
  • 网络Natural edible pigments;natural food colorant;natural food colors;natural food pigment;Natural Edible Color
  1. 栀子色素是我国主要的天然食用色素品种之一。

    The Gardenia jasminoides colorant is a major natural food colorant in China .

  2. 超临界CO2流体在天然食用色素提取中的应用研究进展

    Application of Supercritical CO_ ( 2 ) Extraction of Natural Food Pigment

  3. 萝卜红天然食用色素生产新工艺研究

    Study of New Method of Production of Natural Edible Radish Red

  4. 天然食用色素的化学结构和稳定性的关系

    The Relations Between the Chemistry Structures and Stabilities of Natural Food Pigments

  5. 萝卜红天然食用色素的提取及理化性质的研究

    Study on Properties and Extraction of Natural Edible Radish Red

  6. 天然食用色素922黑米素的评价与用途

    An evaluation and use of the natural edible color-black rice pigment 922

  7. 红曲色素是一种天然食用色素。

    Monascus Colour is a kind of natural food coloring .

  8. 还对天然食用色素的研究提出了今后发展的方向。

    And advice to the research of natural pigments was also given .

  9. 栀子组织和细胞培养生产天然食用色素的研究&Ⅰ.愈伤组织培养的研究

    Study on tissue culture of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis to produce food pigment

  10. 葡萄皮红色素是从葡萄皮中提取的天然食用色素。

    It is a kind of natural edible pigment extracted from grape skin .

  11. 植物天然食用色素的功能及其制备工艺

    Review on Physiological Functions and Preparation Technologies of Natural Edible Pigments from Plants

  12. 我国天然食用色素研究现状

    Current Research Situation of Natural Edible Pigment in China

  13. 天然食用色素&花青素研究进展

    Research and Application of Anthocyanins as Natural Food Colorants

  14. 天然食用色素的提取、纯化及应用

    Extraction purification and application of natural edible pigment

  15. 天然食用色素的生产现状与研究进展

    Survey on the present state and development of natural edible pigment production and research

  16. 天然食用色素在方便面中的应用研究

    Application of natural edible pigments in instant noodle

  17. 天然食用色素&紫红色甘蓝色素稳定性的研究

    Study on the Stability of Natural Food Pigment ── Purplish Red Wild Cabbage Pigment

  18. 贵重天然食用色素&紫色素和蓝色素的提取技术

    Extraction Of Natural Edible Purpurin And Blue Pigment

  19. 花色苷是一种重要的天然食用色素。

    Anthocyanins are important natural food pigments .

  20. 天然食用色素藻胆蛋白毒理学安全性评价研究

    A Study of Toxicology of the Natural Edible Phycobiliprotein on the Evaluation of its Safety

  21. 一种优质的天然食用色素&精制萝卜红性能研究

    A High Grade Natural Edible Coloring Material Study on the Performance of Refined Radish Red

  22. 天然食用色素的稳定化技术研究进展

    Advances in stabilization technology for natural pigments

  23. 天然食用色素和功能

    Natural Food Pigment and its Function

  24. 用途:天然食用色素,用于各种食品及饮料的着色。

    Purpose : natural edible pigment , use for a variety of food and beverage coloring .

  25. 天然食用色素的进展心路历程&食物

    The Progress of Natural Food Pigment

  26. 核桃外皮天然食用色素的提取与理化性质

    Study on the Extraction of Natural Food Coloring Matter from walnut outer peel and Its Physical-Chemical Properties

  27. 类胡萝卜素是重要天然食用色素族群之一,它不仅可为食品添色,还具有较高营养保健价值。

    Carotenoids are one of the most important groups of natural food colorants beneficial for human health .

  28. 萝卜红色素萝卜红色素是从十字花科植物红心萝卜中提取的天然食用色素。

    Radish Red Color It is a kind of natural edible pigment extracted from crucifer red radish .

  29. 几种天然食用色素的护色应用研究

    Research on color retention

  30. 对食用色素(天然食用色素和合成色素)的研究现状、合成色素的检测方法、发展趋势进行了综述。

    This paper summed up the present situation and prospect of natural and synthetic edible pigment production and research .