
  • 网络stock dominated by institutional investor
  1. 由此解释了与成熟股市相比,我国沪深A股市场存在严重的信息不对称,庄股现象横行的现象。

    This result explain the phenomenon of severe asymmetric information and banker stock in Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share stock markets compared with mature stock markets .

  2. 本文认为,投资者对利好消息的过度反应,对利空消息的反应不足,以及中国股市独特的庄股操作,都可能在一定程度上导致不同组合中期内不同的收益趋势。

    We believe that investors ' overreaction to good news and underreaction to bad news , together with the unique behavior of the banks in China stock market , may contribute to the different return trends of different portfolios .