
  • 网络price limit;daily price limits;fluctuation limit
  1. 从提高流动性,减少流动性波动性的角度出发,应该放宽正负10%的涨跌幅限制。

    So we should broaden the price limit to increase liquidity .

  2. 由于ST板块实行5%的涨跌幅限制,这种规定限制了股价的过度波动,我们可以看到ST板块日收益的最大值和最小值之间的差距是最小的。

    As the implementation of ST plate a 5 % price limit , which limits the stock price fluctuations , we can see that the income gap between the maximum and the minimum is the smallest .

  3. 涨跌幅限制:是否稳定了股票市场?&基于GARCH事件模型的实证检验

    Price Limits : Stabilize or Destabilize the Markets ? & Direct Test Based on the GARCH-Event Model

  4. 涨跌幅限制与知情投资者行为:基于中国实证

    Price limit and informed investor behavior : Evidence from China stock market

  5. 涨跌幅限制与流动性研究

    The Study on Price Limits and Stock Market Liquidity

  6. 上海股市涨跌幅限制的磁吸与冷却效应研究

    The Study on Magnet and Cooling-off Effect of Price Limit in Shanghai Stock Market

  7. 当市场投资者构成中噪音交易者比例很小的情况下,涨跌幅限制制度反而将增加过度波动程度。

    While there are few noise traders , such institute will increase the degree of excess volatility .

  8. 对于股票在达到涨跌幅限制后价格如何变化的解释有两种假设:信息假设和过度反应假设。

    The overreaction hypothesis and the information hypothesis are two major hypotheses regarding the effects of price constrains on stock price behavior .

  9. 股本规模、涨跌幅限制与磁石效应&基于沪深A股市场高频数据的实证研究

    Scale Stocks , Price Limit and Magnet Effect & Empirical Study on High-frequency Data of the Shanghai and Shenzhen A Stock Markets

  10. 涨跌幅限制主要抑制了B股的过度波动,没有阻碍价格反应信息的过程,即不会扭曲股价行为;

    Price limits restrain the excessive volatility of B-share , whereas up-limits affect the fundamental volatility of B-share and distort the price behavior .

  11. 此外,从不同价格波动限制方式的影响来看,选择弹性涨跌幅限制可较好地发挥价格限制的好处,减小价格限制的不利影响。

    In addition , in comparison with other price limit system , flexible price limit plays a better role in reducing price volatility and minimizing its negative impact .

  12. 市场中有限理性投资者占大多数,但并不能忽略噪音交易者的力量,其数量上在投资者总体中仍占有相当比重的条件下,涨跌幅限制幅度的大小对于过度波动程度的改变没有明显的差异。

    While there are considerable but not a large number of noise traders , the existence of price limit institute has little influence on the degree of excess volatility .

  13. 本文得出的结论是,与没有价格限制的基准实验相比较,动态和静态涨跌幅限制都显著的抑制了价格对基础价值的偏离,提高了市场的信息反映程度。

    Experimental results show , as compared with the experiments without price limits , both dynamic and static price limits can eliminate the price bubbles in the markets and improve the information efficiency significantly .

  14. 发现涨跌幅限制对知情投资者交易行为产生重要影响,主要表现在当均衡价格与当前股价有较大偏离时,涨跌幅限制会使知情投资者推迟当前的交易,延缓了均衡价格的实现。

    Our finding is that price limit policy will bring significant effect to the trading behavior of insiders , which means price limit policy will impede the fulfillment of insiders ' trading activities and delay the discovery of equilibrium price .

  15. 因此,涨跌幅限制这项机制可能会影响交易者在报价时的理性程度。(3)从市场成交价的信息传递效率来看,不论有无涨跌幅限制,市场均存在一定程度的非效率性。

    So price limits may influence the rationality of the traders in quoting . ( 3 ) From the perspective of the information-transfer efficiency of market prices , whether or not there are price limits , the market has some degree of inefficiency .

  16. 结果发现,涨跌幅限制截断了期货日内价格变化的极端行为,造成期货报酬率分布的峰态减缓,并对极值分布的参数估计、保证金不足的概率估计与保证金比例的设定均有影响。

    I found that futures price limits cut off the extreme behavior of price changes days , so the distribution of futures returns kurtosis slow , on the extreme value distribution parameter estimation , less than the probability of margin estimates and margin settings have affected the ratio .

  17. 此外期货涨跌幅限制与保证金对于降低期货价格波动性有替代效果,较窄小的涨跌幅限制可以降低期货价格的波动,有助于控制期货的违约风险,因此须要求相对较低的期货保证金比例。

    In addition , futures price limits and margin for the futures price volatility have lower substitution effect , narrow small price limits reduce the volatility of futures prices to help control the futures of default risk , it is necessary to lower the relative demands of margins .

  18. 资产价值的波动性越大,市场的信息效率越差。(4)不管是否存在涨跌幅限制,知情交易者的平均交易收益都多于非知情交易者,但这一点在统计上并不显著。

    The bigger the swing range , the less the information-transfer efficiency of the market . ( 4 ) With or without price limits , the average proceeds of informed traders were more than uninformed traders , but there was not a statistically significant difference between the two scenarios .

  19. 结果表明,中国股市当前10%的涨跌幅价格限制率会降低市场效率,而且不能降低市场的波动。

    The results show that 10 % of the price limits on the Chinese stock market affected market efficiency and could not reduce market volatility .