
  • 网络american political parties
  1. 美国政党具有一般政党所具有的共性特征。

    The American political parties have the features that the common parties have .

  2. 第二部分:福音派与美国政党政治,主要论述美国政党制度的形成;

    Part Two : Evangelicals and the Party politics of America .

  3. 六十年代以来美国政党制度的连续性与变化&《美国的政党和政治》译后

    Continuity and change of the U.S. party system

  4. 试析美国政党政治的特点及其对美国外交的作用与影响

    Initial Analysis of the Features of American Party Politics and Impact on American Foreign Policy

  5. 第二部分对美国政党政治影响司法进行了实证分析。

    Part two put forth a positive analysis of the effect impacted on the American judicial system by the political parties .

  6. 她是美国政党史上第一个被提名为副总统候选人的女性,佩林是第二个。

    She was the first woman to be nominated as vice president on a major U.S.party ticket , Palin is the second .

  7. 美国政党的出现,使总统选举人不再具有原始的独立性,而变成了政党的工具;

    The electoral college under function of the party politics has lost political independence , thus it has become two party 's tool .

  8. 美国的政党现在正向欧洲议会政党演变,要求党员思想忠诚,严守纪律。

    American parties now function like European parliamentary ones , ideologically pure and with tight discipline .

  9. 奥巴马成为第一个有色人种人士获得美国重要政党的总统候选人提名。

    Hours after becoming the first person of color to clinch the presidential nomination of a major U.

  10. 在1796年的告别演说中,他警告美国民众政党的危险。

    In his farewell address in seventeen ninety-six , he warned Americans about the dangers of political parties .

  11. 许多黑人共和党人把道义信念作为拒绝一名黑人同胞的理由。奥巴马已经因为赢得一个美国主要政党总统候选人提名而创造了历史。

    Many of black Republicans cite moral convictions as a reason for rejecting a person of their race who has already made history by winning a major party 's presidential nomination .

  12. 宾州的选民知道,他们的选择最终具有历史意义,美国主要政党将第一次提名一位妇女或者非洲裔美国人作为总统候选人。

    Voters in Pennsylvania know in the end their choice will be historic , and for the first time a major political party will nominate either a woman or an African-American for the presidency .

  13. 种族问题再次浮现出来,起因是上星期克林顿的支持者费拉罗讲的一些话。费拉罗在1984年成为第一位美国主要政党竞选副总统的女性候选人。

    The issue of race surfaced again , triggered by remarks made last week by Geraldine Ferraro , who in 1984 became the first woman candidate for vice president on a major party ticket .

  14. 他说,奥巴马总统的谨慎立场得到美国两大政党的支持。

    He said the president 's cautious stance has bipartisan support .

  15. 这里有一条美国两大政党均未主张的路线。

    There is another way , not represented by either US political party .

  16. 第四章,论述二战后美国政府对政党的影响。

    Chapter IV discusses the impact which the government on political parties afterWorld War II .

  17. 维持美国两大政党对自己的支持是以色列的核心原则。

    It is a core tenet [ 2 ] of Israeli policy to maintain bipartisan support in America .

  18. 在美国两大政党为今年的总统大选竞选造势的同时,能源问题已经很清楚地成为两党的主要分歧之一。

    Energy has become one of the main issues clearly dividing the two U.S. political parties as they prepare for their national conventions .

  19. 我想如果美国两大政党的领导人把注意力放在共同的“战略信仰”上,或许能帮助他们找到更多共同点。

    I suspect if leaders of both political parties focused on a shared set of " strategic beliefs " for our country , it might help them find more common ground .

  20. 美国两个主要政党中历史较长的一个。

    The older of two major political parties in the US .

  21. 美国有几十个政党,其中只有两个党是主要党。

    Of a dozen political parties in america , only two are the leading parties .

  22. 美国两个主要政党中较年轻的一个;大老党。

    The younger of2 major political parties in the us ; gop stands for grand old party .

  23. 美国的一个政党;建立于1874年,主张和平引入社会主义。

    A political party in the US ; formed in 1874 to advocate the peaceful introduction of socialism .

  24. 美国的一个政党;成立于1869年,反对含有酒精的饮料的制造和销售。

    A political party in the US ; formed in 1869 to oppose the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages .

  25. 美国有自己的政党机制,但努力组织的团体可以利用党内初选把这些机制撬开。

    It has its party machines , but groups that organise hard can use the primaries to prise them open .

  26. 美国有两个政党,数周以来,它们几乎一次都不能就如何为政府筹措资金达成一致。

    The US has two political parties and yet it can barely agree on how to fund the government for weeks at a time .

  27. 今后,美国无论是任何政党在行政和立法中战局主要地位,都无法完全摆脱美国所要承担的伊拉克经济、政治,军事重建的使命。

    The reconstruction process is still a long future , the United States regardless of any political parties in the executive and legislative in a dominant position , are not fully out of Iraq , the United States to bear the economic , political , and military reconstruction mission .

  28. 这五大因素包括媒体、游说团体、智囊机构、美国的宗教以及美国的政党&涵盖面似乎相当广泛。

    These are the media , lobbyists , think-tanks , religion in America and its political parties – which seems pretty comprehensive .

  29. 在开罗的美国副国务卿威廉姆·伯恩斯否认美国将插足政党两极极度分化的埃及,尽管他还没有同穆斯林兄弟会会面。

    In Cairo , Deputy Secretary of State William Burns dismisses accusations that Washington backs any one side in the deeply polarized country , though he has not yet met with the Muslim Brotherhood .

  30. 由于政治与行政之间的区别不很明确,作为美国行政机构的构成和职位分配原则,政党分肥制是美国近代政党政治发展的直接后果。

    Due to blurring distinction between politics and administration , the development of modern party politics result in Political Parties ' Booty-sharing system as principle of construction of government .