
měi fēn
  • cent
  1. 在布鲁塞尔美元升值了1/9美分。

    In Brussels the dollar rose by a ninth of a cent

  2. 美国的硬币以美分的符号c代表。

    American coins are represented by the cent sign , C.

  3. 我们花了30美分坐公共汽车回到坦格。

    We got the bus back to Tange for 30 cents

  4. 烤全鸡每只60美分。

    Entire roast chickens were sixty cents apiece .

  5. 批评者将矛头对准他打算将汽油税每加仑提高10美分的计划上。

    Critics have zeroed in on his plan to raise gasoline taxes 10 cents a gallon .

  6. 这家公司把其抛出的270万股普通股的股价定为每股20美分。

    The company priced its offering of 2.7 million shares of common stock at 20 cents a share .

  7. 过去20年里,北卡罗来纳州的香烟税仅为每包2美分。

    For the past two decades , North Carolina taxed cigarettes at a mere 2 cents a packet .

  8. 几个星期前卖30美分一杯的米饭,如今卖到1美元。

    A cup of rice which cost thirty cents a few weeks ago is now being sold for up to one dollar

  9. 这种收音机的零售价是14美元95美分。

    This radio retails for $ 14.95 .

  10. 50年前,20美分买一磅白糖是个过高的价格。

    Fifty years ago , twenty cents were an excessive price for a pound of sugar .

  11. 玩具要一美元而特德只有50美分,父亲就给他添上了不足的数额。

    The toy cost a dollar and Ted only had fifty cents , so father made up the rest .

  12. 不管你怎么努力,你都无法只花十美分或者几万美分来转化那么大的东西。

    No matter how hard you try , you can ’ t turn something that large on a dime , or even a few thousand dimes .

  13. 我选了五块糖果,总共花了75美分。

    I chose five candy bars , which brought my total to 75 cents .

  14. 第一天,他筹集了50多美分,交给母亲买吃的。

    The first day he collected over 50 cents , which he gave to his mother to buy food with .

  15. 这样大一盘才50美分

    A huge plateful like that costs only 50 cents .

  16. 这种收音机的零售价是14美元95美分

    This radio retails for $ 14.95 .

  17. 理发师在一只手上放了一美元,另一只手上放了两个25美分的硬币,然后把男孩叫过来,问道:“孩子,你想要哪个?”男孩拿走了两个25美分的硬币然后离开了。

    The barber puts a dollar bill in one hand and two quarters in the other , then calls the boy over and asks , " Which do you want , son ? " The boy takes the quarters and leaves .

  18. 油价资讯服务公司(oilpriceinformationservice)表示,墨西哥湾汽油现货价格较10月交割的汽油期货价格高出约28美分/加仑。

    Gulf Coast spot gasoline fetched about 28 cents per gallon more than futures for October delivery , the oil price information service said .

  19. 美国电力研究院(ElectricPowerResearchInstitute)2012年开展的一项研究表明,iPhone5每年充电所耗电费仅41美分。

    According to a 2012 study by Electric Power Research Institute , the cost of keeping an iPhone 5 charged is 41 cents a year .

  20. 举例来说,该公司表示开发者每CPU核心/小时可能会需要支付10到12美分。

    For instance , the company says developers should expect to pay10 to12 cents per CPU core-hour .

  21. 朱克曼指出,Facebook每个月可以从每个用户身上赚取20美分的利润。

    Mr. Zuckerman points out that Facebook makes about 20 cents per user per month in profit .

  22. 在最近发布的第一季度财报数据中,Twitter报出备考盈利每股15美分。

    In its recently announced first-quarter figures , Twitter reported pro forma earnings of 15 cents a share .

  23. 纽约前市交易中,美国基准的西德克萨斯中质原油(westtexasintermediate)下跌约60美分,至每桶71.37美元。

    West Texas Intermediate , the US benchmark crude , fell about 60 cents to $ 71.37 in morning trade in New York .

  24. 在最近的交易中,AIG的股票上涨了50美分,每股达72.70美元。

    In recent trading , shares of AIG traded up50 cents to $ 72.70 .

  25. 虽然这里的案例分析跟IBM的问题解决很相似,但是本质上却有很多的不同:单独的个体代替了美元和美分。

    While the issue analysis aspects were similar to problem-solving at IBM , the stakes were vastly different : individual lives instead of dollars and cents .

  26. 浏览饶舌歌手“50美分”(50Cent)的Instagram页面,你会发现很多炫富的照片。

    Scroll through rapper 50 Cent 's Instagram feed and you 'll find a preponderance of photos where he basks in unimaginable riches .

  27. 下载一款菜谱软件,比如《我的烹饪书》(MyRecipeBook,99美分)或者《大烤箱》(BigOven,免费),然后只需把手机留在厨房柜台上。

    Download a cookbook app , such as My Recipe Book ( 99 cents ) or Big Oven ( free ), and just leave the device on the kitchen counter .

  28. 他们现在需要花更多的钱,因为今天澳币创下另一个高点,达到104.82美分,ABC报道。

    They will now pay more , as the Australian dollar reached another record high today , peaking at104.82 US cents , reported ABC .

  29. 洲际交易所(ICE)的10月期棉价格昨日为每磅65美分,8月份一度跌至五年低点。今年以来,棉价累计下跌了27%。

    ICE October cotton futures traded at 65 cents a pound yesterday after hitting a five-year low in August . So far this year cotton prices are down 27 per cent .

  30. iPodShuffle最初的价格便非常低廉,而且iTunes上还有许多仅售99美分的歌曲。

    The iPod shuffle was inexpensive from the beginning , as were 99-cent songs on iTunes .