
  • 网络Natural;natural food;whole food
  1. 因此,我们穿过了城市的中心大道,决定在保罗-伊丽莎白天然食品餐厅(PaulandElizabeth'sNaturalFoodsRestaurant)用餐。这个餐厅位于一家整修一新的商场里。

    And so we cross the town 's Main Street and settle upon Paul and Elizabeth 's Natural Foods Restaurant , located in a refurbished department store .

  2. 研究了用极微弱化学发光法评价4种天然食品和3种精油在O2中和60℃条件下的稳定性。

    The stability of four natural foods and three essential oils in the oxygen atmosphere under the condition 60 ℃ were evaluated by an emission of ultra-weak chemiluminescence ( photon ) with chemiluminescence analyzer .

  3. 乳汁是婴儿的天然食品。

    Milk is the natural food for young babies .

  4. 答:尽管橙汁是一种天然食品,但榨汁过程会消除很多纤维,并浓缩糖分,因此这不是一个好的选择。

    Even though orange juice is a natural food , the juicing process eliminates much of the fiber and concentrates the sugar , making it a poor choice .

  5. 几个街区之外,在曼哈顿中城的西风自然市场(WesterlyNaturalMarket),有不少天然食品商店正在销售这些棒状食品。

    A few blocks away , the bars were on sale at midtown Manhattan 's Westerly Natural Market natural foods store .

  6. 本文研究了天然食品防腐剂乳酸链球菌素(Nisin)在扒鸡中的防腐应用。

    Nisin-a natural food preservative applied in braised chicken was studied in this article .

  7. 对天然食品防腐剂&尼辛(Nisin)的特性作了简要的论述。

    The features of Nisin & the natural food antiseptic agent were briefly discussed .

  8. 因此nisin作为一种天然食品防腐剂广泛应用于多个国家和地区的食品行业中。

    Now nisin is widely used as native food preservative in many countries and areas .

  9. 天然食品防腐剂Natamycin的生产工艺及应用

    The Processing Techniques and Application of Natamycin

  10. 本文介绍了一种我国新开发的天然食品添加剂&竹叶抗氧化物(AOB)。

    This paper presented a natural food additive , antioxidant of bamboo-leaf ( AOB ), which was developed in our country lately .

  11. 除茶叶等某些天然食品中铝含量较高外,大多数主要食品中铝含量较低,一般不超过10mgkg。

    Aluminum content is generally not high ( less that 10mg / kg ) in most foods with the exception of a few such as tea , spinach , and so on , that contain more amounts of it .

  12. 结果表明:香兰素对真菌有抑制作用,对酿酒酵母的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)为0.118%,对黑曲霉的最小抑菌浓度为0.059%。可开发研制为一种新型的天然食品防腐剂。

    The conclusions were made : the vanillin had the inhibiting effect to the epiphyte , the MIC was 0.118 % to Saccharomyces cerevisiae , the MIC was 0.059 % to Aspergilla sp. , it could be empoldered and developed as a new type of crude food preservative .

  13. 负责PretAManger美国市场品牌营销的副总裁罗格曼(EllenRoggemann)说,公司的目标是销售“手工制天然食品”,通常取材自有机原料,这可能是沙拉中惊现死青蛙的部分原因。

    Ellen Roggemann , vice president of brand marketing for the company in the U.S. , said that Pret A Manger 's goal of selling ' handmade natural food , ' often made from organic ingredients , could be partially to blame for the frog in the salad .

  14. 天然食品添加剂&植酸在食品工业中的应用

    The Applications of Natural Food Additive Phytic Acid in Food Industry

  15. 蜂蜜是具有重要营养价值和医疗保健作用的天然食品。

    Honey is a natural health product with high nutritional value .

  16. 中国天然食品添加剂工业的现状及发展

    The Present Situation and Development of Chinese Natural Food Additive Industry

  17. 日本拟禁用38种天然食品添加剂

    Japan plans to forbid 38 kinds of natural food additive

  18. Nisin-一种天然食品防腐剂和食品品质改良剂

    Nisin ? A Type of Natural Preservative and Quality Improver

  19. 我国天然食品添加剂森林植物资源的开发利用

    Natural Food Additive Development and Utilization of Forestry Plant Resource

  20. 国内外天然食品抗氧化剂的研究进展

    Develoment of Natural Food Antioxidant Research at Hone and Abroad

  21. 天然食品防腐保鲜剂的发展现状及前景

    The Present Situation and Prospect of Nature Food Antiseptic and Preservation Agent

  22. 不同天然食品防腐剂对生鲜牛乳贮存效果的影响

    Effect of different Natural Food Preservatives on Storage Effect of Raw Milk

  23. 天然食品来源的血管紧张素转换酶抑制肽的研究进展

    Research progress of angiotensin - ⅰ converting enzyme inhibitory peptides

  24. 牛奶是营养丰富、容易消化吸收的天然食品。

    Milk is a natural food of rich nutrition and easy absorption .

  25. 一种天然食品乳化剂的提取工艺研究

    Study on the method to extract a natural food emulphor

  26. 天然食品防腐剂-ζ聚L-赖氨酸的研究进展

    Progress of study on natural food preservative ζ - PL

  27. 我妹妹每天都吃天然食品,但是我不吃。

    My sister eats natural foods every day , but I don 't.

  28. 新型植物源天然食品防腐剂及其抑菌性能

    Reviews on natural plant food preservatives and their antibacterial abilities

  29. 吉林市野生动植物资源研究与天然食品开发

    Resources of Animal and Plant and Exploitation of Natural Food in Jilin City

  30. 天然食品添加剂二十八碳醇的降血脂效果研究进展

    The Development of Study on Lowering-lipid Effect of Octacosanol