
  • 网络The First Foreign Language
  1. 硕士生英语(第一外语)

    Postgraduate English ( The First Foreign Language ) ?

  2. 教授与学习第一外语(日语)的难易点

    Difficult and easy point of teaching and learning the first foreign language Japanese

  3. 学生可以在英语、法语和俄语中间选择一门作为第一外语。

    Students will be able to choose between English , French and Russian as their first foreign language .

  4. 英语是我们学生的第一外语。

    English is a foreign language to Chinese students .

  5. 本文探讨了第一外语(二语)在第二外语(三语)习得中的迁移作用。

    This paper explores the role of second language transfer in third language acquisition .

  6. 年轻人通常能说英语,将其作为第一外语学习。

    Younger people can usually speak English , having learned it as their first foreign language .

  7. 母语和第一外语对第二外语的元音发音都存在着迁移作用。

    Mother tongue and the first foreign language both transfer the vowel pronunciation of the second foreign language .

  8. 绝大多数学习法语的中国学习者都拥有同样的语言背景:汉语为母语,英语为第一外语。

    Chinese students who learn French mostly have Chinese as their mother tongue and English as their first foreign language .

  9. 英语作为中国的第一外语,多年来受到极大的重视,英语教学法的研究也得到了相当的发展。

    As the most widely studied language , English has received great attention , and English teaching methodology is spurting rapidly , too .

  10. 母语和第一外语迁移作用的差异是因为二者在本质上是不同的语言系统。

    The different roles between mother tongue and the first foreign language are due to the essential difference of the two systems . 3 .

  11. 目前,英语仍然被公认为第一外语,所以我们有必要学好英语。

    At present , English is still recognized as the first foreign language , so it 's necessary for us to learn English well .

  12. 目前,中国大学生除了学习第一外语以外,同时还会学习第二门第三门外语。

    At present , it is common to study a second or third foreign language for university students in China besides the first foreign language .

  13. 受试的法语代词习得显然受到其第一外语英语的影响,而且这三种类型的错误分布比较均衡。

    It is obvious that the transfer from English on French pronoun acquisition is quite evident , and the distribution of three types of error is balanced .

  14. 受到第一外语负迁移影响的元音准确度比受到母语负迁移影响的提高得要快。

    The accuracy of the vowels that is transferred by the first foreign language improves faster than that of the vowels which is transferred by mother tongue .

  15. 当母语和第一外语同时对第二外语产生迁移影响时,第二外语主要受到母语迁移影响。

    When both the mother tongue and the first foreign language transfer the second foreign language , the second foreign language is mainly transferred by the mother tongue .

  16. 英语在中国的传播始于二十世纪初。解放后经历了几个低潮后,于八十年代确立了它在中国第一外语的地位。

    English started spreading in China in the early 20th century , and after several decades it has established its status as the first foreign language in China .

  17. 在第一外语对第二外语的产生迁移过程中,区别性特征的异同比声学表现的异同作用更大。

    In the interference process of the first foreign language to the second foreign language , the role of distinctive features is more important than that of acoustical expression .

  18. 在中国,英语早已被指定为第一外语,成为所有中小学及高等院校的必修课。

    English in China has already been designated as the first foreign language and a compulsory subject for all the students to learn in primary and secondary schools and universities .

  19. 别忘了,你的朋友A教授曾著文写道,当前的政策,是要把英文变成中国的“第一外语”,如果不是第二语言的话。

    Don 't forget , your friend Professor A has written that the current policy is to make English the " number one foreign language " in China , if not a second language .

  20. 我之所以选择这个题目是因为它在外语教学上对外语专业学生学习第一外语和第二外语很有适用性。

    I choose this topic because it has practical property for the students majored in foreign language to study the first foreign language and the second foreign language in terms of the foreign language teaching .

  21. 与第一外语英语相比,德语教学方面的研究要逊色许多,主要集中在一些外语院校及重点院校的德语专业教学上。

    Compared with English which is the first foreign language , German teaching has been made fewer researches . Moreover , researches on German teaching are mainly done by a number of key institutions and foreign language institutions .

  22. 结合教学实际,探讨了如何充分利用原有(第一外语)的学习来促进后继(第二外语)的学习而防止其干扰等问题。

    In this paper , the author uses practical cases to discuss how to make full use of one 's original knowledge ( L1 ) to promote the subsequent study ( L2 ) and hence prevent the former 's interference .

  23. 京师同文馆创办于1862年,是晚清最早的洋务学堂,也是我国自行创办的第一所外语学校。

    The School of Combined Learning , set up in 1862 , was not only the earliest school of foreign affairs , but also the first government school of foreign languages .

  24. 第一章介绍外语学习焦虑与元认知策略相关性研究的背景及意义。

    Chapter One introduces the background and significance of the present study .

  25. 第一语言在外语课堂上对外语学习者有无作用?这是外语教师关心的问题。

    Whether the mother tongue ( L1 ) is useful or not to foreign language learners in their classroom studying is an issue of foreign language teachers'common concern .

  26. 第一语言习得与外语学习的差异&从语言学习者角度的分析认识

    Differences between the First Language Aquisition and Foreign Language Learning & From the Perspective of Language Learners

  27. 第一部分引出了外语课堂焦虑的定义,讨论了课堂参与在外语学习中的重要性,并阐明了本研究的目的和意义。

    The first part introduces the definition of language anxiety , the importance of learner participation as well as the purpose and significance of the research .

  28. 第一章概述了外语教学研究的背景,我国英语教学的现状和本研究的意义。

    Chapter One briefly introduces the background of foreign language learning and teaching research , the present state of College English teaching in China and the significance of this research .