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jí zào
  • irritable;irascible;testy;quick;impetuous;impatient;rash
急躁 [jí zào]
  • (1) [quick;irascible;irritable]∶碰到不称心的事情易于激动

  • 对待她的学生太急躁了

  • (2) [impetuous;impatient;rash]∶想赶快达到目的,不经仔细考虑或准备就行动

  • 急躁轻进

急躁[jí zào]
  1. 艾伦很急躁,很明显他处于紧张不安的状态。

    Alan was irritable , and very evidently in a nervy state .

  2. 他已经等了一个多小时,开始变得急躁了。

    He had been waiting for over an hour and was beginning to feel irritable .

  3. 他脾气急躁,以前就遇到过麻烦。

    His hot temper has landed him in trouble before .

  4. 他往往反应过火,急躁冲动。

    He tended to react in a heated and impetuous way .

  5. 他的脾气是最急躁的。

    His temper is of the quickest .

  6. 无论如何不能急躁。

    On no account must we be impatient .

  7. 虽然他生性急躁,而且经常很固执生硬,可是对孩子们却十分温存。

    Though he was quarrelsome by nature and often stubborn and hard , he was always gentle with children .

  8. 我们的老师是位脾气急躁的老太太。她很容易生气。

    Our teacher is an irritable old lady.She gets angry easily .

  9. 如果你经常上网,是不是有时候会因为网页打开太慢而觉得急躁、不耐烦?

    If you 're a regular Internet user , have you ever felt a mounting sense of tension during what seems like an interminable wait for a web page to load ?

  10. b表情性自动症:异常表情或恐惧、愤怒、欣喜、急躁。

    B expression sex is automatic disease : Unusual expression or fear , indignant , glad , impatient .

  11. 易怒的;暴躁的同义词:bad-tempered劳累烦躁急躁的姿势

    to be tired and irritable an irritable gesture

  12. 一些法律界的专家称,Murray想要阻止杰克逊服食异丙酚,即普鲁泊福这件事,也可以被解释成他已经意识到这种药容易使杰克逊急躁,所以试图让他戒掉。

    Some legal experts say the fact that Murray was trying to get Jackson off propofol , also known as Diprivan , can be interpreted to imply he was aware the drug was harmful to his patient .

  13. 大阪年轻的无党派市长桥下彻(ToruHashimoto)脾气急躁、富有野心,并且有一个宏大的构想:把大阪发展为另一个首都城市,以防东京地区发生严重地震。

    Toru Hashimoto , the young independent mayor of Osaka , is hot-tempered , ambitious and has a big idea : to develop Osaka into a second capital city as insurance against a serious earthquake in the Tokyo region .

  14. 当出现没有预料到的问题时要尽量控制住你的急躁情绪。

    Try to control your impatience when any unexpected problem arises .

  15. 一到准备睡觉,她们就会急躁、妒忌。

    When ready for sleep , they get impatient and jealous .

  16. 虽然贺龙性格急躁,但是他很谦虚。

    Although he is impetuous , Ho Lung is very humble .

  17. 他后悔说出了导致口角的急躁的话。

    He regrets his hasty words that are productive of quarrels .

  18. 心里急躁锅不开,你最好放松一下。

    A watched pot never boils , you 'd better relax .

  19. 农业社会主义改造后期急躁冒进原因探析

    Reasons of Impetuosity in the Late Period of Socialist Transformation of Agriculture

  20. 光线过亮会让人变得急躁,还很容易变得冲动。

    The bright lights can make a person become irritable .

  21. 耐心点,不要太急躁!

    Be patient and don 't rush things ! 14 .

  22. 马格尼茨基开始取笑斯托雷平的急躁情绪。

    Magnitsky began to make fun of Stolypin 's earnestness .

  23. 他们的总教练选择了慎重而不急躁。

    Sunday , their manager voted for prudence over impatience .

  24. 他是个好军人,只是脾气急躁了些。

    He is a good soldier but a bit short on manners .

  25. 他急躁的个性老是让他惹上麻烦。

    His quick temper was always getting him into trouble .

  26. 你见言语急躁的人吗?

    Do you see a man who speaks in haste ?

  27. 大家都知道这个女孩子急躁易怒,喜欢争吵。

    The girl was known for being irritable and argumentative .

  28. 他是那样急躁,我简直拉不住他。

    He was so impatient that I could hardly hold him back .

  29. 急躁性与多个学科及总分负相关。

    Impatience was negatively related to several courses and the total score .

  30. 这显示了她急躁易冲动的性格。

    It shows her second character & impulsion , rashness .