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  • rebound;bounce;bounce back;ricochet
  1. 它们还在利用全球股市反弹的机会。

    They are also advantage of the global rebound in equities .

  2. 如果鲍尔斯先生的预计是对的,那么低收益的国债将会失去吸引力同时股价将会反弹

    If Mr Bowers is right , low government-bond yields could lose their appeal and equities could rebound .

  3. 球打在里德身上反弹进球门。

    The ball deflected off Reid 's body into the goal .

  4. 这个入球是球打在守门员身上反弹入网的。

    The goal was scored with a deflection off the goalkeeper .

  5. 让球反弹起来,然后试着把它打过网。

    Bounce the ball and try and hit it over the net .

  6. 股市指数下跌了80%后才开始反弹。

    The stock-market index fell by 80 % before it began to recover .

  7. 期货价格在早盘深幅下跌后出现反弹,收盘时未见严重损失。

    Futures prices recovered from sharp early declines to end with moderate losses .

  8. 球打在斯巴达克队一名防守队员的背上后反弹入网。

    The ball cannoned off the back of a Spartak defender and into the net .

  9. 1987年10月美国股市崩盘后,日本股市是反弹最快的。

    When the U.S. stock market collapsed in October 1987 , the Japanese stock market was the most resilient .

  10. 目前股市是反转,还是反弹?

    Is it a market reversal or a bear market rally ?

  11. 股票价格开始反弹。

    The share prices rebounded .

  12. 但有些材料会减慢光线的速度并散射光线,使其从原来的路径反弹出去。

    But some materials slow and scatter light , bouncing it away from its original path .

  13. 2020年第二季度美国GDP暴跌31.4%,创下大萧条时期以来的最大降幅,随后第三季度反弹33.4%。

    The economy contracted at a post-Depression record 31.4 % in the second quarter then rebounded to a 33.4 % gain in the following three months .

  14. 三级-将15%的所受伤害反弹给600范围内的所有敌方单位。

    Level 3-Deflects 15 % of damage taken onto a 600 AoE .

  15. 6.5%的增速与去年经济增速收缩1.7%相比,是一个巨大反弹。

    The figure of 6.5 percent represents a significant rebound registered last year .

  16. 上半场最后一分钟,中国队守门员彭诗梦扑出了韩国队利用角球机会发出的一个近距离头球,但是球反弹进网。这个进球最初判给了韩国队前锋崔友利,不过亚洲足联后来又判定这个进球是中国队后卫李梦雯的乌龙球。

    In the last minute of the first half , Chinese goalkeeper Peng Shimeng saved a close-range header from a corner , but couldn 't keep the ball out of the net from a rebound Li Mengwen 's own goal .

  17. 美国商务部称,尽管去年下半年美国经济出现了部分反弹,但2020年全年美国经济萎缩3.5%,而2019年美国经济增长2.2%。

    Despite a partial economic rebound in the second half of last year , the US economy shrank 3.5 percent for the whole year of 2020 , compared with an increase of 2.2 percent in 2019 , according to the department .

  18. 该机构还警告说,尽管疫苗有望刺激经济反弹,但全球经济复苏仍充满不确定性。这份由联合国国际劳工组织发布的报告预测,2021年的工作时间可能仍将比2019年减少3%以上,大约相当于9000万个全职工作岗位。

    It also warned that recovery remains . Working hours in 2021 are likely to remain more than 3 % lower than they were in 2019 - roughly the equivalent of 90 million full-time jobs , predicts the report , by the UN 's International Labor Organization ( ILO ) .

  19. 报告指出,除中国以外,得益于美国等少数几个主要经济体强劲反弹支撑,今年全球经济增长预期为5.6%,将成为80年来全球在经济衰退后的最快增速。美国经济预计将增长6.8%。

    In addition to China , the strong rebounds from a few major economies , including the United States whose growth is projected at 6.8 percent , will propel the global economy to expand by 5.6 percent this year , the fastest post-recession pace in 80 years , according to the report .

  20. 在创纪录的650亿美元收益再投资的推动下,美国FDI流入量反弹至1750亿美元。

    Inflows to the US rebounded to $ 175bn , boosted by an all-time high in reinvested earnings of $ 65bn .

  21. 投资时段在9个月到一年左右的许多基金经理都认为中国工商银行(Industrial&CommercialBankofChina)、中国银行(BankofChina)及中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBank)的股票将出现反弹。

    Many fund managers who have an investment horizon of about nine months to a year say shares in Industrial & Commercial Bank of China , Bank of China , and China Construction Bank are poised for a bounce .

  22. 上周二,在纽约商品交易所(NewYorkMercantileExchange),天然气期货价格连续第三天反弹,上涨了1.2%,达到3.959美元/百万英热单位。

    On Tuesday , natural gas futures rallied for a third day , gaining 1.2 % in the New York Mercantile Exchange to $ 3.959 a million British thermal units .

  23. 毕竟,它是第一个在全球金融危机期间崩盘的国家,也是第一个实现GDP反弹的国家之一。

    After all , it was the first country to implode during the financial crisis and was one of the first ones to see its GDP rebound .

  24. 上述数据显示,美联储(fed)可能不会那么热衷于大幅降息,同时美元汇率有所反弹,这一因素应该会导致大宗商品市场走弱。

    The data suggested that the Federal Reserve may not be so keen to cut US interest rates aggressively , and the dollar rallied a factor that should weaken commodity markets .

  25. 联邦公开市场委员会(Federalopenmarketcommittee)发布的这份声明重申,随着劳动力市场进一步的改善,以及能源价格下降等因素的暂时性影响的消退,美联储官员预计通胀水平将出现反弹。

    But the statement issued by the Federal Open Market Committee reiterated that Fed officials expect inflation to rebound as the labor market improves further and the transitory effect of lower energy prices and other factors dissipate .

  26. 上周五,就在Zynga递交招股计划书后,LinkedIn的股价出现反弹,差不多回升了6个百分点。

    On Friday , after Zynga filed its prospectus , LinkedIn rallied , rising as much as 6 % .

  27. “哈佛的MBA学员近期毕业。薪资也已反弹。在哈佛商学院(MBA薪资的风向标),2012届毕业生的薪资中值预计将达到12.5万美元,高于之前的12万美元。

    At Harvard , the bellwether for MBA pay , the median for the class of 2012 is expected to be $ 125000 , up from $ 120000 .

  28. 周期而言,7月份的PMI往往是最疲软的数据之一,通常在8月份会有强劲反弹。

    Cyclically , the July PMI tends to be one of the weakest and is usually followed by a strong rebound in August .

  29. Facebook的移动业务随后显示出了增长迹象,尤其是在2013年第二季度,在该公司移动业务广告收入占广告总收入的比重上升之后,Facebook的股价出现了大幅反弹。

    The stock rebounded sharply once Facebook was able to show traction in mobile , notably from the second quarter of 2013 when mobile advertising jumped as a percentage of total ad revenue .

  30. 但在过去几年里,企业复工后的季节性反弹更为强劲,PMI通常会上升一到两个点。

    But in past years the seasonal bounce from work starting up again was stronger , with the PMI usually rising by one or two points .