
fǎn jī
  • counterattack;retaliate;strike back;repulse;beat back;counterfire
反击 [fǎn jī]
  • (1) [counterattack]

  • (2) 回击

  • 用报纸广告来反击

  • (3) 打击进攻的敌人

  • 自卫反击

反击[fǎn jī]
  1. 当被别人弄疼时我们本能的反应是反击。

    Our instinctive reaction when someone causes us pain is to strike back

  2. 李陵打算暂时先忍辱投降,以便伺机等待机会反击。

    Li Ling shamefully1 surrendered for the moment , planning to wait for an opportunity to strike back .

  3. 他躲开最先几拳后便开始反击。

    He ducked the first few blows then started to fight back .

  4. 后来穆尔奋力反击,重新夺回了比赛中的领先地位。

    Moore fought back to retake the lead later in the race .

  5. 政府正在推行更强硬的手段来反击犯罪。

    The government is introducing tougher measures to combat crime .

  6. 首相对批评他的人进行了猛烈反击。

    The prime minister fired a broadside at his critics .

  7. 民兵组织回复说他们会对任何进攻予以反击。

    The militia responded by saying it would retaliate against any attacks

  8. 第二天安全部队发起反击,镇压了骚动。

    The security forces counter-attacked the following day and quelled the unrest

  9. 英国铁路公司马上推出自己的低票价方案予以反击。

    British Rail immediately hit back with their own cheap fares scheme .

  10. 那份声明似乎是专门就联合轰炸任务的批评作出反击。

    That statement seemed designed to answer criticism of allied bombing missions .

  11. 于是西尔斯提起反托拉斯诉讼进行反击。

    Sears then countered by filing an antitrust lawsuit .

  12. 他得到军事指挥部授权,准备反击。

    He had authorisation from the military command to retaliate

  13. 总统对那些批评过其经济改革措施的人进行了反击。

    The President has hit back at those who have criticised his economic reforms

  14. 这一事件也说明现在一些妇女正试图反击。

    The case also illustrates that some women are now trying to fight back .

  15. 军队用炮火和催泪瓦斯予以反击。

    The army responded with gunfire and tear gas

  16. 他们两个人都不得不对尖锐的批评进行反击。

    Both of them had to counter fierce criticism

  17. 最近几周,艾布拉姆斯进行了反击。

    In recent weeks , Abrams has counterattacked .

  18. 玛丽昂的父亲反击说布拉兹的说法冷酷无情,根本是在撒谎。

    Marion 's father counter-attacked by saying that Blaze 's claims were cruel and untrue .

  19. 民主党人12年来首次予以反击。

    For the first time in 12 years , the Democrats are giving as good as they get .

  20. 他迅速发难,反击提问者,直到完全偏离了最初的问题。

    He is quickly on the attack , biting back at the questioner until the original question is lost .

  21. 德里克·福克斯在上半场的罚球使费瑟斯通队领先,但是圣徒队很快进行了反击。

    Deryck Fox gave Featherstone the lead early in the first half with a penalty , but Saints were quick to reply .

  22. 你应当反击这种恶毒的污蔑。

    You ought to kick back at such malicious slander .

  23. 现在那老拳击手一拳向对方的身体反击过去。

    And now the old fighter counters with a blow to the body .

  24. 他佯败,其实是在积极准备反击。

    He pretend to be defeated ; actually , he is actively preparing for a counterattack .

  25. 他们开了两艘驱逐舰进入这个地区,来反击敌人战舰的威胁。

    They moved two destroyers into the area to counter the threat from the enemy battleship .

  26. 这场战斗只持续了半个多小时,在这段时间里,大约有5万公斤的番茄被投掷到了任何人或任何能移动、奔跑或反击的物体上。

    The battle lasts little more than half an hour , in which time around 50,000 kilograms of tomatoes have been thrown at anyone or anything that moves , runs , or fights back .

  27. 如果一只猫觉得它有危险,它会像野猫一样反击!

    If a cat feels it is in danger , it will fight back — just like a wild cat !

  28. 他找机会向他的敌人反击。

    He sought every opportunity to retaliate against his enemy .

  29. 他张嘴开始进行刻薄的反击。

    He opened his mouth to make a caustic retort .

  30. 发动反击时,一定要确定自己找对了人。

    When you hit back make sure you have got the right man .