
  • 网络federal fund rate
  1. 所谓美国联邦基金利率是指存款机构在短时间内将其于美联储所拥有的结余贷予其他存款机构时所采用的利率。

    The federal funds rate is the interest rate at which depository institutions lend balances at the Federal Reserve to other depository institutions overnight .

  2. 美国联邦基金利率波动率的历史分析

    Historical analysis of the US federal funds rate volatility

  3. 为了阻止美元下跌和长期利率急剧上升,美联储(fed)将不得不考虑提高美国联邦基金利率,财政部也需要考虑限制财政赤字。

    To counter the fall in the dollar and the spike in long-term interest rates , the Fed would have to consider lifting the Fed funds rate from zero , while the Treasury would need to consider reining in its fiscal deficits .

  4. 3个月银行间利率通常只是略高于美国联邦基金利率。

    Three-month money usually trades just above the Fed funds rate .

  5. 哈祖斯和蒂尔顿在报告中预测,高失业率和低通胀将使美国联邦基金利率保持在零附近直至明年年底或更久。

    High joblessness and weak inflation will keep the Fed funds rate near zero at least through next year and perhaps longer , Hatzius and Tilton write .

  6. 目前美国联邦基金利率为4.75%,预计本周可能下调至少25个基点。

    The federal funds rate in the US is now 4.75 per cent , with expectations of a cut of at least 25 basis points this week .

  7. 如果美国联邦基金利率期货市场值得信赖,那么过去一周,美联储在下周再次降息的几率无疑已经上升。

    If the Fed funds futures market is to be believed , the chances of another cut in the Fed funds rate next week have increased decisively in the past week .

  8. 美联储利用这三项工具对存款机构在美联储银行持有的结余的供求施加影响,并通过此种方式调节美国联邦基金利率。

    Using the three tools , the Federal Reserve influences the demand for , and supply of , balances that depository institutions hold at Federal Reserve Banks and in this way alters the federal funds rate .

  9. 利率市场注意到了上述情况:联邦基金利率期货市场当前的走势显示,年底前美国联邦基金利率上升至0.5%或更高水平的几率为40%。一个月前这个几率为30%。

    Rates markets took note : Fed Funds futures now imply a 40 per cent chance that the Fed Funds rate is raised to 0.5 per cent or higher by the end of this year , compared with a 30 per cent chance a month ago .

  10. 其次,由于美国联邦基金利率已接近零,无法再低,因此持续通缩将提高家庭和企业的实际借贷成本,因为这将意味着,经真实商品和服务价格变化调整后的利率将上升。

    Second , with the federal funds rate near zero and therefore unable to go lower , persistent deflation would raise the effective cost of borrowing to households and business because it would mean the interest rate adjusted for changes in the prices of real goods and services would rise .

  11. 美国的联邦基金利率本月几乎肯定会下调。

    The federal funds rate will almost certainly be cut this month .

  12. 此举将把贴现窗口贷款与主要利率之间的息差减半。目前美国的主要利率联邦基金利率为4.5%。

    That would halve the interest penalty on discount window borrowing compared to the main interest rate , the Fed funds rate , which is currently 4.5 per cent .

  13. 因此,在美国经济复苏比较脆弱、失业率比较高、通胀率很低,同时美国联邦基金利率已经接近零的情况下,美联储采用数量宽松的货币政策,是可以理解的。

    Thereupon , with a rather vulnerable economic resurgence , a relatively high unemployment rate , an extremely low inflation rate , and the federal funds rate close to zero , it is comprehensible for the US Federal Reserve to encourage the quantitative easing monetary policy .