
  • 网络oversold
  1. 因此,我们的近期技术面支持超跌反弹行情。

    That said , our near-term technical bias favors an oversold relief rally .

  2. 因此未来数日标普出现超跌反弹行情是不足为奇的。

    So , it should not be surprised to see an oversold relief bounce in the coming days .

  3. 如果股票由于某种情况超跌,我也许会买。

    If things drop a lot for some reason , I may buy more .

  4. 市场看来多少有些超跌,因此市场今后至少再次尝试上攻不足为奇。

    So it should not be surprised to see at least an attempt to rally in the coming days .

  5. 的“四万亿,以刺激经济”的市场政策的影响和超跌的股票上涨了井喷。

    By " four trillion to stimulate the economy " policy impact of the market and oversold stocks rose blowout .

  6. 然而不仅周一的下跌有些超跌,而且1300点是一个重大心理与技术支撑。

    However , not only that Monday selloff is a bit overextended , the1300 level represents an important sentiment and technical support .

  7. 进一步分析指出,新股在上市首日估值过高、在后市超跌反弹是交易策略可获利的主要原因。

    Further analyses pointed out that the first value in the market value new stock too high , the outlook is the fall of a business strategy can make a profit of major reason .