic object in axiology . Therefore , artistic reality is the combination of the evaluative attitude to aesthetic subject and the symbol of aesthetic object , subjective evaluation plays a key role in the combination .

  19. 第二阶段为小范围试用阶段,是其使用者&教师和学生对教科书的应用质量进行评价的阶段,评价客体包括教科书和其使用者。

    The second stage is the small-scale trial phase . Teachers and students begin to evaluate the quality of textbook application of the stage .

  20. 行政伦理的评价主体是人民、评价客体是行政实践活动、评价尺度是“三个有利于”。

    The subject of administrative ethics appraisal is people , the object is administrative practice activities , the evaluation criteria is " three benefits " .

  21. 评价主体多元化、评价主体与评价客体统一化;

    Evaluation subject is pluralistic and unites with evaluation object ;

  22. 第三章研究软科学研究项目后评价要素,分别对评价主体、评价客体、评价目标、评价依据、评价指标进行研究,分析评价要素特点及其对项目评价的影响。

    Chapter 3 is about the elements of soft science project post-evaluation , this chapter separately studies evaluator , the evaluation object , the evaluation objectives , evaluation basis and evaluation index , analyzes the Characteristics of elements .

  23. 评价主体是参与健美操运动的人,评价客体就是健美操的价值事实。

    Evaluation subject is the people who take part in the aerobic sports . Evaluation object is the value truth of aerobic .

  24. 另外,合作学习评价强调评价内容、评价标准、评价方式以及评价主客体的多样性。

    Moreover , cooperative learning assessment emphasizes the diversity in content 、 criteria 、 manners as well as the subject and object of assessment .

  25. 第一部分首先从网络学术信息资源评价的概念谈起,进而深入分析其评价的意义、客体及主体;

    The first part deals with the four basic theoretical study for the academic information resources of network , which discusses the concept , significance , object and subject of it .

  26. 绩效维度、测量和指标,绩效评价的方式、方法和工具,以及评价的主体、客体和绩效环境构成了绩效评价体系。

    Performance dimensions , measures , indicators , and the ways , methods and tools of performance assessment , as well as the appraisal subjective , the objective and the performance environment constituted the performance assessment system . 3 .

  27. 在分析了网络学术信息资源目前存在的问题之后,探讨了网络学术信息资源评价的意义;并进一步指出网络学术信息资源评价的客体是对网络学术信息资源的信息质量进行评价。

    Beginning with the concept of evaluation , it discusses the meaning of evaluation after analyzing the question that the academic information resources of network exists at present and further points out that the object of appraisal is to evaluate the qualities of network academic information resources .

  28. 而构建科学的教学质量监控、评价体系,首先必须全方位地界定教学质量监控、评价的主体与客体。

    And in order to establish a scientific teaching quality monitoring and evaluating system , an omnidirectional definition should be drawn to the subject and object of the omnidirectional teaching monitoring and evaluating system .

  29. 其次,对石油企业安全文化综合评价体系构成要素进行研究,明确了综合评价的目的、评价主体以及评价客体。

    Secondly , the paper does research of the factors of evaluating system , confirming the propose , the subject and the object of the evaluation .

  30. 思想道德教育价值评价的主体可分群体主体和个体主体,而思想道德教育价值评价的客体就是指评价对象,它是由四个方面构成的评价域。

    The value evaluating subject of IME can be divided into group subject and individual subject , while the value evaluating object of IME refers to the evaluating target . It is the evaluating field consisting of four aspects .