
fǎn měi qínɡ xù
  • anti-Americanism
  1. 巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)昨日向世界领导人发出挑战,要求他们克服近乎反射性的反美情绪,与美国结成一种新的合作关系,与华盛顿共同努力,应对各种全球问题。

    Barack Obama challenged world leaders yesterday to overcome their almost reflexive anti-Americanism to forge a new co-operative relationship with the US and work with Washington to address global problems .

  2. 对美国强权的战略威胁来自日益高涨的反美情绪。

    The strategic threat to us power has come from rising anti-Americanism .

  3. 它将加深全球各地的反美情绪,还可能让前CIA官员在国际上受到起诉。

    It will deepen anti-American sentiment around the world and potentially open up former CIA officials to international prosecution .

  4. 反美情绪时常会爆发。

    From time to time , anti-US sentiment bubbles over .

  5. 从整体而言,反美情绪最近几个星期已趋于冷却。

    Overall , passions have cooled in recent weeks .

  6. 美国希望平息巴基斯坦境内的反美情绪。

    The US is hoping to stand the anti-American sentiment brewing in Pakistan .

  7. 美国希望通过提供援助,在反美情绪普遍存在的巴基斯坦赢得善意。

    US aid is intended to win goodwill across Pakistan where anti-Americanism is widespread .

  8. 我认为现在在英国反美情绪是整体性的文化上可以接受的。

    I think it is entirely culturally acceptable now in Britain to be anti-American .

  9. 布鲁塞尔反美情绪高涨并不是什么新鲜事。

    There 's nothing new about this strain of anti-Americanism running rampant in Brussels .

  10. 美国消除西欧的反美情绪和巩固大西洋联盟的心理战略也取得成就。

    The psychological actions to reduce anti-Americanism and strengthen the Atlantic Community were also successful .

  11. 美国政府在海外的行动还将继续成为海外反美情绪的一个关键性因素。

    The US government actions overseas continue to be a key factor in anti-America sentiment abroad .

  12. 批评总统的共和党嘲讽总统是个极端的带着狂热反美情绪的社会主义者。

    The president 's critics on the right deride him as a radical socialist seething with anti-American rage .

  13. 民意调查显示,土耳其是世界上反美情绪最强的国家之一。

    According to opinion polls , anti U.S. sentiment in Turkey is amongst the highest in the world .

  14. 从俄罗斯高级官员最近的言论来看,强硬的反美情绪被列为克里姆林宫的宣传主题。

    Judging by recent statements from senior Russian officials , tough anti-U.S.sentiment has become the leitmotif of Kremlin propaganda .

  15. 自美国领导的联军入侵伊拉克以来,那里的民调显示,反美情绪已十分高涨。

    Ever since the US-led invasion of Iraq , opinion polls there have shown very high levels of anti-Americanism .

  16. 这首曲子是在一部1956年拍摄的关于朝鲜战争的影片里,而那部影片表现了强烈的反美情绪。

    The piece was featured in a1956 Chinese movie about soldiers in the Korean war that expresses strong anti-American sentiments .

  17. 有人担心,倾倒有毒化学制剂的传闻可能会引发韩国的反美情绪。

    There have been concerns that the revelations of alleged dumping of toxic chemicals could re-ignite anti-American sentiments in South Korea .

  18. 对于许多欧洲人而言,当前这场危机已经造成了一种后果,即反美情绪为反对德国的怨忿所取代。

    For many Europeans , the aftermath of the current crisis is already that anti-Americanism is being replaced by anti-German ressentiment .

  19. 巴基斯坦不得不平衡好它们对在阿富汗的西方部队的支持和许多群众的强烈反美情绪。

    Pakistan has to balance its support for Western forces in Afghanistan with the intense anti-U.S.feelings of much of its population .

  20. 每当我与经营总部位于美国的跨国企业的高管交谈时,我都会问,他们是否注意到在美国以外,反美情绪不断高涨。

    Whenever I speak to executives running US-based global businesses , I ask if they observe anti-American sentiment rising outside this country .

  21. 不过,你还得把某种程度的反美情绪考虑进去,这意味着,人们想从美国以外的国家获得建议。

    And then you have to factor in some degree of anti-American sentiment which means people want advice from somewhere outside the US .

  22. 受美国无人机打击在该国与阿富汗崎岖的边境地区武装分子目标影响,巴基斯坦反美情绪高涨。

    Anti-American sentiments run high in Pakistan , fueled by U.S. drone strikes targeting militants in the country 's rugged border region with Afghanistan .

  23. 第一件让他很惊诧的是,在全球很多地区反美情绪激烈时,这些中国人对美国游客是如此友好;

    The first was amazement , after experiencing anti-Americanism in other parts of the world , over how well the Chinese treated their US visitors .

  24. 迈尔斯说,金正日需要用反美情绪来转移人民对北韩赤贫的指责,而北韩的赤贫是由于几十年经济管理失当造成的。

    Myers says Kim Jong Il needs anti-American sentiment to shift the blame for the North 's extreme poverty , caused by decades of economic mismanagement .

  25. 奥巴马总统在评论伊朗形势方面仍然言辞谨慎,尽量不被认为干涉伊朗内政或增加反美情绪。

    President Obama continues to tread a fine line in commenting on Iran , anxious not to be seen as interfering or to fuel anti-American sentiment .

  26. 尽管实行了宵禁,美国军人的不当行为继续在日本的美军驻地激起反美情绪。美国军人通常是在喝醉后肇事的。

    Despite the curfew , misconduct involving American troops - much of it drunken - has continued to fuel anti-American sentiment in places hosting U.S. bases .

  27. 分析人士说,巴基斯坦和美国都害怕证实这种在巴基斯坦边界境内的袭击,担心会引发民众的反美情绪。

    Analysts say both Pakistan and the United States fear that any official confirmation of such missile strikes inside the Pakistani border may fuel anti-American sentiment .

  28. 摘要中国大学生既有反美情绪也有反日情绪,但是二者的内容、程度、性质及指向的主体有很大不同。

    The Chinese university students have both anti-American feeling and Anti-Japanese attitude , but there is a large discrepancy between them in content , degree , nature and directing subject .

  29. 据《洛杉矶时报》报道,在纽约警方以性侵罪名拘捕国际货币基金组织总裁多米尼克·斯特劳斯-卡恩后,卡恩的祖国法国出现了一股反美情绪。

    France has launched itself into one of its spasms of anti-Americanism after the arrest of IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn on charge of sexually assault , the Los Angeles Times reported .

  30. 上周末的新闻称,不会有美国士兵因为去年11月北约空袭炸死24名巴基斯坦军人的事件而受到指控。巴基斯坦的反美情绪在这一消息爆出后只会加剧。

    That mood will only be intensified by the news over the weekend that no US servicemen will face charges over the Nato air strike that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers last November .