
  1. 作为“第七营养素”的膳食纤维,对维持人体健康起着至关重要的作用。

    Dietary fiber , as the Seventh Nutrients , plays an important role in keeping human healthy .

  2. 膳食纤维具有多种重要的生理功能,被认为是第七类营养素。

    Dietary fiber was considered as the seventh nutrient because it had varies of important physiology functions .

  3. 有人将其称之为继第六营养素膳食纤维之后的第七类营养素,在食品、医药、化妆品、日用化学品以及保健品等方面都有重要的应用。

    It is being considered by some people as the seventh nutriment after the sixth nutriment of meal fibre . It is applied to a certain extent in the field of food , medical , cosmetic , daily chemistry and health care products .