
  1. 本文提出了我国兽医防疫管理体制改革的基本思路和建议:根据市场经济运行规律和WTO规则的要求,加快动物防疫法制化进程;

    This paper produces some basic thinking and advices on reforming livestock epidemic management system . : according to market-oriented economy rules and WTO rules , step up the legalization of animal epidemic prevention ;

  2. 稳定的环境是市场经济运行的最基本条件。

    Stable environment is a basic condition of market economy operation .

  3. 个人信用制度是整个市场经济运行的基础。

    Personal credit system works as the foundation of market economy .

  4. 加强和改善对市场经济运行的宏观调控

    Strengthening and Improving Macrocontrol and Macroregulation of Market Economy Operation

  5. 信用是市场经济运行的道德基础;

    Faithfulness is the basis for the operation of the market economy ;

  6. 市场经济运行的三个规律及其三大顽疾

    Three Laws and Three Persistent Ailments in the Operating Process of Market Economy

  7. 运行费用&选择市场经济运行模式的基本依据

    Operation expenses & an essential basis for selecting market oriented economic operation patterns

  8. 简论现代市场经济运行的调节机制

    Comments on Regulation System of Current Market Economic Circulation

  9. 包括农村市场经济运行的动力机制、信息机制和宏观调控机制。

    It involves the motivation mechanism , information mechanism and macroeconomic regulation mechanism .

  10. 消费者是市场经济运行中不可或缺的一种市场主体。

    Consumer is an integral part of running a mainstay of market economy .

  11. 从资本循环看市场经济运行

    To Observe Market Economy from the Capital Cycle

  12. 失业是市场经济运行和发展过程中必然存在的现象。

    Unemployment is an inevitable phenomenon during the existence and development of marketing economy .

  13. 遵循市场经济运行规律加快开发安徽省非金属矿产资源

    Observe market economy development rules , speed up the exploration of nonferrous metal resources

  14. 诚信是市场经济运行的基础。

    Integrity is the foundation of market economy .

  15. 建立适应市场经济运行的经济统计指标体系构想

    On Setting-up of Index System for Economic Statistics Suitable for the Operation of Market Economy

  16. 国有上市公司在我国的规模经济和资源配置上存在着优势,在市场经济运行中扮演着重要的角色。

    State-owned listed companies have advantage in economic and play an important role on marketing .

  17. 在市场经济运行中,现代管理主要面向的是团体。

    In the operation of the market economy , modern management is mostly geared to teams .

  18. 调控道路运输市场经济运行的研究

    Research into Control Road Transport Market

  19. 现代社会,公司已成为市场经济运行中的重要主体。

    Company has become an important market subject of market economy in motion in the modern society .

  20. 竞争是市场经济运行的基本方式,但过度的竞争会导致实质的限制竞争(即为垄断)。

    Competition is a basic way of market economy , but over competition can result in actual antimonopoly .

  21. 适应市场经济运行机制探索高校车辆管理新路

    Conforming to the Running Mechanism of Market-Oriented Economy and Seeking the New Roads of Vehicle Management in Higher Institutions

  22. 竞业禁止制度是市场经济运行秩序的需要,也是法律的公平价值和诚信理念的要求。

    The system is necessary to the market-oriented economy , the rule of good faith and the idea of just .

  23. 市场经济运行体制的不断完善使得经营决策成为企业的首要管理职能。

    With the perfection of market economy management system , management decision becomes the leading function of the enterprise operation .

  24. 单位是市场经济运行的主体,在社会主义市场经济发展过程中发挥着日益重要的作用。

    Enterprise as the principal economic part plays a more and more important role during the transition to market economy .

  25. 破产在市场经济运行中,由于竞争的广泛存在,而产生的一种十分正常的经济现象。

    Bankruptcy is a kind of normal economic phenomenon in the operation of market economy , for the existence of competition .

  26. 在市场经济运行中,消费信贷作为一种调节手段,对调节消费需求,促进经济稳定增长起着十分重要的作用。

    In market economy , consumer credit is an important means for adjusting consumption demand and contributing to stable development of economy .

  27. 建立一个适合我国国情的符合市场经济运行规则的劳动争议处理体制已迫在眉睫。

    Suitable for China to establish a market economy in line with the rules of the labor dispute handling system is imminent .

  28. 本文从分析经济因素对税负转嫁的影响入手,揭示税负转嫁可能对市场经济运行产生的社会效应。

    The shift of the tax burden is not merely theory , but also an important influence on the market-oriented economy functioning .

  29. 制造商客户作为企业类客户中最重要的类别,其在整个市场经济运行中扮演着不可或缺的重要角色。

    As the most important type of enterprise customers , manufacturer customers play an important role in the operation of market economy .

  30. 对于人格权商品化相关利益的侵犯,不仅扰乱了正常的市场经济运行,同时也给权利人造成了巨大的损害。

    The infringement acts not only disrupt the normal operation of market economy , but also cause huge damages to the obligees .