
  • 网络US Think Tank;Think tanks based in the United States
  1. 美国智库&传统基金会(HeritageFoundation)发布的另一份数据显示,今年上半年中国对外投资出现了罕见的下降。

    In the first half of this year there was a rare drop in outbound Chinese investment , according to alternative data published by the US think-tank the Heritage Foundation .

  2. 美国智库城市土地研究所(UrbanLandInstitute)表示,全球“门户”城市(全球主要城市地区)正艰难努力为它们的劳动力大军提供负担得起的住房。

    The Urban Land Institute , a US-based think-tank , said global " gateway " cities , the world 's leading urban areas , were struggling to provide affordable housing for their workforces .

  3. 本文作者是美国智库布鲁金斯学会(brookingsinstitution)副会长、全球经济与发展中心主任、前土耳其财长

    The writer is vice-president , global economics and development , at the Brookings Institution and former Turkish Treasury Secretary

  4. 美国智库——世界大型企业联合会(ConferenceBoard)最近发布的数据显示,美国的生产率将出现30年来首次下滑。

    Figures published last week by the Conference Board , a US think-tank , suggest productivity is set to fall in the US for the first time in three decades .

  5. 根据两家美国智库——美国企业研究所和美国传统基金会(HeritageFoundation)的数据,中国企业去年对海外投资估计达到1100亿美元,在12个月里增长了16%。

    Last year , Chinese companies invested an estimated $ 110bn abroad , up 16 per cent in 12 months , according to data from AEI and the Heritage Foundation , two US think-tanks .

  6. 美国智库国际战略研究中心(CenterforStrategicandInternationalStudies)朝鲜问题专家VictorCha表示,核试验可能反映朝鲜的领导人更迭,即强硬的忠诚派和家族成员逐步接替金正日。

    Victor Cha , a Korea expert at the Center for International and Strategic Studies , said the tests could reflect a leadership transition in North Korea involving hard-line loyalists and family members gradually succeeding Kim Jong-il .

  7. 卡内基国际和平基金会(CarnegieEndowmentforInternationalPeace)召集了一群最聪明的学者,一起讨论中国的问题。这家美国智库正大张旗鼓地建立全球影响力。

    The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , a US think tank that has been spreading its wings to build a global presence , had assembled a group of its smartest scholars to talk about China .

  8. 据美国智库&太平洋研究所(PacificInstitute)称,在发达国家,大部分水资源基础设施必须在未来20年更换,而其它地区可能面临更严峻的供水问题。

    In the developed world , much of the water infrastructure must be replaced in the next 20 years , according to the Pacific Institute , a US think-tank , but other regions are at risk of more severe water supply problems .

  9. 布鲁金斯学会(很NB的一个美国智库)的丹尼尔•考夫曼根据世界经济论坛的研究报告,注意到了和加拿大、英国、德国不同(见图表1),美国公司高层对本国立法机构的信心,自2002年以来,一直就在往下降。

    Daniel Kaufmann of the Brookings Institution , examining surveys by the World Economic Forum , notes that the confidence of American business executives in their legislature has fallen steadily since 2002 , while that of their Canadian , British and German peers has not ( see chart 1 ) .

  10. 作为非政府组织的美国智库与公共政策。

    Think tanks as NGOs and public policy in the U.S.

  11. 但是美国智库大西洋理事会的彼得.法姆认为,这样的政策可能伤害到未来与利比亚新领导层的关系。

    But Pham of the Atlantic Council says that policy may hurt future relations with Libya 's new leadership .

  12. 美国智库皮尤研究中心在新发布的一份报告中指出,美国65岁及其以上的老年人中有三分之一使用社交网络。

    ONE American in three aged 65 or older uses social networks , says a new report by the Pew Research Centre , a think-tank .

  13. 本章分别从概念、分类以及发展特点三个方面进行介绍美国智库。

    This chapter , respectively , from the concept , classification and characteristics of the three aspects of the development of American think tanks are introduced .

  14. 在长达一个多世纪的发展历程中,美国智库形成了独有的美式风格,也在美国的政治图景中发挥了巨大的影响力。

    During more than a century development process , American Think-Tanks formed a unique " America style " . They played a huge influence in the America political landscape .

  15. 结合中国具体国情,借鉴美国智库的发展之道,研究如何繁荣发展中国的智库,是我们迫切需要解决的问题。

    Combined with Chinese specific national conditions , reference the development of American Think-Tanks , then research how to develop Chinese Think-Tanks is the problem which we urgently need to address .

  16. 苏拉布·古普塔是美国智库中美研究所高级研究员,他表示,“上海精神”是上海合作组织成功的根基。

    to surmount difficulties , defuse risks and meet challenges . Sourabh Gupta is a senior researcher with the Institute for China-America Studies , a U.S. - based think tank , he says that " Shanghai Spirit " is the fundamental basis behind the SCO 's success .

  17. 据美国左倾智库经济政策研究所(EconomicPolicyInstitute)的数据显示,在2011年,受过大学教育、从事初级工作的23岁至29岁男性的平均时薪为21.68美元,经通胀因素调整后比2000年降低了7.6%;

    According to the Economic Policy Institute , a left-leaning think tank , entry-level , college-educated men age 23-29 earned an average $ 21.68 an hour in 2011 , an inflation-adjust drop of 7.6 % from 2000 .

  18. 知名的美国华盛顿智库彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstitute)的加里•赫夫鲍尔(GaryHufbauer)和杰弗里•斯科特(JeffreySchott)表示,关注于钢铁供应的众议院版本的法案,只能挽救1000个美国就业岗位。

    A study by Gary Hufbauer and Jeffrey Schott of the Peterson Institute for International Economics , a leading Washington think-tank , says that the House of Representatives ' version of the bill , which focuses on iron and steel provisions , could save just 1,000 US jobs .

  19. 此后,她受邀在美国著名智库做研究工作,其中包括卡特中心、卡耐基国际和平基金会及布鲁金斯学会等等。

    She was also invited to do research work by a number of distinguished American institutions including the Carter Center , the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , and the Brookings Institution .

  20. 美国华盛顿领先智库彼得森国际经济研究所(petersoninstitute)两位贸易专家的研究总结称,如果这项措施引发报复行为,美国损失的就业数量将超过其创造的就业数量。

    A study by two trade experts at the Peterson Institute , a leading Washington think-tank , concludes that if the measure provokes retaliation it could cost more US jobs than it creates .

  21. 非常高兴在金秋时节访问贵国,来到美国著名的智库战略与国际问题研究中心与朋友们见面。

    It is my great pleasure to meet you , my friends , here at this prestigious think tank today during my visit to your country in this golden season of fall .

  22. 在美国,外交政策智库往往拥有规模较大的经济部门。

    In the US , it is perfectly normal for foreign policy think-tanks to have big economics departments .

  23. 美国的一个智库,战略和国家问题研究中心,催促美国快速行动以商讨达成一个美国-东盟自由贸易协定。

    One American think-tank , the Centre for Strategic and International Studies , urges America to move quickly towards negotiating a United States-ASEAN free-trade agreement .

  24. 过去几天里,欧洲和美国的银行、智库和评级机构先后发布了新一轮的警告和研究报告,这些研究估算了一旦希腊债务违约或停止使用欧元,会对欧元区造成多大的损失。

    In the last several days , European and American banks , think tanks and ratings agencies have issued a fresh round of warnings and studies calculating the damage to the currency union if Greece were to default on its debts or stop using the euro .

  25. 朱:非常高兴有机会和美国国会研究部的中国问题专家和美国智库的中国问题专家见面。

    Zhu : I 'm very glad to have the opportunity to meet experts on China with the Research Section of the US Congress and the US Think Tank .