
měi gǎn
  • aesthetic feeling;sense of beauty;aesthetic perception
美感 [měi gǎn]
  • [aesthetic feelings;sense of beauty] 在审美过程中产生的愉悦感

美感[měi gǎn]
  1. 身体意象是指一个人对自己身体,特别是大小、形状和美感的一种多向度(multidimensional)的自我态度,它包括认知、评估和行为意向三部分。

    Body image is multidimensional self-attitude of individual to its body , particularly to size , shape and aesthetic feeling of body , including cognitive , evaluating and behavior intent .

  2. 浅谈如何体现语文教学的美感

    How to Incarnate the Aesthetic Feeling of Chinese Language Teaching

  3. 学生就这些诗的美感展开了辩论。

    The students debated the aesthetic of the poems .

  4. 导演在镜头运用上既富有美感又渲染了气氛,戏剧手法的运用也娴熟自如。

    The director employs sensuous , atmospheric camerawork and deft dramatic touches .

  5. 铁板烧以其独特的烹饪手法,更能体现出法式料理崇尚科学健康搭配,追求精雕细琢、术美感的风格

    The distinct grill cooking , typifies the health-consciousness , meticulousness and artistry of classic French food .

  6. Python社区推动这种美感的态度是非常明确的,它们更加重视的是美学和简洁性,而不是灵动的技巧。

    The Python community is clear about promoting this particular aesthetic , valuing beauty and simplicity over clever hacks .

  7. 符合人体力学设计,看起来更有美感,使用手感舒适。2冲电满后连续使用一小时。3欢迎OEM。

    Compact design meet ergonomical , look more attractive and use comfortably . 2 After charge , continue using for1 hour . 3 OEM is welcome .

  8. 新TRON的耳机捕捉了TRON的世界设计的美感。

    The new TRON Headphones capture the design aesthetic of the world of TRON .

  9. 这些充满美感的细节结合U260非常纤细的设计确实令人着迷。

    But , it 's those aesthetic pieces combined with the U260 's very slender design that really makes it turn heads .

  10. 我相信自然、和谐、平衡和美感。

    I believe in nature , harmony , balance and beauty .

  11. 常用装饰木材表面特性及美感度的研究

    Study on Surface Properties and Aesthetic Perception of Common Decorative Wood

  12. 没有批评就不能前进,文学低俗化是中国文学大潮中的泡沫,游戏人生不可取,消遣人生必须有节制,文学必须给人以美感。

    The literature should bring the feeling of beauty to people .

  13. 饮食之味觉及其美感

    The Sense of Taste and Its Aesthetic Perception of Food

  14. 广告英语翻译中的修辞运用及美感功效

    The Use of Rhetoric and Aesthetical Effect in Translating English Advertising Slogans

  15. 建筑艺术审美的伦理意义论美感与道德感

    Ethical meaning of architectural aesthetic On Aesthetic Feeling and Sense of Morality

  16. 格调高雅的音乐,让人获得高尚的美感。

    Music in elegant taste gives people a noBle feeling of Beauty .

  17. 浅谈书籍装帧艺术中的美感

    On the Senseof Beauty in the Art of Book Binding and Layout

  18. 谈舞蹈中美感意识的培养

    Discussion on the Training of Aesthetic Feeling Awareness in Dancing

  19. 美感我们塑造,不曾消逝黯淡。

    The beauty we fashion cannnot be dimmed by death .

  20. 就像美感因素一样,没有一本书能真正消除政治倾向。

    Once again , no book is genuinely free from political bias .

  21. “感性教学”是运用美、美感和艺术的方式展开的教学活动方式。

    The geist teaching is a method of using aesthetics ?

  22. 激荡爱情和生命力的速度美感。

    Surges the love and the litality speed esthetic sense .

  23. 舒展顺畅。在传统紫砂艺术的基础上有着对美感认识的自我追求。

    On the basis of service to know yourself with aesthetic pursuit .

  24. 这雄心赋予人以色彩,力量和美感。

    It gives colour , force , and beauty to the possessor .

  25. 用这种润肤露,使您的肌肤有超天然的美感。

    This kind of moisturizing lotion adds extra-natural Beauty to your skin .

  26. 这个绘画流派缺乏美感。

    The school of painting has no sense of bauty .

  27. 公文修辞的理性、情感和美感蕴涵

    The Reason , Emotion and Aesthetic Perception in the Rhetoric of Official Documents

  28. 体操教学改革中美感的培养

    Aesthetics Training in the Reform of Gymnastics ' Teaching

  29. 第三部分:美感经验的形成。

    The third part : the formation of the experience of aesthetic feeling .

  30. 此外我国可以在外观设计专利侵权认定中采用美感标准。

    In addition , China can design patent infringement identified by aesthetic standards .