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  • 网络Fundamental;base face;Fundamental Analysis
  1. 但瑞士信贷(creditsuisse)表示,全部资产中仅有五分之一是按市价计值的,有问题的基本面因素仍有待全面暴露。

    But only one fifth of all assets are marked to market , says Credit Suisse , with ailing fundamentals yet to be recognised .

  2. 通用汽车亚太业务主管尼克赖利(nickreilly)表示,市场基本面依然强劲。

    Nick Reilly , head of Asia-Pacific operations for GM , says market fundamentals remain strong .

  3. 三家公司拥有庞大用户基础,基本面稳定,在全球电信服务行业中具有重要影响力。其ADR总体规模不大,即便摘牌,对公司发展和市场运行的直接影响相当有限。

    Given the three companies ' large user base , stable operation , significant influence on the global telecommunications service industry , as well as the small proportion of ADRs in their total shares , the act of delisting will have very limited impact on their market operation and development , according to the spokesperson .

  4. 市场的基本面继续走弱,第二季度GDP呈现萎缩,这是五年来的第一次,主要是由于私人消费的急速放缓。

    The fundamentals of the market continue to weaken with the2Q GDP showing a contraction , the first time in five years , dogged by a sharp slowdown in private consumption .

  5. 在给G20的简报中,IMF承认最近的指标显示,数个发达经济体的经济基本面因素更为强劲,而关键的几个新兴经济体有所放缓。

    In the note for the G20 , it admits , recent indicators point to stronger underlying activity in several advanced economies while key emerging economies have slowed .

  6. 力拓铁矿石业务负责人山姆•沃尔什(SamWalsh)最近表示,力拓正坚持立场,等待市场认清基本面状况。

    Sam Walsh , head of Rio 's iron ore division , said recently Rio was sitting tight , waiting for the market to recognise the fundamentals .

  7. 正如imf指出,基本面数据表明,美元可能不得不进一步贬值,才能使美国赤字进入gdp的3%以下的可持续区间。

    As the IMF points out , fundamental metrics suggest the dollar may have to fall further to get the US deficit into sustainable territory of under 3 per cent of GDP .

  8. “市场基本面已开始重申自己的主张,”瑞士信贷(creditsuisse)大宗商品分析师瑞克戴佛瑞尔(ricdeverell)表示。

    " The fundamentals have begun to reassert themselves , " ric Deverell , commodities analyst at Credit Suisse , said .

  9. 高盛(goldmansachs)表示,美国炼油业面临的信贷和运营中断问题可能会继续存在,但原油基本面近期的疲软只是“暂时”现象。

    Goldman Sachs said credit issues for the US refining industry and disruptions to operations were likely to persist but the recent weakness in crude fundamentals was " temporary " .

  10. 但实际上,CEO的薪酬通常仅根据短期内能让分析师和投资者目眩神迷的几个指标,但实际上这些指标却根本无法反映公司基本面或未来的绩效潜力。

    But in practice , CEO pay is often based on only a few metrics that may dazzle analysts and investors in the short run but may not reflect true business fundamentals or likely future performance .

  11. 在加入WTO后,以基金、社保、保险、券商为首的机构投资者,坚持行业分析、上市公司业绩研究和预测,这种基本面分析价值投资理念将成为市场主导。

    After entering into WTO , organization investors led by fund , social insurance security , insurance and securities , which are insisted in industry analysis , research and forecast of listed companies ' performance , which has been prominent notion for value investment .

  12. 尽管越来越多的投资者涌入大宗商品市场,IMF仍重申了自己的观点,即在大宗商品价格形成方面,起主要作用的仍然是供需基本面,而不是金融投资。

    In spite of rising investor flows to commodities markets , the IMF reiterated its view that demand - and supply-related fundamentals , rather than financial investment , continue to play the dominant role in commodity price formation .

  13. 正如博柏利首席执行官克里斯托弗贝利(ChristopherBailey)在10月所说过的:“奢侈品行业的基本面因素正在变化。中国人的奢侈品支出增速正在放缓。”

    As Christopher Bailey , Burberry chief executive , said last month : " The fundamentals of the luxury industry are changing . Growth in Chinese luxury spending is moderating . "

  14. 经济基本面因素似乎也在恶化。拥有17个成员国的欧元区的采购经理指数(PMI)显示,私营部门经济活动本月意外大幅收缩,粉碎了人们对于经济将很快恢复增长的希望。

    Economic fundamentals also appeared to deteriorate as purchasing managers ' indices for the 17-country eurozone showed private sector economic activity contracted unexpectedly sharply this month , dashing hopes of an early return to growth .

  15. 本文通过对账面市值比(BM)的分解,得到衡量股价波动中的非基本面因素(CSI),并通过实证模型验证了股票市场对光伏产业上市公司实体投资的影响。

    Through decomposition of Book-to-Market ( BM ) ratio , the measure of volatility in the non-fundamental factors ( CSI ) is obtained . The effects to listed companies in the photovoltaic industry are proved .

  16. 昨日,国际能源署(IEA)称,石油市场基本面正在发生变化,供应超过需求,不过这一转变尚未体现到价格上来。

    And , weighing in yesterday , the International Energy Agency says that oil market fundamentals are turning as supply moves ahead of demand – though the shift has yet to translate into the price .

  17. 相反,国际房地产咨询结构第一太平戴维斯(savills)的主管卢西安库克(luciancook)则更多地倚重房地产市场自身的供求基本面,但他同样持悲观态度。

    By contrast , Lucian cook , director at Savills , the international estate agency , looks more to fundamentals of supply and demand for property itself . But he is also gloomy .

  18. 富国能源监督机构国际能源机构(IEA)昨日表示,它已经看到了石油需求真实复苏的初步迹象,表示最近油价反弹至少在一定程度上得到市场基本面好转的支撑。

    The rich countries ' energy watchdog yesterday said it had seen the first signs of a genuine recovery in oil demand , saying the recent oil price rally was at least partially underpinned by improved market fundamentals .

  19. Myspace当时的确面临许多组织上的问题,影响了公司的转型速度。但是说到底,还是公司的基本面拖了我们的后腿。

    While it 's true that Myspace faced a variety of organizational challenges that impacted the speed at which we could transform the company , in the end , it was the fundamentals that held us back .

  20. 他补充道,从经济基本面考虑,评级机构应该首先降低英国的3A评级,因为与法国相比,英国有更高的赤字、债务和通胀,更低的增长,且信贷正在萎缩。

    On that basis , he added , the agencies should begin by downgrading the triple A rating of Britain , which has bigger deficits , more debt , higher inflation , less growth than us and where credit is shrinking .

  21. 标准普尔信用总监克里夫·格利普(CliffGriep)认为,评级仅试图评判信誉好坏,不会考虑市场风险。参考要素是财务基本面,而非波动的价格。

    Cliff Griep , the chief credit officer at S & P , argues that ratings attempt to address only creditworthiness , not market risk , _and are driven by fundamentals , not fluctuating prices .

  22. 同样,这也源于一系列基本面因素。

    Again , there are a range of fundamentally based reasons .

  23. 这个投资小组通过自下而上的基本面分析选股。

    The investment group does bottom-up fundamental analysis to select stocks .

  24. 电力企业上市公司基本面综合评价

    Integrative Judgement of the Basic Aspect on Electric Power Listed Companies

  25. 3.美国国内石油供需基本面表现疲软。

    The supply-demand fundamentals for petroleum in the U.S. are weak .

  26. 明日出炉的美国就业数据,或许可以揭示一些经济基本面。

    Tomorrow 's US payroll data could be a reality check .

  27. 泡沫指的是没有基本面支持的资产价格迅速上涨。

    A bubble involves a rapid and unfounded rise in prices .

  28. 我们重申,汇率应该反映经济基本面。

    We reaffirm that exchange rates should reflect economic fundamentals .

  29. 但我们可以通过考察经济基本面,来尝试做出判断。

    But we can attempt a diagnosis by looking at economic fundamentals .

  30. 三分之二的交易活动与基本面毫无关系。

    Two-thirds of activity has nothing to do with fundamentals .