
  • 网络US GAAP;Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
  1. 根据美国通用会计准则(GAAP)和各公司公布的数据,它们过去四个季度的利润总额为1560亿美元。

    All together , they posted $ 156 billion in GAAP earnings over the past four quarters in which each company reported .

  2. 以美国通用会计准则计算,上一季度,雅虎在移动产品上创造了超过7亿美元的收入,同比增长100%。

    Last quarter , Yahoo generated more than $ 700m in revenue from mobile products on a generally accepted accounting principles basis , 100 per cent growth year on year .

  3. 相应的估值倍数很是惊人:是按美国通用会计准则计算的截至2014年(3月)的年度收益的53.2倍,息税折旧摊销前利润的40倍,以及营收的23.4倍。

    That kind of valuation brings with it breathtaking multiples : 53.2 times ( March ) 2014 year end GAAP earnings , 40 times EBITDA , and 23.4 times revenues .