
  • 网络FIRST AID;Emergent Treatment
  1. 有很多紧急情况需要进行迅速的急救处理。

    There are many emergencies which need prompt first aid treatment .

  2. 76例小儿胸部损伤的急救处理

    First aid to thoracic trauma in seventy-six children

  3. 当新生儿的呼吸停止20s和心跳小于100次/min两种情况同时发生时,监护仪可发出报警的声光信号以便医护人员进行急救处理。

    While the newborns has ceased his respiration for 20 seconds and its rhythm of the heart is less than 100 times / min instantaneously , the monitor may send out a sound and light alarm to paramedics to carrying through first_aid .

  4. 交通事故致颅脑外伤的临床特点及急救处理

    Clinical Characters and Emergency Management of Craniocerebral Injury by Traffic Accidents

  5. 眶-颧-上颌复杂性骨折并发颌内动脉破裂的急救处理和诊治

    Emergency treatment of orbit-zygoma-maxilla fracture with bleeding of internal jaw artery

  6. 当一个人中风发作需要迅速进行急救处理。

    When a person suffers a stroke quick treatment is crucial .

  7. 喉部钝伤的急救处理(附18例经验教训)

    Bullet Wounds of the Larynx ( An Analysis of 18 Cases )

  8. 适当的急救处理后,怎么办?

    After proper first aid is given , what should we do ?

  9. 车祸所致深度烧伤与合并伤的急救处理

    Emergency management of deep burn and complicate injury caused by traffic accident

  10. 31例平时颅脑枪弹伤的急救处理

    Emergent Management of 31 Patients with Craniocerebral Bullets Injuries in Peaceful Time

  11. 急救处理中应首先解除窒息;

    It is very important that relieve suffocation at first in emergency treatment .

  12. 严重创伤患者36例麻醉和急救处理

    Anesthetic and Emergency Treatment of the Severe-injured Patients

  13. 颅脑损伤急救处理107例

    Emergency treatment in 107 cases with craniocerebral injury

  14. 目的探讨化学性皮肤灼伤的临床特征及急救处理。

    Objective To explore the clinical characteristics and first-aid treatment of chemical skin burns .

  15. 结论严重胸腹部多发伤应强调急救处理;

    Conclusion First aids should be emphasized on severe multiple traumas of thorax and abdomen .

  16. 体外循环心脏手术的神经系统并发症(附5例昏迷病例分析)目的探讨体外循环心内直视术后中枢神经系统并发症的特点及急救处理。

    Objective To evaluate the characteristic of cerebral complication and emergent management after open heart surgery .

  17. 血管损伤的急救处理

    Emergency Treatment of Blood Vessel Injury

  18. 98.2%的病例需要急救处理,经急诊救治后,患者中52.4%转住院治疗;

    98.2 % of all cases needed urgent medical treatment , and 52.4 % were hospitalized .

  19. 紧急急救处理指南应急急救处理指南

    Emergency First Aid Treatment Guide

  20. 喉外伤的急救处理

    Treatment of larynx trauma

  21. 严重左主干病变急救处理及急诊搭桥术对病人预后的影响

    Emergency management of patients with severe left main coronary disease and affectiveness of CABG team standby on the patients prognosis

  22. 方法回顾性分析31例颅面部枪弹伤病例,对其致伤特点、临床表现、急救处理和清创原则进行讨论。

    In this article , the characteristic features both in the type of wounds and the measures in management were evaluated .

  23. 目的:探讨小儿咽部高热液烫伤的早期急救处理及其重要性。

    Objective : To investigate measures for emergency treatment of pediatric mouth and throat scald at the early stage and its significance .

  24. 方法分析和总结护士用药监察,用药护理和药物中毒急救处理的方法。

    Method The nurses ability of monitoring medication , medication inspection , medication nursing and emergency management of drug intoxication were analyzed .

  25. 目的:探讨颈椎损伤的急救处理中早期非手术干预的意义。

    Objective : To study the importance of initial resuscitation , prevention and management of the early complication in acute cervical spine injury .

  26. 在护送过程中发生病情变化者117例(0.35%),经急救处理全部脱险;

    The state of illness of117cases ( 0.35 % ) were aggravating in the escort process , but came through by the first aids .

  27. 如果你自己没有受伤或你的伤已经经过了急救处理,你会有更大的力量去照顾别人。

    You will be better able to care for others if you are not injured or if you have received first aid for your injuries .

  28. 本教学大纲用于指导常见急诊的中西医临床诊断、辨证论治及急救处理。

    This teaching brief is mainly used to guide clinic diagnosis , diagnosis and treatment based on overall analysis of symptoms and sings , and emergency management .

  29. 根据其发生的时间、地点,又可分为教学事故和非教学事故,在处理上应当给予必要的医疗急救处理和责任追究处理。

    The emergency treatment and the ascertainment of responsibilities must be carried on in handling the accidents , and different measures should be taken for preventing different accidents .

  30. 在信号采集处理过程中主要研究了心电信号的识别算法,并使用模糊控制方法发出智能调节信号,在急救处理前进行预处理。

    The paper investigates the identification algorithm of ECG signal and uses fuzzy control method to send out intelligent adjusting signal as pretreatment before nurses carry through first aid .