
zhǎng shì
  • uptrend;upward trend;upturn
  1. 瑞卡尔电子公司的股票涨势明显。

    Racal Electronics shares have been in a strong uptrend

  2. 中国移动(chinamobile)延续了最近的涨势,尽管该公司表示“目前并无任何有关收购或变卖的商谈或协议”。

    China Mobile extended its recent gains even as it said it was not in " negotiations or agreements relating to intended acquisitions " .

  3. 瑞士央行(swissnationalbank)采取措施遏制瑞士法郎的涨势,让交易人员大吃一惊,此后,在周三,外汇市场的注意力转向东京。

    After the Swiss National Bank stunned dealers with its move to curb the franc , the focus in currency markets on Wednesday switched to Tokyo .

  4. 从保险到物流等多个行业的疲弱表现以及电子产品零售商circuitcity申请破产保护的消息,逆转了之前的涨势并推低了主要股指。

    The poor performance of sectors ranging from insurance to logistics , and the announcement that the electronics retailer circuit city had filed for bankruptcy protection , reversed early gains and sent major stock indexes lower .

  5. 尽管每轮市场反弹最终都呈V形,每次连续的涨势中,个股的参与越来越少。

    Despite the fact that each market rebound ended up as a V-shaped affair , each successive rally was carried out with less and less individual stock participation .

  6. 但是不久之后,Eve却被向日葵的迅猛涨势而感到惊讶,并且这株植物似乎还没有停止生长的趋势。

    But to her amazement it soon shot past the height of her other blooms - and shows no sign of stopping .

  7. 在企业IT领域支出预期增加的利好下,IBM股价在最近几个月中涨势喜人,自1月来涨幅已达18%。

    Shares in IBM have gained momentum in recent months , up now18 % since January , as expectations for more spending in the IT sphere have grown .

  8. 在投资者等待欧洲央行(ecb)下月采取行动遏制欧元区危机之际,此轮涨势已形成势头。

    The rally has gathered steam as investors await efforts by the European Central Bank next month to contain the eurozone crisis .

  9. 尽管微软销售额涨势喜人,新电脑安装Windows操作系统所带来的收入却同比下降了13%,要知道它一直是个可靠的收入来源。为什么会出现这种情况?

    Despite the company 's good sales numbers , revenue from copies of its Windows operating system installed on new computers , long a reliable source of cash , were down 13 % year-over-year . Why ?

  10. 8月份这轮主要由科技股拉动的涨势以成交量偏小为特征,苹果公司(apple)股价创出历史新高每股674.88美元,目前其在标准普尔指数中所占权重已经接近5%。

    Low equity volumes have typified the August rally led by technology shares , with apple touching a record high of $ 674.88 and now alone accounting for nearly 5 per cent of the S & P.

  11. 得益于股市创纪录的涨势以及IPO和其他融资交易的激增,一些市场领域在2013年强劲收官。

    But in some areas , the year is ending on a strong note , thanks to a record rally in the stock market and a flurry of IPOs and other fundraising deals .

  12. 维持涨势取决于在微软不断增长的业务(商用软件业务和消费者“云”业务)和不断萎缩的业务(Windows操作系统和Office软件的消费者许可证书)两者间达到适当平衡。

    Sustaining the rally depends on the balance between the growing bits of Microsoft ( the business software unit and the " cloud " bit of the consumer business ) and the shrinking bits ( consumer licences for Windows and Office ) .

  13. 花旗集团(citigroup)经济学家丁爽(dingshuang)表示,经济增长放缓,大宗商品价格稳定,食品价格涨势放缓,这些因素可能会制约价格上涨的压力。

    Slowing economic growth , stable commodity prices and easing food inflation are together likely to cap price pressures , according to Ding Shuang , an economist with Citigroup .

  14. 去年标普500公司CFO的薪酬中位数上升2.1%至330万美元,紧跟其上司的薪酬涨势。

    Median compensation for CFOs in the S & P 500 climbed 2.1 % last year to $ 3.3 million , closely tracking the pay increases for their bosses .

  15. 在奥萨马本拉登(osamabinladen)身亡的消息、美国并购活动和一些令人鼓舞的经济数据共同的积极推动下,昨日全球股市呈现温和涨势。

    Global stocks enjoyed a moderately bullish session as the news of the death of Osama bin Laden , merger activity in the US and some encouraging economic figures combined to keep momentum positive .

  16. 但汇丰(HSBC)贵金属分析师詹姆斯斯蒂尔(JamesSteel)表示,金价之前对每盎司1000美元的突破往往都很短暂,因为随着金价上涨,黄金废料供应增加,珠宝需求减少,最终使涨势受到拖累。

    However , James Steel , precious metals analyst at HSBC , said that gold 's previous forays above $ 1,000 had tended to be brief as scrap supplies increased and jewellery demand weakened in response to rising prices , eventually undermining the rally .

  17. 但咨询公司bain估计,2010年全球奢侈品销售则上涨10%,中国更是达到惊人的30%,其涨势仅趔趄了一下。

    But Bain , a consultancy , estimates that in 2010 they grew by 10 % worldwide , and by an astounding 30 % in China , where the boom barely faltered .

  18. 实际上,美联储主席本伯南克(BenBernanke)不会想看到债券收益率进一步攀升,因为现在利率上升仍然可能扼杀经济复苏的苗头,并且还会破坏有利于增强市场信心的股市涨势。

    Indeed , Ben Bernanke , Fed chairman , will not want to see yields climb further as rising interest rates now could still kill off signs of economic revival and , moreover , derail the confidence-boosting rally in equities .

  19. Baffes还说,如果这种物价涨势再持续两个月,可能会引发担忧。

    Mr. Baffes said another two months of similar price increases could become worrying .

  20. 摩根(jpmorgan)全球市场战略主管简洛伊斯(janloeys)说,强劲的业绩和经济数据显示,股市过去两周的反弹涨势,是由基本面(而非技术面)因素推动的。

    Jan loeys , global head of market strategy at JPMorgan , said that strong earnings and economic data showed the recovery rally in equities of the past two weeks was fundamental and not technical .

  21. 东京股市恢复了在周二中断的涨势。就在周二,来自日本央行(BoJ)的一项季度性调查显示,多家企业对于消费税由5%上调至8%会产生的影响十分担心。

    The gain in Tokyo resumed an upward streak that halted on Tuesday after a quarterly survey from the Bank of Japan indicated companies were worried about the impact of the sales tax rising from 5 per cent to 8 per cent .

  22. 领先贵金属咨询机构黄金矿业服务公司(GFMS)的最新预测显示,白银市场可能会延续其惊人涨势,今年或将突破每盎司50美元的创纪录高点,但随后可能会被迅速打回原形。

    The silver market is likely to continue its spectacular ascent and touch a record high above $ 50 a troy ounce this year but could then crash back to earth , according to new forecasts from GFMS , a leading precious metals consultancy .

  23. 此轮涨势出现之际,中国的各项经济指标正趋于恶化。

    The surge has come even as Chinese economic indicators worsen .

  24. 但令人担忧的是,如今非食品通胀的涨势超过了食品通胀。

    But , worryingly , non-food inflation now outpaces food inflation .

  25. 就在两个月前,中国股市似乎还涨势如虹。

    Just two months ago , Chinese stocks were on a roll .

  26. 但是,只要人们还抱有希望,市场的涨势就有望持续。

    But so long as hope survives , the rally can extend .

  27. 但我们终于看到金价涨势疲软的一些迹象。

    But we are finally seeing some signs of weakness .

  28. 此前有其他信号暗示,此轮涨势已经处于压力之下。

    Other signals had been suggesting a rally under stress .

  29. 这三种贵金属的涨势能否持续?

    Are the gains in these three precious metals sustainable ?

  30. 股价最初缓慢的涨势开始加速。

    The rise in stock prices , initially slow , gathers momentum .