
  • 网络market order
  1. 通过实证研究,本文认为相对于限价委托,市价委托方式更为常用。

    From the empirical study , the authors find that comparing with limited orders , market order is more popular , especially when the market is not stable .

  2. 投资者通过其开户的证券公司买卖证券的,应当采用市价委托或者限价委托。

    Investors who sell and buy securities through the securities companies with which they have opened accounts shall entrust the companies by adopting market price or limit price .

  3. 委托单种类,可以在任何时刻提交但在收市时以收市价执行的委托单。

    Order type : can be submitted at any time within a trading session , but only executable at closing , at the closing price .