
  1. 美联储(usfederalreserve)上个月开始启动第三轮量化宽松(qe);欧洲央行(ecb)正在无限量购买陷入困境的欧元区国家的国债。

    The US Federal Reserve began its third round of quantitative easing last month ; the European Central Bank is offering unlimited purchases of bonds of troubled eurozone countries .

  2. 美联储未出台第三轮量化宽松政策(QE3),难道真的是因为伯南克的个性?

    Can you really blame a lack of qe3 on personality ?

  3. 第三轮量化宽松政策(QE3)对于你投资的新兴市场意味着什么?

    What does qe3 mean for the emerging markets where you invest ?

  4. 不满意美国经济复苏速度的美联储(fed)似乎正准备推出第三轮量化宽松(qe3)措施。

    Unsatisfied by the pace of the US recovery , the Federal Reserve seems set to launch a new round of quantitative easing .

  5. 即使伯南克暗示第三轮量化宽松政策即将出台,新一轮的qe较前两次而言对美国经济的助推作用似乎会更小。

    Even if he were to hint at a third bout of quantitative easing , another round of QE seems likely to have less impact on American growth than the previous two .

  6. 尽管进一步放松可能涉及第三轮量化宽松(即qe3),但美联储周三并未改变货币政策。

    While further easing could involve a third round of quantitative easing or qe3 the Fed made no change to its monetary policy on Wednesday .

  7. 8月份会议还讨论了美联储进一步放松货币政策可能采用的工具,包括可能启动第三轮量化宽松。这是FOMC已经做好行动准备的又一个信号。

    In another indication that the FOMC is ready to act , it discussed a range of tools with which to ease monetary policy further , including a possible third round of quantitative easing .

  8. “对美国固定收益资产的购买主要集中在机构债券,表明海外投资者正静候第三轮量化宽松的出台,”野村证券(nomurasecurities)利率策略主管乔治贡萨尔维斯(georgegoncalves)说。

    " The only real buying of us fixed-income assets were primarily in agency bonds , suggesting that overseas investors were setting up for an upcoming qe3 announcement , " said George Goncalves , head of interest rate strategy at Nomura Securities .

  9. 伯南克并未探讨美联储行动的政策选择,但美联储副主席珍妮特耶伦(JanetYellen)昨晚暗示,进一步的资产负债表变动(比如在第三轮量化宽松中买入更多债券)也许是最合适的。

    Mr Bernanke did not discuss policy options for Fed action , but last night vice-chair Janet Yellen hinted that further balance sheet changes – such as buying more bonds in a third round of quantitative easing – might be most suitable .

  10. 一旦美联储终止购买美国国债,房地产活动、个人消费和股价之间的关联得以重建,就必须引起警觉:美联储在几个月的犹豫不决后,可能会推出第三轮量化宽松政策(QE3)。

    If the end of fed bond purchases restores the link between housing activity , personal consumption and stock prices , watch out below & and then watch out , after a few months of handwringing , for qe3 .

  11. 也许国会应该考虑将第三轮量化宽松计划与此次债务上限上调方案进行捆绑,以备不时之需。

    Perhaps Congress needs to pair this debt deal with a back-up qe3 plan ?

  12. 现在大家仍在争论是否应该继续进行第三轮量化宽松政策。

    There is another debate happening over whether QE2 should be followed by qe3 .

  13. 大选还有几个月的时间,米特•罗姆尼和其他共和党人正在对第三轮量化宽松猛烈开火。

    With an election just months away , Mitt Romney and other Republicans are inveighing against the prospect of qe3 .

  14. 以上一轮量化宽松措施的失败为证,他预测第三轮量化宽松不太可能实施。

    Citing the failure of the latest round of quantitative easing , he said that he thinks a third round of QE is unlikely .

  15. 香港也不是美联储启动第三轮量化宽松以来唯一一个面临本币升值压力的地区。

    Hong Kong is not alone in seeing strengthening pressure on its currency in the wake of qe3 as the Fed action is known .

  16. 第三轮量化宽松预计将以购买抵押贷款、以推动住房贷款利息走低为目标。

    A third round of QE , or qe3 , is expected to target the purchase of mortgages to drive home loan borrowing costs lower .

  17. 此外,自第三轮量化宽松开始以来,港股市场交易量与今年绝大多数其他时间持平,这表明入市资金规模并未显著增长。

    Also , market volumes have remained flat since qe3 against much of the rest of the year , suggesting no great leap in fund inflows .

  18. 外界普遍预计,美联储下个月将宣布第三轮量化宽松政策。投资者说,这一预期在最近几周起到了支撑股市的作用。

    The Federal Reserve is widely expected to announce a third round of quantitative easing next month , a belief that investors say has helped underpin stocks in recent weeks .

  19. 2012年9月,美联储开始推出第三轮量化宽松政策,当时美联储承诺将每月购买850亿美元的长期资产,直到就业市场出现重大改善。

    It began its third round of quantitative easing in September 2012 when it pledged to buy $ 85bn of long-term assets every month until there was a substantial improvement in the jobs market .

  20. 更重要是,实行第三轮量化宽松政策意味着全球经济一定发生了非常严重的事情,比如说希腊债务出现违约,以至于美联储认为除了向市场注入更多资金外别无选择。

    More immediately , qe3 would mean something so awful has happened in the global economy say , Greece defaulting on its debts that the Fed felt it had no choice but to inject more cash into the markets .

  21. 与此同时,美国可能即将推出第三轮量化宽松措施,这可能比前两轮的破坏效果还要大,因为目前石油和食品价格已危险地接近了以往使全球经济出现拐点的水平。

    Meanwhile , the US is pushing a third round of quantitative easing , which could be more counterproductive than the first two , since oil and food prices are now dangerously close to levels that have acted as a tipping point for the global economy in the past .

  22. 美联储发布了第三轮量化宽松政策的计划,利用购买债券拉低长期利率,直到劳动市场明显改善,但是如果目标取得足够的进展,美联储会缩减每月850亿美元的购买计划。

    When the Fed launched the third round of quantitative easing , it vowed to buy bonds to hold down long-term interest rates till it saw substantial labor market improvement , but it could scale back purchases from 85 billion dollars per month , if it sees enough progress toward that goal .

  23. 此外,美联储(FederalReserve)估计很快也将就是否推出第三轮“量化宽松”政策作出明确表态。

    And the Federal Reserve is expected soon to make clear whether there will be a third round of ' quantitative easing . '

  24. 而在金融危机治理后的经济复苏期(2009.10&至今),随着美联储第一轮、第二轮以及第三轮量化宽松货币政策的实施,美元流动性的过剩现象又开始重新显现。

    Then in the time of economic recovery ( 2009.10-until now ), the liquidity began to excess again during the period of the first round , the second round and the third round of quantitative easing monetary policy implementation .

  25. 英国央行在十月初启动了第二轮量化宽松,美联储也已暗示可能会进行其整体财政计划中的第三轮量化宽松。

    The Bank of England launched a second round of QE in early October , and the Fed has hinted that it might undertake a third round of its programme .