
  • 网络Building a warehouse;position building;Accumulation;portfolio construction
  1. 这九个月中,IBM回购这批股票的平均价格约为167美元&根据巴菲特刚刚宣布的数据,他在3月份至11月之间建仓的平均成本与此恰好一样。

    IBM 's cost-per-share for the stock it repurchased in those nine months was about $ 167 & just what Berkshire 's cost is on the facts that Buffett has announced for the March-into-November period .

  2. 上周晚些时候,我们的HedgeyeVirtualPortfolio对中国股票进行了建仓,这是自去年9月末我们结清中国股票多头仓位以来的首次。

    Late last week , we opened a position in Chinese equities within the hedgeye virtual portfolio for the first time since closing a long position in late September of last year .

  3. 但他表示,近几周Och-Ziff已在企业信贷领域建仓。

    But in recent weeks , he says , Och-Ziff has established positions in the corporate credit area .

  4. 我给投资者的建议是逐渐建仓。

    My advice to investors is to get in gradually .

  5. 等我告诉你什么时候建仓。

    Don 't open the position at once until I tell you .

  6. 机构投资者建仓行为导致的套利限制研究

    Study of Limits to Arbitrage Based on Position Building of Institutional Investors

  7. 在南方建仓设计中若干问题的讨论

    Discussion on design of warehouse in south of China

  8. 通常,宏观对冲基金建仓的节奏很慢。

    Typically macro funds build their positions slowly .

  9. 这种态度,决定基金的运作更小体积和建仓波段操作。

    This attitude has decided to fund their operation is more low-volume and Jiancang band operation .

  10. 以大豆周转储藏为例,对临港建仓的有关问题进行了讨论。

    Taking soybean turnover for example , some problems on the warehouse construction in port area were discussed .

  11. 建仓时间为抢劫后,新的头发比奥运会更提高筹资结束的时间表。

    Jiancang time for robbery , more than the Olympic Games after a new hair-raising fund-raising end of the schedule .

  12. 尔后,要等其慢慢建仓,至少一个多月,收益才能好起来。

    After that , its slowly Jiancang have to wait , at least more than a month , receipts can be improved .

  13. 如果微软能成功地让它一炮打响,某一天投资也许会后悔没抓住眼下的机会,在其股价处于低位时建仓。

    If Microsoft succeeds in making that happen , investors may one day regret this chance to have gotten its shares for cheap .

  14. 昨天股市涨了,专家就说现在可以随便买,是建仓的好时机。

    Yesterday the stock market was up , the professionals said that it 's the best time to buy since it 's a good market now .

  15. 物流园区采用园区建仓、客户承租或客户自行建仓等多种经营模式。

    The management modes in the logistic park include warehouse tenancy by customers after its completion , or warehouse construction by customers themselves , and so on .

  16. 如果卖空者是在两个月前建仓的,那么他们的损失仍超过2亿美元。

    Alternatively , had the short sellers collectively placed their bets just two months ago , they would still be nursing losses of more than $ 200m .

  17. 对于新持有人来说,投入的钱也要经过一个建仓期、过渡期、恢复期,肯定慢于其他正常基金。

    The new holders , the money invested to go through a Jiancang period , the transitional phase and recovery phase , and certainly slower than the other normal funds .

  18. 期现套利需要分别在期货市场和现货市场建仓,利用期货与现货价格差的波动进行获利。

    The time present arbitrage needs buying in both the futures market and the stock market , and takes the advantage of futures and stocks price volatility to make profit .

  19. 这些交易得益于欧元贬值,因为交易员一般会借入欧元资金,然后卖出欧元利用其它货币建仓。

    Such trades benefit from a fall in the euro as traders typically borrow the funds in the single currency , then sell it to take positions with other currencies .

  20. 在市场的任何开盘时间,你有机会建仓、调整仓位、加仓或平仓。

    During each moment the markets are open , you have an opportunity to enter a position , lighten up a position , add to a position , or exit a position .

  21. 中信泰富是在澳元和欧元兑美元汇率处在为期两年的稳健升值期时建仓的。今年7月,这两种货币的升值期终于结束。

    Citic Pacific took its positions as the Australian dollar and euro were in the middle of a steady , two-year ascent against the dollar that finally ended in July of this year .

  22. 由于在现货市场建仓需要的资金量较大,不太适应于中小投资者,故本文对其不作分析研究。

    As large amount of money is needed in the stock market , it is not adapt to small and medium investors , so this paper will not make the analysis of time present arbitrage .

  23. 但不管是2号、3号或是换一个全新的名字,总之一开始它是新的,是需要封闭建仓的,其增长要慢于1号和其它正常基金的。

    But whether it is on the2nd , on the3rd or for a new name , it is the beginning of one of the new , and will require the closure Jiancang , slower growth in the1st and other normal funds .

  24. 在实证研究中,对于大盘系统性风险的控制,本文通过构建大盘趋势判别模型确定股指期货套保建仓和平仓的适宜时机。通过建立最优套保比率模型确定股指期货套保的规模。

    As to controlling systematic risk , through the empirical study , in the paper we established trend discriminant model to determine the suitable time of hedging in the stock index futures and built the optimal hedge ratio model to get the scale of investing in stock index futures .