
  • 网络Plummet;slump
  1. 美联储(FederalReserve)将缩减债券购买规模的表态造成利率上涨,土耳其里拉等新兴市场货币的汇率急跌。

    Indications that the Federal Reserve would pull back on its bond buying caused interest rates to rise , and the currencies of emerging market nations such as Turkey to tumble .

  2. 事实上,imf指出,过去一年半内大宗商品价格急跌后回升的走势,与以往先跌后升的走势形成鲜明对比,而以往的回升速度要慢得多。

    Indeed , the IMF says that the sharp decline and subsequent recovery in commodities prices over the past year and a half has been in notable contrast to previous global downturns and recoveries , when prices recovered much more slowly .

  3. 汽车价格急跌,1913年一辆T型车要花两年的收入

    Prices plummet.In 1913 , a Model T cost two years ' wages .

  4. 石油的价格从每桶2美元急跌至3美分

    The price of oil plummets from $ 2 a barrel to 3 ¢ .

  5. 英镑急跌1.3%。

    Sterling swooned 1.3 per cent .

  6. 而实际上,可供选择的医保计划数量却急跌——我是说急跌。

    Instead , the number of plans to choose from has plummeted - and I mean plummeted .

  7. 这些投资者眼睁睁看着自己的资产净值四年内第二次一下子急跌。

    These investors have suddenly seen their net worth collapse again for the second time in four years .

  8. 那时楼价急跌,但午夜还可见到镕焊工人在高高的钢架上操作,彷佛天上的星星。

    Sharply falling property prices notwithstanding , welders can be seen laboring on high rise structures at midnight , like stars in the sky .

  9. 2007年爆发的次贷危机已经在全球金融市场引起了巨大的混乱,一时间,道琼斯指数以及欧洲各主要股指纷纷急跌。

    The U.S. sub-prime crisis which broke out in 2007 has resulted in great turbulence in all the global financial market . The Dow Jones index and main European share indexes slumped altogether in short time .

  10. 在他成为州长的时候,父亲的阴影随之而来。他父亲最初享有很高的声望,却在第二任期时人气急跌,后来因为疲于应对伯克利的学生运动,再加上选民朝保守主义的转变,他在1966年落败。

    When he became governor , he arrived in the shadow of his father , who had gone from having an outsize reputation to a second-term decline and defeat in 1966 as he struggled with student unrest at Berkeley and a conservative shift by the electorate .