
rè shè bìnɡ
  • heat stroke;thermoplegia;heat apoplexy
  1. 重症中暑中热射病、热痉挛、热衰竭的发生率分别为43·62%、42·55%、13·83%,三者的死亡率分别为9·76%、5%、23%;

    The incidence of thermoplegia , heat cramp and heat exhaustion were 43.26 % , 42.55 % and 13.86 % , respectively , in severe heatstroke , and the respective death rate was 9.76 % , 5 % and 23 % .

  2. 结论血浆置换后患者多个脏器功能均有所改善,为治疗热射病提供了一个有效手段。

    Conclusion The function of organs im - proved after plasma exchange , which can acts as an effective treatment of heat stroke .

  3. MAPK信号途径可能参与了热射病小脑损害的过程。

    MAPK signal transduction pathways might be involved the pathophysiological process of heat stroke .

  4. 重度热射病合并内毒素血症大鼠模型的建立

    Establishment of a rat model of severe heatstroke complicated with endotoxemia

  5. 以丘脑病变为主要表现的热射病2例分析

    Analysis of 2 heat stroke cases characterized by thalamus lesion

  6. 冷腹膜透析液腹腔灌洗抢救热射病休克的实验研究

    Experimental study on emergency treatment with cool peritoneal dialysis solution lavage in heatstroke shock model

  7. 血浆置换在热射病合并多器官功能障碍综合征患者中的应用

    Effect of plasma exchange on the patients of heat stroke associated with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome

  8. 过热复合脂多糖致热射病大鼠动物模型多器官急性损伤的实验研究

    Acute Injuries in Multiple Tissues in a Rat Heatstroke Model Induced by Co-stress of Lipopolysaccharide and Heat

  9. 目的建立热射病合并内毒素血症大鼠的动物模型,为进一步探讨重度热射病的发病机制奠定基础。

    Objective To establish a rat model of heatstroke complicated by endotoxemia for studying the pathogenesis of severe heatstroke .

  10. 方法2004-05~2006-09应用血浆置换治疗劳累型热射病伴多器官功能障碍综合征患者13例。

    Methods Plasma exchange was used in 13 patients of exertional heat stroke ( EHS ) associated with MODS .

  11. 目的比较高温与高温复合脂多糖应激所复制热射病大鼠动物模型之间的异同。

    Objective To evaluate the differences in experimental heatstroke in rats induced by exposure to heat with lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) and without LPS .

  12. 无损伤深部体温仪在产科中的应用热射病及经腹腔降温过程中深部体温的动态变化

    Clinical application of non-invasive deep body thermometer in the obstetrical field dynamic changes of core temperature during heat stroke and body temperature lowering through abdominal cavity

  13. 目的研究热射病呼吸衰竭的发生机制。方法在热应激的家兔,观察了热射病的呼吸和循环功能变化。

    To investigate the mechanism of pathogenesis of respiratory failure in heat stroke , changes of respiratory and circulatory function were observed in rabbits subjected to heat stress .

  14. 目的探讨越野训练致劳累性热射病并发多器官功能不全的有效临床救治方法。

    Objective To analyze the possible effective intervention for heat stroke ( HS ) associated with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ( MODS ) as a result of cross-country training .

  15. 结果1、大多数大鼠在核心体温达42℃以上时发生显著的肺水肿。几乎所有大鼠在发生热射病时均存在肢体抽搐。

    Pulmonary edema was found in most of the rats when the core temperature reached to 42 ℃, and convulsion appeared in almost all of the heat stroke rats .

  16. 方法收集5例越野训练致热射病病人的临床资料,总结临床表现、病程中实验室监测指标变化与临床干预治疗的关系,以及对预后的影响。

    Methods All the data of causes of HS , clinical manifestations , laboratory findings , clinical interventions and outcome were collected and analyzed in five cases of HS associated with MODS .

  17. 它是我国南方夏季作业、军事训练和作战等情况中的常见病和多发病,热射病是其中最严重的一型,死亡率高达17&80%,一旦发生,病程十分凶险,生还可能性极小。

    It is divided into three types in which heat stroke is the most seriously that is one of the most familiar and frequently-occurring diseases in the exercises 、 military training and campaingn of southern parts of china in summer .