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  • caloric intake
  1. 采用间接测热法测量REE后决定热量摄入水平。

    Feeding was carefully instituted ; caloric intake levels were established after measuring REE by indirect calorimetry .

  2. 他们发现节奏快的地方往往是那些经济更加发达的地方(通过对比人均GDP、平均购买力还有平均热量摄入),并且人们在大城市里比在人口少的地方走得更快。

    They found that places with a faster pace of life also had more robust economies ( as measured by GDP per capita , average purchasing power , and average caloric intake ), and that people in larger cities tended to move faster than those in less populated areas .

  3. 多年来,营养学家一直建议将意大利面的摄入量保持在一定比率,以减少热量摄入,防止脂肪堆积和血糖升高。

    For years , nutritionists have recommended that pasta be kept to a ration , to cut calories , prevent fat build-up and stop blood sugar shooting up .

  4. 阿特金斯饮食法(Atkinsdiet)的低碳水化合物饮食,碳水化合物的摄入量只占总热量摄入的10%;

    a low-carbohydrate diet modeled on the Atkins diet , limiting carbohydrate intake to 10 % of total calories ;

  5. NHS的英国首席执行官西蒙·史蒂文斯(SimonStevens)在今年早些时候就曾说过,NHS的员工们在教化公众减少热量摄入前,必须率先行动起来。

    NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens said earlier this year that staff must ' get our own act together ' before lecturing the public on cutting down on calories .

  6. 结论即使总热量摄入相同,OGTT前1天HF引起健康成人空腹血浆游离脂肪酸水平升高,抑制早期胰岛素分泌,引起糖负荷后血糖的升高,导致IGT的误诊。

    Conclusion Although total energy intake was isocaloric , HF in three meals before OGTT increased fasting plasma free fatty acids level , inhibited glucose-stimulated insulin release , decreased glucose tolerance in healthy adults , and led to misdiagnosis of IGT .

  7. 在热量摄入限制疗法上的人一天可以吃三餐。

    People on caloric restriction can eat three meals a day .

  8. 使人着迷的研究还源于对限制热量摄入的研究。

    Enticing research also comes from studies of caloric restriction .

  9. 不过,路德维希说,仅仅减少热量摄入不是问题的答案。

    But Ludwig said that simply cutting calories was not the answer .

  10. 我国某些工种工人热量摄入和能量消耗的调查研究

    Investigation on Energy Intake and Energy Consumption in Some Kind of Physical Labour

  11. 限制热量摄入对分子产生的影响也很复杂。

    The molecular effects of caloric restriction havealso turned out to be complicated .

  12. 减少热量摄入对S(180)腹水癌小鼠作用的研究

    Effect of reducing caloric intake on mice transplanted with S_ ( 180 ) ascitic cancer

  13. 随着脂肪供热比和膳食热量摄入的增加,血糖、体脂参数、血压、血脂升高,发生糖代谢异常的危险性增加。

    High fat energy ratio diet might be the risk factor of abnormal glucose metabolism .

  14. 目的使用限制总热量摄入结合有氧运动的方法,对单纯性肥胖飞行人员进行减重治疗。

    Objective To observe the weight-relieving effect of simple obesity aircrew by the method of diet .

  15. 2.减少热量摄入

    Step 2 : Reduce Your Intake

  16. 结果停止化疗后病人每天总热量摄入偏低,热能分配不尽合理,多种营养素的摄入量明显下降。

    Results Caloric taked in by all patients was lower and the composition of nutrients was unreasonable .

  17. 目的:为了评估在摄取足够的营养时限制热量摄入的生理和临床意义。

    OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the physiological and clinical implications of calorie restriction with adequate nutrient intake .

  18. 一旦热量摄入减少,我们的身体就会做出反应,一方面增加饥饿感,另一方面则减缓新陈代谢的速度。

    When we cut back on calories , our body responds by increasing hunger and slowing metabolism .

  19. 普莱斯表示,他正在减少热量摄入,还参加减肥活动。

    Mr Price said he is cutting down on his calories and attending an NHS weight management clinic .

  20. 在两组大鼠中有关热量摄入和活动量没有统计学差异。

    There was no statistical difference between the two groups regarding caloric intake or the amount of activity .

  21. 研究也指出,从数据上来看,女性因食物摄入量增加而造成的热量摄入增加并不显著。

    But women 's increase in calories from additional eating wasn 't statistically significant , the study said .

  22. 结论饮食控制不严格、热量摄入过多,是糖尿病患者病情控制较差的重要因素。

    Conclusion Poor diet control and excessive heat energy ingestion are the important factors contributing to poor diabetes control .

  23. 关键是,在每天早间食用蛋白质或许会比较容易减少热量摄入。

    The point is , eating protein early in the day may make it much easier to cut down .

  24. 你所需的水果和蔬菜的正确分量依靠每天所需的热量摄入而定。

    The right number of servings of fruits and vegetables for you all depends on your daily caloric intake needs .

  25. 对老鼠进行热量摄入限制研究的研究人员已经习惯了不同的结果,他们将其归因于不同品种之间的遗传多样性。

    Researchers studying caloric restriction in micehave become accustomed to mixed results , which they attribute to geneticdiversity among strains .

  26. 向沙拉中加入生蔬菜或干果来代替油煎面包块,奶酪和咸肉,以减少热量摄入。

    Save calories by adding raw veggies and dried fruit to salads instead of croutons , cheese , and bacon bits .

  27. 该指南建议,如果为了减重,需建立安全的减重机制,每天减少约为500卡路里的热量摄入。

    To lose weight , create a safe deficit by reducing daily calorie intake by about 500 calories , the guidelines recommend .

  28. 他想知道,咀嚼计数能否帮助人们在不知不觉中减少热量摄入。

    He wondered whether , by promoting bite counting , he might help people , almost unknowingly , to reduce their calorie intake .

  29. 背景和目的:肥胖是指由于机体能量代谢失衡,热量摄入大于消耗而导致体脂的过量沉积。

    Background and objective : Obesity means an over-deposition of fat results from disequilibrium of energy metabolism and to much intake of calorie .

  30. 很可能是减少热量摄入也具有同样的积极效果的人,研究人员在科学杂志。

    It 's likely that reducing caloric intake would have the same positive effects in people , researchers report in the journal Science .