
  • 网络U.S. Capitol;The Capitol Hill
  1. 当你骑到美国国会山和国家广场的遗址时,你要走近那里的历史遗迹和纪念碑看看。

    Get up close to the monuments and memorials as your bike the sites of Capitol Hill and the National Mall .

  2. 他写道,这个国家正在经历一场“权威危机”,美国国会山(CapitolHill)、华尔街(WallStreet),乃至棒球场和天主教会(CatholicChurch)的一系列丑闻就是例证。

    He argues that the country is experiencing a " crisis of authority , " illustrated by the scandals on Capitol Hill and Wall Street , in baseball and the Catholic Church , among others .

  3. 在美国国会山,这个词是议员们讨论的重点。

    That term is dominating conversations around the U.S. Capitol right now .

  4. 他们在美国国会山举行集会,抗议他们认为已经失去控制的政府支出和美国政府征收的过多税收。

    They got together for a at the U.S. Capitol building and to protest against what they see as out-of-control government spending and too many taxes by the U.S. government .

  5. 从哥本哈根的气候大会到美国国会山,总统确定了他能够在气候改变和医疗保障上达到的最大程度,并且认为这些就已足够,至少对现在来说是够了。

    From Copenhagen to Capitol Hill , the president determined the outer limits of what he could accomplish on climate change and health care and decided that was enough , at least for now .

  6. “我们或者将保持走这条路,也或者将背离这条道路,转而采取我们小组的财政计划,”图梅在美国国会山的一个新闻发布会上说。

    " We 're either going to stay on this path * or we 're going to depart from this path and adopt fiscal discipline that our constituents expect from us ," Toomey said at a Capitol Hill news conference .

  7. 同时,上千人聚集在美国华盛顿国会山,抗议美国国家安全局的监视项目。

    Meanwhile several thousand protesters marched to the US Capitol in Washington to protest against the NSA 's spying program .

  8. 美国三大汽车制造商称,日本通过操纵汇率,及在美国国会山进行游说,使日本汽车厂商获得了不公平的竞争优势。

    The big three US carmakers claim Tokyo is giving Japanese competitors an unfair advantage by manipulating the currency and have orchestrated a lobbying campaign on Capitol Hill .