
  • 网络marketability;marketness;market
  1. 具有独特性、优势性和市场性三大基本特征。

    Unique advantages and marketability of the three basic characteristics .

  2. 医疗服务的市场性与医疗救助

    Health services ' marketability and medical aid

  3. 理财产品创新的风险包括市场性风险、法律性风险、经营性和操作性风险以及技术创新风险。

    Financial product innovation risk includes market risk , legal risk , business and operational risk and technology innovation risk .

  4. 指导中国文化与价值转型的原则应为:本土性、内生性、市场性及反思性。

    The conclusion reached by the paper is to apply the native , endogenic , marketing and rethinking principles to guiding the exchanges and transformation .

  5. 两宋时期的赈灾救荒措施从性质上看,可分为三类:纯行政性措施、市场性措施与社会性措施。

    The measure for relieving famine and disaster in Song dynasties can be categorized into tree types from the properties : the simple administrative measure , the market measure and the social measure .

  6. 目的的公共政策性、手段的市场性、意思表示的政府主导性、适用范围的有限性、法律适用的综合性是行政权运行过程中引进市场机制的主要特征。

    The main characteristics of market mechanism in the process of administrative right implementation are public policies of the aim , marketability of method , government management , limitation of suitable scope , comprehensive ability of law enforcement .

  7. 从高等教育所具有的公共物品和私人物品双重属性入手,对高等教育的投资收益率、市场性及高校的企业性质进行了分析,阐述了高等教育的产业属性。

    On the basis of the double attributes of higher education & public goods and private goods , this paper analyses the higher education return of investment , market characteristics and its enterprise features . Besides , it expounds the industrial attributes of the higher education .

  8. 这种做法让一些评论员怀疑她真正的信念到底是什么,她是不是为了在国家经济统制的法国打造政治前程而牺牲了更多市场友好性本能。

    This leads some commentators to wonder what her real convictions are , and whether she has sacrificed her more market-friendly instincts in order to forge a political career in statist france .

  9. IPO的抑价现象与股票市场有效性假设相矛盾,特别是中国股票市场IPO抑价程度相对高,已经影响到股票市场的健康发展和资源的有效配置。

    Moreover , higher degree of underpricing in China has affected development of its stock market .

  10. 结论表明我国的IPO定价主要决定于发行市盈率,且市场波动性,整体经济运行对IPO定价影响有一定时滞性。

    The conclusion shows that the IPO pricing in China mainly lies on issuing market payoff rate , and market fluctuation and overall economic operation make IPO pricing lagged .

  11. 本文阐述了Fama关于资本市场有效性理论的定义及其基于不同信息集上的划分;

    In this paper , the Fama 's definition of efficient capital market is introduced .

  12. 早期的研究主要集中在市场流动性指标的构造、市场流动性模式的探讨方面,到上世纪末研究开始涉及基于VaR模型的市场流动性风险的度量。

    Primeval research aims to construct liquidity index and research liquidity mode of stock market . While time goes to the last of 1990s , people start to quantify liquidity risk bias VaR models .

  13. iasb的改革将会在决定哪种银行资产必须以市价计值、哪种资产可以根据平滑市场波动性的所谓的摊余成本会计制度进行计值上提供更大的灵活性。

    The IASB reforms will allow more flexibility in determining which bank assets must be marked to market and which can be valued according to so-called amortised cost accounting , which smooths out market volatility .

  14. 在美国推出的、追踪人民币计价债券回报率的三只交易所交易基金(ETF),可能在交易它们理应追踪的债券方面遇到麻烦,原因是所谓的点心债券市场流动性有限。

    Three exchange traded funds launched in the US to track the return on renminbi-denominated bonds may have trouble trading the debt securities they are meant to track because of limited liquidity in the market for so-called dim-sum bonds .

  15. 中国A股市场流动性统计特性与变化趋势

    The Statistical Characteristic and Trend of Liquidity in Chinese A-Share Market

  16. 证券市场流动性与交易者群体变动的混沌研究

    Research of securities market liquidity and chaos of bargainer colony change

  17. 流动性也扮演了一个影响市场预测性的角色。

    Liquidity also plays a role in influencing the market predictability .

  18. 第二章阐述股票市场波动性相关理论。

    And the paper describes the volatility of stock market-related theory .

  19. 中国股票市场波动性与交易量关系的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Price Volatility and Trading Volume in Chinese Stock Market

  20. 房地产市场有效性研究综述

    Review of the Efficiency of Real Estate Market in China

  21. 国债市场流动性研究&一个比较分析框架

    The Study on the Liquidity of the Government Bond Market

  22. 上海证券市场流动性模式的研究

    The Research of Liquidity Mode in Security Exchange of Shanghai

  23. 一是市场流动性风险的影响因素。

    One is the market liquidity risk influence factor .

  24. 研究股票收益分布的特征,对探索股票市场有效性、证券投资组合等问题都具有重要的现实意义。

    The distribution of stock returns has thick tails .

  25. 内部资本市场有效性研究

    A Study of the Efficiency of Internal Capital Market

  26. 中国资本市场系统性风险分析与防范

    An Analysis of Systematic Risk in Chinese Capital Market

  27. 证券市场流动性极限及其计量模型

    Securities market liquidity limit and its econometrical model

  28. 证券市场波动性影响因素的理论研究

    Security market flutuation influence factor 's theory research

  29. 银行间债券市场政策性功能日益突出。

    The IBBM 's policy function becomes evident .

  30. 基于市场公平性的发电机组检修规划

    Unit Maintenance Schedule Based on Equity of Market