
  • 网络Fund Prices
  1. 基金价格和NAV存在协整关系,即基金折价遵循均值回复过程;

    The mean - reversion character of discount ;

  2. 基金价格收益率的波动性大于其NAV收益率的波动性;

    The variance of price return of funds is higher than the NAV return .

  3. 中国封闭式基金价格折扣问题研究

    The Study of the Close - end Fund Discount Phenomenon in China

  4. 中国证券投资基金价格发现与价格扰动特征分析

    Research on Characteristics of Chinese Securities Investment Fund Price Discovery and Price Disturbance

  5. 中国封闭式基金价格报酬过度波动的经验分析

    Empirical Research on Excess Volatility of Stock Returns of Closed-end Fund in China

  6. 投资带有风险,基金价格可升可跌。

    Investment involves risk , share prices may fall as well as rise .

  7. 基金价格有时会非常波动,甚至变成毫无价值。

    The prices of mutual funds fluctuate , sometimes dramatically and may become valueless .

  8. 封闭式基金价格和资产净值动态关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Dynamic Interaction between Prices and NAVs of Closed-end Funds in China

  9. 事情是这样:共同基金价格的收盘时间是每天下午四点钟。

    Here 's how it works : mutual funds set their prices at 4:00 each afternoon .

  10. 基金价格可升亦可跌,而基金过往的业绩表现,并非未来业绩之保证。

    Prices of share may go down as well as up and past performance is no guarantee of future returns .

  11. 投资风险因素无法解除,有时高于直接投资风险,承担基金价格波动的风险。

    The latter lies in being unable to avoid factors of investment risks and acceplance of risks of fluctuations in prices .

  12. 本文以事件研究方法分析税收对基金价格的影响,考察论证税收对基金主体行为的效应;

    Based on event study , this paper analyzes the effect of tax on fund price and the behavior of fund participants .

  13. 该消息的报道导致上周末新西兰币轻微贬值,与此同时恒天然公司股东基金价格也被重新估值。

    The news prompted slight selling in the New Zealand dollar late last week , while also weighing on the price of Fonterra 's shareholder fund .

  14. 摘要在投资基金价格遵循几何布朗运动的假定下,对短期保险合同,建立了在投资收益影响下的保费定价模型。

    On the assumption that investment fund follows geometric Brownian motion , the pricing model of a short-period insurance contract that is affected by its investment profit is established .

  15. 当然,外汇基金价格视利率水平而定,可升可跌,大家都应记住。

    But we all should not forget , of course , that the prices of exchange fund notes can go up as well as down , depending on the level of interest rates .

  16. 基于模糊随机理论,定义了投资基金价格风险的测度,对有交易成本时的基金投资行为以及基金投资行为风险控制和监管问题进行了讨论。

    Based on the theory of fuzzy stochastic system , the risk measure of mutual fund price was proposed . The behaviors of investing under the condition of transact cost were studied . Market supervision and risk control of mutual fund was discussed in the paper .

  17. 警告:基金单位价格可升可跌。

    Warning : unit prices may fall as well as rise .

  18. 试用投资者情绪理论解释中国封闭式基金的价格变动

    Price Change of the Chinese Close-end Funds : An Investor Emotion Theory Approach

  19. 这就造成了封闭式基金的价格与价值往往不一致。

    So this has made the difference between the price and value of closed-fund .

  20. 这让许多基金期望价格下跌,以便买进。

    That leaves many funds hoping for a fall in prices in order to buy .

  21. 讨论了投资基金的价格监管和风险控制问题。

    This paper discussed the problem of supervising the price and risk control of mutual fund .

  22. 封闭型基金的价格通常较账面价值有5%至15%的折让。

    Closed-end funds typically trade at a discount to book of 5 to 15 per cent .

  23. 然而,在金融危机后,这些主权财富基金对价格变得敏感了许多。

    But in the wake of the financial crisis , they have become much more sensitive to price .

  24. 但这也意味着基金的价格独立于投资对象的价格(或资产净值)。

    But it does mean that share prices trade independently of underlying investments , or net asset value .

  25. (在目前的收益率水平,加息一个百分点将导致一只多样化债券基金的价格下跌大约5%。)

    ( At today 's yields , it would knock about 5 % off the price of a diversified bond fund . )

  26. 封闭式基金的价格与净资产值长期处于背离状态的这种现象被金融学家们称作封闭式基金折价之谜。

    The phenomenon of division between closed-end fund price and net-asset value in long time was called closed-end fund puzzle by economists .

  27. 封闭式基金的价格折扣现象是一个长期存在的谜题,一直备受学者关注。

    The closed - end fund discount phenomenon is a puzzle that has existed for a long time and has attracted much attention of economists .

  28. 您每隔多久才会查看您已认购基金的价格?每次查看的时候,您通常有什么反应?

    How often do you go back and check the prices of the funds that you buy and what is your typical reaction every time you check ?

  29. 从联邦基金期货价格来看,投资者预计今年年底联邦基金利率会降低至2.25%。

    Judging by the price of Fed Fund futures , investors expect the federal funds rate to be as low as2.25 % by the end of the year .

  30. 通过互联网只需要几分钟时间,你就能了解你持有的每只股票或股票型基金的价格。

    With a few minutes of spare time and an Internet connection , you can find out the share price of every stock and stock fund you own .